Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 164 Reappearance of Nemesis

Chapter 164 Reappearance of Nemesis
After Lin Xuan left Xandar, he soon came to Soverin where Ayesha was.

Speaking of Ayesha and Sovereign, everyone may be unfamiliar.

However, if you mention the "Golden Man" in the second part of the Guardians of the Galaxy, you will be familiar with it - a person who thinks he has the most perfect genes, is extremely arrogant, and regards other lives as inferior lives Race.They like the golden appearance, even the fighter planes are controlled remotely, and they have to find mercenaries to do some dirty work, and never do it themselves.

Even they don't give birth to offspring in the traditional way, but are hatched from cocoons directly through genetic breeding.

However, although they think they are noble and have serious cleanliness, in fact, under their golden appearance, there is an evil heart hidden.At least the leader of the Golden Man, High Priest Ayesha is not a good person, and the others basically do not do good things when they follow her orders.

Lin Xuan knew what kind of virtue they were, so he was not polite after passing by, and said directly: "Hand over the soul gem, otherwise, the clan will be wiped out!"

In this regard, the golden man was naturally unwilling, and he fought hard and was suppressed forcefully.

However, what Lin Xuan didn't expect was that even under the threat of death, those golden men still gritted their teeth and refused to reveal the whereabouts of the soul gem.

"Is there really someone who is not afraid of death?" Lin Xuan turned Suoweilin Xing upside down, but he couldn't find the soul gem.

In other words, even if he found it, he didn't know it.

The Soul Gem has no mapping information in the main world, or the mapping information is messy. Some information points to the golden man, but there is also information pointing to the earth and Africa. Lin Xuan has no idea which one is correct.However, he had turned his back on Africa a long time ago, and found no trace of the Soul Gem, not even a single thing that might be an Infinity Gem, so the mapping information must be wrong.

But here, the birthplace of the superhero magician Adam, as a user of the soul gem, it is impossible for him to not have the soul gem, right?
However, because it was too early, Adam didn't even have a single cell, and there was no clue about the soul gem.

"Will you really kill them?" Xingjue asked Lin Xuan.

"Kill me, do you think I can kill innocent people randomly?" Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Even if these golden people are not good birds, I can't really kill them, otherwise I will kill them." How is it different from those of Ronan and Thanos? However, even if we don’t kill them, we must find a way to threaten them and get the soul gem.”

Immediately, Xingjue asked: "What way?"

"We need to find an ugly person first, well, Drax the Destroyer is very suitable." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Drax said, "Why are you slandering my looks?"

"No, I mean, you are very threatening." Lin Xuan laughed.

After that, he brought Xingjue and others to Ayesha's place, pointed to Drax and said, "My brother is very angry today, and he wants to find a woman to vent his anger. You are very suitable! Your last chance, either hand over the soul gem, or you will be his tonight!"

Immediately, Ayesha panicked: "No, I can't do that dirty thing with that dirty person."

Drax: "..."

In the end, Ayesha gave in and revealed the whereabouts of the Soul Stone.

"We really don't have soul gems in our hands, only a map, which records the location of soul gems, and I'm about to send people to find them!" Ayesha said, and took out an interstellar map.

After seeing the location marked on the map, Lin Xuan said in one word: "Grass!"

That's nowhere else, just Earth!

The emotional soul gem is still on the earth now.

"Actually, you don't need to bother, just use the Mind Stone to control her, and she will tell you everything," the system said.

Lin Xuan heard the words: "..."

He really forgot that he has a soul gem that can control people's hearts, so why are you beeping so much with the golden man?
Then, he was about to go back, and Odin appeared in front of him in a flash.

"I picked up this thing when I was wandering around. It seems to be an infinite gem." Odin said, and threw a gem containing soul power to Lin Xuan.

"Well, I shouldn't have come here." Lin Xuan said speechlessly.

And without further ado, he inlaid the last gem into it to form the true Infinite Throne.

The next moment, the entire Marvel Universe became a controllable machine in his eyes.

Yes, it is a machine!
Because he came from other worlds and possessed the power of all kinds of magic, he saw the essence of the universe that even the Six Gems Thanos could not see: the entire Marvel world is a huge cosmic machine. Although it is not a man-made world, it is not the same as the man-made world any difference.

Its internal power is fragmented, and the late stage of the god level is the limit. It cannot become a fairy, nor can it prove to be a great emperor.

Because of the system of this world, further up is the authority of cultivation, not one's own cultivation.

The five creator gods who are stronger than Odin, as well as the Celestial God Group, are all products under authority. The reason why they are powerful is because they have control of part of the control authority of the Marvel Universe.The same is true for the infinite stones, a single one can control the authority of a law, and six together can obtain the authority of the goddess of nemesis, thus possessing power beyond the five gods.

The reason why the Tribunal of Life was able to defeat Thanos with Five Gems was because his authority was higher than that of Nemesis.

Why is it high?
Because his authority is directly granted by ONE-ABOVE-ALL, which belongs to the second-level authority of the Marvel universe, and the authority of Nemesis, which is cultivated, is only third-level.

As for the first-level authority, "ONE-ABOVE-ALL" is referred to as "OAA", which is the most supreme god in the Marvel universe and has the absolute right to dominate everything.In the universal system of the heavens and all worlds, he is the embodiment of the will of the world, the Marvel Universe itself.

Yes, OAA is actually the will of the world, Lin Xuan's old acquaintance.

"This is really a wonderful world." Lin Xuan said with emotion.

"Yeah, a wonderful world, with no past and no future, which restricts all life to death, completely cuts off the way forward, neither birth nor death, and can never be freed." A woman's sigh sounded, endlessly lonely, Full of lifelessness, as if completely desperate for the whole world.

In fact, she is indeed completely desperate for the whole world, otherwise she would not choose to kill herself and split into infinite gems.

This woman is none other than the source of the Infinity Stones, Nemesis!
"Host, it's time to give full play to your talents!" The system suddenly said: "Fudge hard, if you can flick this Nemesis to you as a weapon spirit, your Infinity Throne will have the most original power of Infinity Gems. Unexpectedly, it will transform into an extreme imperial weapon that can be used anywhere!"

(End of this chapter)

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