Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 163 Power Gem

Chapter 163 Power Gem
"Ordinary people can't control that thing at all, give it to me!" Lin Xuan, who was sitting on the throne, emerged from the void and said to Xingjue and others of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Immediately, Rocket Raccoon and the others raised their guns subconsciously.

Although this person who appeared suddenly seemed very difficult to mess with, they had experienced so much and had already forgotten what fear was, so they dared to fight any enemy.

However, Xingjue stopped them with a wave of his hand, looked at Lin Xuan and asked, "If we don't give it, will you snatch it?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "No."

"I hope you can do what you say." Star-Lord said, and left with Rocket Raccoon and others, but was attacked by Ronan.

In the same place, Lin Xuan couldn't help showing a smile.

Xingjue is also a wonderful person. He felt that he could not fight against a strong enemy, but he didn't want to hand over the power gem, so he asked Lin Xuan directly if he would snatch it in the spirit of "a gentleman can be bullied well".After Lin Xuan answered "No", he immediately determined that this was a more "gentleman" person, and he turned around and walked away without delay.

Maybe he thought that he had successfully resolved a crisis by relying on his cleverness.

However, the fact is that Lin Xuan really had no intention of snatching from the very beginning: he is not a gentleman, but he is not a villain either, and he has no habit of snatching things from others.The reason why the Reality Gem was snatched from the Dark Elf was because the person who held it was not a good thing in itself, and there was no burden in robbing him.

But this Xingjue, although not good, is definitely not a bad person, so Lin Xuan will not snatch things from him.

In the eyes of many people, this may be naive or even pedantic, but this is Lin Xuan's code of conduct.

He is a temporary worker, a practitioner, not a robber!

"Very good, you didn't lose your mind just because your power became stronger," the system said.

"Bullshit nonsense, I just think that even if I don't snatch it from Xingjue, the power gem will be mine sooner or later." Lin Xuan said, with a thought, he appeared directly on Xandar planet where the Nova Corps is located.

Then taste exotic food, enjoy the alien scenery, and soon wait for Ronan's invasion.

Just like the original plot, Ronan relied on the power gem to beat the Nova Corps with no power to fight back, and Xingjue and others were no opponents at all.Later, he wanted to attract Ronan's attention and took the opportunity to snatch the power gem, but a throne suddenly appeared interrupted him, Lin Xuan sat on it, smiled and said to him: "Hello, we meet again, Star Sir."

"Yes, we meet again." Xingjue greeted, always feeling a little weird.

Mommy, is this the time to chat and say hello?

On the other hand, Ronan was speechless about Lin Xuan who suddenly appeared. It was the first time he saw someone who dared to ignore him like this.

"You are..." Before Luo Nan finished speaking, Lin Xuan interrupted him.

"Shut up, I don't have time to talk to you." Lin Xuan said, turning his head to look at Xingjue, and said again: "I asked you for the power gem before, but you refused to give it to me, but someone snatched it. It must be very unpleasant for people with power gems to fight, right?"

Hearing this, Xingjue nodded and said, "It's really hard."

"God, is this the time to chat about old times?" Rocket Raccoon said.

The others were also stunned.

Next to him is Ronan who is holding a power gem and showing off his power. Is it really appropriate to chat and fart at this time?

"Hey, sir, can you deal with Ronan with us first?" Star-Lord said.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled, shook his head and said, "No."

Star Lord: "..."

He had the feeling that he had met a madman.

Of course, Lin Xuan was not crazy. The reason why he ignored Ronan was because he didn't pay attention to that kind of stuff at all.He didn't agree to join forces with Xingjue because it was unnecessary. With four infinite gems, even if he didn't use his own power, he could instantly kill Ronan by relying on the infinite throne.

But he won't be in a hurry to act. As a person with a small mind, he will not act until Xingjue has had enough fun.

"You're courting death!" After getting the power gem, Ronan had swelled to the point of being defiant, so even though he couldn't see Lin Xuan's depth, he still raised his scepter and urged the power gem to hit him.

As a result, the scepter hit the throne, and it shattered with a "click".

"This..." Rocket Raccoon and the others, who were about to take the opportunity to attack Ronan, were all taken aback.

Xingjue was also stunned.

"Didn't your mother tell you that you are not allowed to hit people with a stick casually?" Lin Xuan caught the power gem with one hand, and tapped it lightly with the other, and Ronan disappeared into nothingness.

After losing the power gem, this Ronan is only in the middle of the second order, and Loki and Thor can beat him.

"God, didn't you say that the ball can't be held by hand?" Rocket Raccoon stared.

"No, it's just that people who are not strong enough can't hold it with their hands. If they are strong enough, the Infinity Stone will be a good weapon." Gamora said: "The reason why Thanos has been looking for this thing is that Because of the ability to control it, the gentleman sitting in the chair in front of him should be the same."

When she spoke, her eyes showed deep fear.

"So, the Power Gem fell into the hands of a more dangerous person?" Xingjue said.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Do you think I'm dangerous?"

Xingjue shook his head and said, "Slip of tongue, I mean you are very strong, at least you have the ability to keep the power gem."

Lin Xuan smiled, but did not speak.

At this time, the people from the Nova Corps arrived, and Queen Xandar said to Lin Xuan: "Sir, the thing in your hand is very dangerous, can you leave it to us for safekeeping?"

"No." Lin Xuan shook his head, pointed to his chair and said, "My Infinity Throne has six holes in total, but only four gems are inlaid on it. On the five holes, don’t you think so?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who knew the Infinity Gem took a breath of cold air.

It is unimaginable to get five out of six gems.

"Well, that gem does go well with your chair, really," Queen Xandar said.

She was really frightened.

"This man, who is better than Thanos?" Drax the Destroyer asked Gamora.

Immediately, Gamora shook his head and said: "I don't know, but Thanos didn't find a single Infinity Stone, he has already found five."

"The universe is so dangerous, I suddenly want to go back to Earth!" said Xingjue.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It just so happens that I'm going back too, so I can give you a lift along the way?"

"You are also from Earth?" Xingjue was taken aback.

"Nonsense, if it wasn't for being a fellow Earthling, I would have taken your power gem away!" Lin Xuan said.Then, he paused, and said again: "However, before returning to Earth, we must first find an alien named 'Ayesha', inquire about information from her, and find the soul gem!"

(End of this chapter)

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