Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 169 Dumbledore's painting style has changed...

Chapter 169 Dumbledore's painting style has changed...

"Can magic be used in hand-to-hand combat?" a student asked.

"Of course." Lin Xuan smiled and said, "If not, I'll give you a demonstration so that you can see what real magic looks like."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and brought all the students, along with Dumbledore who was listening, to Kunlun Mountain.

"This..." Dumbledore was dumbfounded.

Teleporting tens of thousands of miles with a wave of hands, and bringing so many people with him, this ability to change the world is worthy of being the legendary supreme mage who is equivalent to a god.As for why he knew that he had teleported thousands of miles, it was very simple. Dumbledore had been to the magic school for thousands of miles, but this was his first time visiting this place.

"This is the 'battle magic shield' of the supreme mage lineage." Lin Xuan said, releasing the iconic "magic golden wheel" of the ancient lineage.

Immediately, Dumbledore's gaze stayed on his hands, and he never wanted to leave.

At this time, he was almost more like a student than Harry Potter and the others.

"Now, I use my mind to cast spells to simulate various magical attacks." Lin Xuan said, casting magic, condensing fireballs, stone pillars, lightning, strong winds, and hailstones to hit himself.

Then, he waved the "Magic Golden Wheel" with both hands, extinguished the fireball, blocked the stone pillar, isolated the lightning, and bounced back the gust of wind.

The hail turned into water, but it couldn't get close to him.

Finally, he jumped up and slapped the ground violently. The ground with a radius of several hundred meters was like a spider web and collapsed more than ten meters down.

Seeing this situation, all the students opened their mouths in shock.

"Oh, my God, terrible power, terrible casting speed." Dumbledore exclaimed.

But the next moment, his expression changed.

"No, it's a big avalanche!" Harry Boot said, pointing to a mountain several thousand meters high in the distance.

"Come on, work your magic and get the students away," said Dumbledore.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and shook his head.

Then he turned his head and said to the students: "Today, the teacher will show you the power of the magic shield of the forbidden level!"

As he said that, with a thought in his mind, the "Magic Golden Wheel" in his hand quickly grew bigger, covering himself, Dumbledore and forty students in it.Immediately afterwards, the heavy snow accumulated over many years collapsed from the mountain and hit the magic shield.The snow was mixed with rocks, and the huge gravity shook the ground.

However, Lin Xuan's magic shield didn't shake at all, and the students inside didn't suffer the slightest damage.

"Forbidden magic is so powerful?" Dumbledore said in shock.

Immediately, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's more than that."

Following the sound, he pushed his hands violently, making the "Magic Golden Wheel" bigger, and then rushed forward facing the avalanche, shooting all the falling snow back to the top of the mountain.

Not only that, the mountain was also pushed by him, and it moved back dozens of miles.

"It's over." Lin Xuan clapped his hands and said.

The avalanche is still going on, but because of the lateral movement of the mountain, no one can be hurt.

"Buy Karma." Malfoy exclaimed.

He suddenly discovered that compared with this kind of god-level magician who can dominate the mountains and rivers, the so-called "pure blood" that his family has always been proud of is simply a joke.

"Okay, the demonstration is over." Lin Xuan waved his hand and brought everyone back to the classroom.

The students came to their senses and found that the previous experience was like a dream.

But the soil under the feet has not yet dried, but there is no doubt that it is not a dream, but a real demonstration!

"Next, I will teach you a footwork, its name is 'Lingbo Weibu'..." Lin Xuan said.

The day's class ended quickly, and after dinner in the evening, Lin Xuan spent the whole night in the library.

"It turns out that after the power of the soul is mixed with the elements, it is the real power of the elements. It's just that it's a bit difficult to fill the cells with this thing!" In the morning, Lin Xuan chatted with the system and walked out of the library.

As a result, during the meal, a female magician's sigh came to his ears: "You have changed, you are no longer the Dumbledore I knew!"

Looking in the direction of the sound, Lin Xuan immediately widened his eyes: Dumbledore at this time changed his magic robe into a light tights, didn't wear his magic hat, and even cut his hair into a short hair.He held a wand made of fine steel in his hand, and he stepped on the waves, and the magic power surged, smashing a dining table into the air.

Then turning the chair into stone, he laughed and said to the others: "I can feel that I have reached a new level in the field of magic."

Lin Xuan heard the words: "..."

It is indeed a brand new realm, Nima, the painting style has almost changed from a magician to a knight!
Afterwards, Dumbledore combined teleportation with lingbo microsteps, threw magic bullets around and said: "Super high moving speed, flexible release, even with the simplest magic attack, now I can hit ten My former self! Haha, if any of you want to learn, you can come to me, and I will take you into a new field of magic!"

In the end, Lin Xuan, who couldn't stand it anymore, went straight to the classroom without having breakfast.

"Today, I will teach you meditation, and the basics of the 'Magic Golden Wheel', drawing circles!" Lin Xuan said.

In this way, he taught during the day and studied magic at night, and quickly mastered the magic of this world thoroughly.

However, he has never been able to develop the method of transforming the vitality of all things into elemental power. Therefore, after the magic power has reached the level of Dumbledore, he can no longer practice it. The way he cultivates is to use the method of swallowing the sky directly Swallow elements, if you continue to swallow, this world will be downgraded!
"It seems that if you want to cultivate the magic power to full value, you must promote the world to upgrade." Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, the system said: "Then don't hesitate, start hanging!"

Henceforth, in his office, Lin Xuan analyzed the principles of martial arts such as "Northern Darkness Art", and began to create cheats for Harry Potter and the others.

As for why it was Harry Potter and them, not Dumbledore?
A child is like a blank sheet of paper, well-behaved and easy to draw.

And Dumbledore, that old fellow was poisoned by the "Battle Mage", and he was studying battle magic all day long, and his moves were almost as good as the six sects besieging Bright Peak!
"Host, Voldemort resurrected early and stole part of your manuscript." The system said suddenly.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was taken aback, and asked, "Which part of the manuscript?"

"King Kong is indestructible." The system said.

"Oh, that's fine, as long as it's not 'Bei Ming Swallowing the Sky'." Lin Xuan said.

He didn't care about Voldemort's theft of the manuscript. Not everyone who got the "King Kong Is Not Bad" can become right and wrong, and not everyone who practiced that martial art can advance like Tianchi strange man God level.

Also, and more importantly, this is the wizarding world.

Use magic power to practice the indestructible magic of Vajra, who knows what you will get out of it!

(End of this chapter)

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