Chapter 165

Hearing the words of the system, Lin Xuan couldn't help being taken aback, and said in amazement: "Doesn't the power of the Nemesis all come from authority? Could it be that after leaving the Marvel world, she can still have the power comparable to the Emperor Shrouding the Sky?"

The power of the Nemesis is comparable to that of the Great Emperor Shrouding the Sky, there is no doubt about it, but the power of the Great Emperor belongs to him, even if he leaves his own world, he will not be weakened in the slightest.But Nemesis is different. Her power comes from the third-level authority of the Marvel universe. She is unparalleled in the Marvel world, but once she goes out, she is only a late-stage god.

Compared with the Great Emperor Shrouding the Sky, this is far, far worse!

"No one stipulates that only one's own power is power. The authority of the universe is also a way of practice. The goddess of nemesis has mastered the power of the emperor for so many years. Even the red dust fairy in the world of shrouding the sky may not be able to use power better than her. Strong, this experience itself is something more precious than emperor-level power, do you understand?" the system said.

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

Because power comes from authority, he does despise the gods of Marvel, but isn't the god of the Marvel world strong?

They are the same!

The definition of the strong is not because of what they are strong, but because they are really strong!

"Besides, because the incarnation of the Infinity Gem has realized life and death, the true spirit of the goddess of nemesis is already changing to the fourth level. It would be a great loss not to fool her into being a weapon spirit, do you understand?" the system added.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan was speechless, and said: "Don't say it, I'm going to fool you!"

Then without delay, he sat on the Infinity Throne, patted the Infinity Gem and said, "Life is so wonderful, why do you choose to give up?"

Hearing this, the Goddess of Nemesis ignored him.

"A creature like a god is born with aloofness." The system said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

After pondering for a while, he did the opposite, cursing: "Mom sells criticism, I'm talking to you!"

Normal people, being scolded like this, would definitely not go unresponsive.

And as long as there is a reaction, it's easy to fool.

However, after being scolded, the Nemesis still didn't respond at all, as if she didn't hear it at all.

At this time, the system said again: "God, beyond appeasement."

"Okay!" Lin Xuan was speechless.

Obviously, for the existence of Nemesis, if you praise her, she will not be happy, and if you scold her, she will not be angry.

How can an existence that even looks down on life and death be so easily irritated?
"Mom sells criticism, I don't believe you can really stay away from it." Lin Xuan was also aroused to be competitive, and continued to prod: "You are called the 'Goddess of Nemesis', and you should have been persecuted before you became a god." Otherwise, I wouldn’t take revenge. Let me think about what kind of persecution it is? Parents abused? Husband abused? Being bullied? Or is it because the children are not filial? Or have they been forcibly occupied?”

This time, instead of ignoring him, Nemesis said, "I'm called 'Nemesis' only because I once avenged a creature, that's all."

"Then your life experience is blank?" Lin Xuan asked.

As a result, Nemesis did not speak again.

"If you don't speak, is it acquiescing?" Lin Xuan said.

But Nemesis ignored him.

"I don't need to say these meaningless words. She is one of the earliest beings in the early days of the universe. She was born with some legal authority. She has no parents and no interpersonal relationships. She is not human at all. Normal life logic cannot Applied to her." The system said: "Except for her gender being female, she does not have any personality manifestation."

"So, her thinking logic is also different from that of humans?" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the system said: "That's right, there is no emotion or desire, otherwise I wouldn't suggest that you take her as a weapon spirit."

"If that's the case, then why am I talking nonsense?" Lin Xuan was speechless.

Then, he patted the Infinity Gem and said, "My Infinity Throne is not perfect yet, and I need to cultivate a spirit in a special way. Since your consciousness hasn't died yet, stay in the throne and be a spirit for me." Bar!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care whether the goddess of nemesis agreed or not, and immediately began to cast spell refining.

Therefore, when the refinement reached the last step, the consciousness of the Infinity Gem directly manifested into Nemesis, and became a tool spirit.


For the first time, it discovered that there are things in the heavens and worlds that it cannot see through.

"No joy or anger, or even giving up on herself, this state is actually the easiest to control, because she will neither agree nor refuse," Lin Xuan said: "The Infinity Stone is the body of the Nemesis, and her consciousness must be It's also on it, I can refine it directly, there is no need to beep with her!"

Hearing this, the system said angrily: "That's because she took the initiative to make the weapon spirit, otherwise you will fail in refining the weapon!"

The things that cannot be seen are not things, but the thoughts of Furies.

"In addition, although the Nemesis has become the weapon spirit of the Infinite Throne, how to subdue it is still a problem." The system said.

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

Then I found that in the Marvel world, I can use the power of the infinite throne, put it in the ring space, and upgrade the ring space through the system extraction method, and I can also use it.But after isolating the corresponding law, he can't use the power of the Infinite Throne itself at all, and the goddess of nemesis is even more cold and cold, ignoring him at all.

"Grass!" Lin Xuan couldn't help but swear.

"Even if you want to be stupid, you have to subdue it first." The system said angrily.

Lin Xuan: "..."

He has a lot of "Mom sells batches" to tell the system, and he has to say it if it is not appropriate, but unfortunately it is useless.

Although the system seems to have a personality and occasionally jokes, it is actually not happy or angry at all, at least it will not react when scolded.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan continued to call out to his weapon spirit, but he didn't respond at all.

He even tried to throw the throne on the ground, but it was the same, the goddess of nemesis who was a weapon spirit didn't care at all.

"Sister Nemesis, can I ask you to speak up?" Lin Xuan almost burned incense and kowtowed.

This time, the Nemesis did not ignore him, and said in a melodious voice: "The Nemesis is just a mortal's name, I don't have that name, from now on, you should still call me 'Queen of Infinity'!"

"Okay, Miss Infinite Queen, let me use your power!" Lin Xuan said.

As a result, the arrogant Artifact Spirit became unresponsive again.

"Grass!" Lin Xuan was so angry that he slapped the Infinite Throne into the ground, then went over, picked it up and put it under his butt.

"As long as she is willing to follow you, then I can judge that she belongs to you, and take her out of the Marvel world when she returns." The system said: "However, you need to choose a suitable place for her to preach, and only in this way, Only the Infinite Throne can truly evolve into the Emperor Soldiers of the Extreme Path."

Lin Xuan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and said in astonishment: "This Nemesis can already prove the Tao?"

"If she hadn't been in Marvel, she would have been able to prove the Tao countless years ago, and she might even have become a fairy in the world of mortals." The system said: "After all, she has lived for countless trillions of years, and she has always held the power of a great emperor during this period. "

"In this way, if Mom sells the batch, she doesn't talk to me, can't it be because my master's cultivation is too bad?" Lin Xuan said in amazement.

Immediately, the system said: "It seems that you are still a little forced!"

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Let's do more missions! Upgrade to level three early, so that you can choose a suitable world and upgrade the Infinite Throne to the Supreme Emperor." The system said again.

(End of this chapter)

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