Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 167 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Chapter 167 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
After arriving in the world of Harry Potter, Lin Xuan transformed his ever-changing overalls into a standard online wizard robe.Then he felt that the color of the hat was wrong, and he transformed again, turning the entire robe into brown.But in this way, the aesthetics are greatly reduced, so I continued to color.

In the end, after tossing and tossing, I feel that no color is suitable.

"Forget it, anyway, I will leave after completing the task, so let's use this color!" Lin Xuan couldn't find a suitable color, so he simply chose Tuhao Gold.

So, a wizard wearing a golden magic robe came to the gate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Dear Your Excellency Lin Xuan, it is a great honor for our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to invite you to teach here." Principal Dumbledore led a group of teachers, and solemnly welcomed Lin Xuan in.

Naturally, the registered identity played a role.

In this world, his identity is the supreme mage who protects the earth from being invaded by the multiverse, an existence equivalent to a god-yes, the supreme mage!Not only that, but he also owns a mage tower called "Holy Sanctuary", which is a treasure in the magic world. Over the years, countless top mages have wanted to see the true face of the Holy Sanctuary, but no one has ever found it.

As for why no one can find it?
It doesn't exist at all, if you can find it, there will be a ghost!
"It goes without saying that you are being polite. I agree with your practice of promoting different magic concepts, so I came here to help you." Lin Xuan said casually: "Magic is something that needs to be bold and open. If you keep your mind limited On a certain level, it is impossible to go far on the road of magic, let alone become an outstanding magician."

He meant something else in this sentence, but whether he can comprehend it depends on Dumbledore's understanding.

Most of the wizards in this world are only in the early stage of extraordinary. As the strongest wizard, Dumbledore is only in the late stage of extraordinary, and there is still a long way to go before the third-order god level.As for the ultimate boss Voldemort, Lin Xuan has never seen it, but judging from his performance in the mapping information, he can only be comparable to Dumbledore at best, and may be weaker.

If he was stronger, he would have led people to attack the magic school, why would he run around like a mouse?
Therefore, there is no reason why the strongest person in the world is Dumbledore.

"Host, don't waste your time. This world is too far away from the third level. Unless you directly open it to him, even if you let go of the limitations of your thinking, Dumbledore will not be able to advance to the god level." The voice of the system rang Get up: "It's those students, because white paper is easy to draw, if they have enough time, they may not be able to cultivate into god-level magicians."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't intend to stay here for decades."

Because after the world is upgraded, he has a lot of mission experience, so every time he goes to a world, he will try to promote the world upgrade. It is good to succeed, but it doesn't matter if he fails, anyway, there is another mission.But even if he could succeed, he would not do such a thing as staying in a mission world for decades.

It's not worth it to spend decades in exchange for those hundreds of experience points.

"It's really not necessary." The system said.

On the other side, after listening to Lin Xuan's words, Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully.

However, a young teacher stood up and said unconvinced: "We follow the rules not because our brains are limited, but because countless sages have found the truth for us and let us understand what is right. If it is what you said , let go of the bottom line completely, let’s all go learn black magic, why not learn ordinary magic?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Xuan.

Dumbledore also smiled and said nothing, obviously wanting to see how the Supreme Mage would answer.

"Magic is magic, what is black and white?" Lin Xuan smiled, shook his head and said, "Your thinking is very rigid! You may not know that at the beginning of the division, white magic refers to those that can bring benefits to oneself and teammates. Magic, such as healing, acceleration, empowerment, etc. Black magic is the magic that debuffs the enemy, which can make the enemy curse, slow down, weaken, and lethargic. "

Hearing this, Dumbledore nodded repeatedly, but the other magic school teachers were all at a loss.

And the young teacher argued: "No matter how we divide it, black magic is a taboo that we should not touch, otherwise we will be eroded and become demons."

"Those whose souls can be eroded by black magic are the weak. Unless the strong are inherently evil, even if they learn black magic, they cannot become demons." Lin Xuan said: "I have studied black magic before, and found One of its sources is Dormammu, the evil god of the dark dimension. So soon, I reached the level equivalent to a god along with magic."

Immediately, the young teacher said in surprise: "You have become a believer of evil gods?"

Although I have never heard of Dormammu, words such as "source of black magic", "dark dimension", and "evil god" undoubtedly show that this is not a good god.

"No, I just beat up Dormammu, and his dark power became mine." Lin Xuan said with a smile: "As for believing in him and praying for strength from him, that doesn't exist. Only the weak Only then will there be that kind of thinking, as a strong person, you need to understand the nature of the power you are after, so as to completely control it."

As he said that, Lin Xuan released a trace of his dark divine power in the middle of the god level, which frightened the young teacher to faint.

"Isn't this psychological quality too bad?" He looked at Dumbledore and said.

Immediately, Dumbledore said: "It is true that black magic and white magic are both magic, so I have not completely banned the practice of black magic, but you are the only supreme mage who is equivalent to God. The evil god, the end result is probably either degeneration or death."

Lin Xuan smiled and did not argue.

The real supreme mages, Ancient One and Doctor Strange, they had a great time with Dormammu, the evil god of the dark dimension.

Then, after taking Lin Xuan to eat a special meal of the magic school, Dumbledore drew out forty children, including Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione, and Malfoy, to form a "special teacher" class".Lin Xuan is the class teacher and is responsible for everything in teaching.Dumbledore, on the other hand, was in charge of arranging food and accommodation.

That afternoon, the first class started.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Lin Xuan. I am your homeroom teacher for this semester, responsible for teaching you magic." After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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