Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 168 Lesson 1

Chapter 168 The First Lesson
Although he has never learned the magic of this world, his strength is there, and Lin Xuan's knowledge of magic is definitely not low.But here comes the problem. The magics he has mastered are super-long-distance teleportation or distorting buildings. Whether Dumbledore can learn this kind of powerful magic is a question. Is it really suitable to teach Harry Potter them?

Definitely not suitable!
Although Lin Xuan himself, Gu Yi, Doctor Strange, and the others released those magics easily, in fact, those magics are not free. The reason why it is easy to release them is entirely because they are all third-order god-level powerhouses , its own strength is strong enough to afford that price.

Just like a billionaire, he doesn't care about the phone bill when he makes a phone call.

But Harry Potter and the others are all children, at most they have a faint magic power, where can they release those magic powers?

Even if a gifted child learns it and releases it, his vitality will be overdrawn!
Really didn't know what to teach, Lin Xuan coughed his throat, pretended to say: "Today is the first day of class, I won't teach you anything, let's have a chat, talk about why you want to learn magic, and what to do in the future What kind of magician will you become when you grow up?"

It's all bullshit, killing time, but without it, he has nothing to teach.

He doesn't know the simple magic at the entry level.

He has already made up his mind that he must spend tonight in the school library, and he will never be forced to come out unless he has learned all the basic magic.

"Aren't wizards the same as wizards?" Harry Potter asked a seemingly silly question.

Immediately, someone who knew the difference between a magician began to chuckle.

But Lin Xuan didn't care, anyway, he was just trying to delay time, so he said with a smile: "The difference is big, some magicians can only use magic skillfully, and a lot of ordinary people can kill him by surrounding them. And some magicians , then masters the forbidden spell that can destroy the city, and 1 ordinary people are no match for him. What's more, mastering the elemental power condenses his own godhead, almost immortal, which is no different from a god."

As soon as these words came out, all the children showed yearning expressions.

The magic power that can destroy the city, the immortal magic gods, these are things they have never touched.

In fact, even Dumbledore had never heard of these things.

"Then teacher, our dean Dumbledore, what level of magician is he?" a little girl asked.

Immediately, all the children looked at Lin Xuan curiously.

"I think it would be more convincing for Principal Dumbledore to tell you this question," Lin Xuan said.

He couldn't bear to tell those children that the principal Dumbledore you admire is just an ordinary magician, and he doesn't even know a powerful forbidden spell.

"Although many people think that I am the most outstanding magician in the magic world, in fact, I have only mastered ordinary magic. I don't know the kind of forbidden spell that can destroy cities. The entire magic world except your teacher Lin , and no one will." Dumbledore said frankly: "As for the godhead, unfortunately, when I was in school, my teacher didn't tell me about that, so it was the first time I knew that the end of magic is success. god."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled, but did not speak.

There is actually a big difference between godhead and godhead: ordinary godhead, the kind of thing that is purely condensed by elemental power, is actually not powerful, even the ultimate ancient god is only third-order, and the strength of the owner is comparable to that of the sky-shattering god. The Great Emperor is equal, but weaker than the Red Dust Immortal.

Only a godhead condensed by one's own strength, such as the godhead of Panlong World, can ignite the divine fire and become a true god.

Of course, the heavens and worlds are so big, there are always some exceptions.

But in this Harry Potter world, at best, the elemental godhead can be condensed, and that is far from the end of magic.

"Teacher, are you a mixed blood or a pure blood?" a child suddenly asked.

This child Lin Xuan has the impression that he is a supporting role who is both good and evil. His name is Malfoy. The deepest impression on people is that he, as a pure-blood magician, looks down on mixed-blood very much.

"What do you think is mixed blood and what is pure blood?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"Like me, my parents are magicians, and there is noble blood flowing in my body, that is pure blood." Malfoy said.Then he pointed at Ron and the others, and said, "Among their parents are Muggles who don't know magic, they are of mixed blood. They are born lower than my magic darling."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the classroom changed immediately.

Compared with pure blood, mixed blood and even wizards whose parents are ordinary people, there are undoubtedly more wizards.

"This kind of brat needs to be trained well!" the system said.

Lin Xuan deeply agreed, so he smiled and said to Malfoy: "People whose parents are magicians, with magic power flowing in their blood, are indeed more suitable for learning magic than ordinary people. But in my opinion, you are not pure blood either. Not even blood to speak of, just a Muggle."

Immediately, Malfoy was stunned, and asked in astonishment, "Why?"

After all, he is a child, and his thinking may be a little biased, but he still cares about the opinions of adults.

"Because only the children of gods are the true favorites of magic!" Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Only those whose parents are both god-level magicians can be called 'pure blood'. It's not god level, but it's a mixed blood. And the parents are not gods, they are ordinary people, which is what you often call Muggles."

Hearing this, Malfoy almost cried, and murmured, "That's not what my parents said."

"Do people like you really exist?" asked Harry Potter.

"No, but it doesn't really matter." Lin Xuan said: "The reason why a child of God is honorable is because his parents are gods. In other words, it is his parents who are honorable, not himself. Similarly , Your talk about pure blood and mixed blood is also meaningless, because whether a magician is noble or not depends not on his blood, but on himself."

"Myself?" Harry Potter, Malfoy and others all showed puzzled expressions.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: "You are still too young to be exposed to the cruelty of the magic world, and you don't know that the law of the jungle is the eternal law. All in all, strong magic power is the foundation of your foothold in this world. Even a Muggle-born mage, if he condenses the godhead, he is also a noble god!"

Immediately, most of the children showed confused expressions.

Only Harry Potter, his eyes seemed to brighten up.

Then, feeling that the time was still too early, Lin Xuan said again: "A magician without close combat ability is definitely not a qualified magician. Otherwise, teacher, I will teach you some fighting skills first!"

As soon as this remark came out, the principal Dumbledore, who was observing, was immediately stunned.

ps: This volume is a bit difficult to write, so the update is slow.However, there is no Harry Potter in "Myriad Realms", and it seems to be imperfect, so it is difficult to write and must be written.However, there are only a few chapters in this volume, and the update will be accelerated from the next volume.

(End of this chapter)

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