Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 172 Grab a coolie first!

Chapter 172 Grab a coolie first!
In the world of power kings, the Kokubun Prison incident was full of uproar.

There were hundreds of prisoners who escaped. For a while, not only ordinary people were in fear, but even the nearby policemen and high-ranking officials couldn't sleep or eat.But because all the files were handed over to the private prison, they were burned by Li Wang, even if someone wanted to arrest them, they couldn't do anything.

And at this moment, a young man became the new warden of that private prison.

The task of arresting the criminal and bringing him to justice was suddenly placed on his shoulders.

"I send someone to catch it, and I go to catch it myself, can the task be completed the same?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

Immediately, the system said: "Yes."

"Then grab a coolie and let him arrest the criminal for me!" Lin Xuan laughed.

At this time, his magic power practice has reached full capacity, and his power has doubled again, reaching the terrifying 120 eight times the middle stage of the god level.But it wasn't until then that he discovered that simply increasing his strength, even if it reached a thousand times, ten thousand times, or even a billion times that of the middle stage of the god level, it was impossible to cultivate all kinds of divine power.Even in the later stage, no matter how many times it is doubled, the actual combat power will not increase much.

Because this is only a quantitative improvement, it cannot cause a qualitative change. Even if it is improved to the extreme, it can only be invincible in the third-order god level, which is too far from the "Supreme of Ten Thousand Laws" that the system calls.

To put it simply, no matter how high he is promoted, he can only crush Emperor Zhetian, but he can't beat Ye Fan before becoming immortal, nor can he beat Emperor Huangtian before becoming immortal. Xian's previous combat power was also one point short - because he didn't have enough power to break the shackles of the fourth level, and he couldn't match the real fairy god.

Just like Dormammu, no matter how powerful he is, he is not Lin Xuan's opponent. After all, there is a difference in quality.

So Lin Xuan planned to grab a coolie to help him with the task, while he retreated to study the direction of practice.

"You should have discovered that your prototype of 'Wanfa Shenli' lacks core strength?" The system said: "Everything in the world is my way, but my way cannot be interpreted by all ways in the world. This is the real truth." "Supreme of ten thousand dharmas". Otherwise, if you rely on other dharmas, when others understand the way of 'breaking dharma' and break through all dharmas in the world, wouldn't they be able to easily defeat you?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded, and took out the reward from the last mission - the Talisman of Enlightenment.

However, he didn't use it immediately, but took a look at it and put it away, got up and walked out of the prison.


In the center of the city, in a park, a young man is lying on a chair drinking.

"King He Li, a former prisoner of Kokubun Prison, a rare kung fu master in the world, knows Qigong, and after killing the former warden of Kokubun Prison, he led hundreds of prisoners to escape, causing a large-scale public panic." Lin Xuan walked over and said with a smile : "Now that private prison has been taken over by me, go back with me to be a coolie, and pay for the crimes you committed!"

Immediately, King He Li's face became serious.

No one who dared to open a private prison was a simple character.

"What if I don't go back with you?" King He Li said.

The reason why he was imprisoned not long ago was not because he killed someone, but because his girlfriend was killed by a drug lord. He hated drugs, so he deliberately surrendered himself to investigate the source of drugs.So after knowing the existence of the poppy field, they burned it without hesitation, and didn't even care about their own life and death afterwards.

But normal people would never like to stay in prison, so he escaped after killing the evil warden.

At this time, Lin Xuan came to arrest him, and he would not simply arrest him, because he really didn't want to stay in a place like a prison.

"I know you can do qigong, so even if you know you are here, no one dares to come and arrest you." Lin Xuan said with a light smile, "However, if you dare to take over a private prison, especially if the prisoner rioted and killed the warden not long ago. How can that kind of prison work without two hands? If you don’t want to go back, then I can only knock you down first, and then find a car to pull you back.”

Hearing this, King He Li said blankly: "The original warden can also kung fu, and he is still my classmate, but now he only has one head left!"

"I'm different from him." Lin Xuan shook his head.

Then he waited for King Li to make a move, but after waiting for a long time, he found that King He Li had no intention of making a move at all.

"If you can find a reason for me to go back, I will go back with you." King He Li said.

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

It has to be said that even if his strength is not worth mentioning, this King of Li is still a wonderful person.

"I happen to have something to show you, come with me!" Lin Xuan said, and took King He Li to an underground drug trafficking place, where a prisoner who escaped with King Li was selling drugs.

Seeing this, King He Li's eyes were red at that moment.

"I let you out to let you go home, what are you doing now?" King Li roared angrily.

"Li Wang?" The man was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a pistol from his waist and shot King Li in the chest.

Naturally, the bullets from this mere pistol could not threaten Li Wang. The prisoner was soon beaten to the head by the furious Li Wang and died.But after killing that person, King Li fell to his knees powerlessly on the ground—not because he was tired or injured, but because he suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

He really didn't expect that he would let such a person go out.

How is this any different from directly harming someone?
"To be honest, your burning of the poppy field is really satisfying. If I were you, I would do it too." Lin Xuan patted Li Wang on the shoulder and said, "But the prisoners in the prison are all criminals after all. People make mistakes unintentionally, so it doesn’t matter if you let them go, but some people are extremely vicious, and you let them go out for the sake of a tiger!"

Then he paused, and said again: "Maybe because of your letting go, many people will lose their girlfriends just like you."

"Stop talking!" Li Wang couldn't take it anymore, covered his head and said, "I was wrong, you kill me!"

"I..." Lin Xuan was speechless.

"The host's magic skill of fooling around is good at it." The system said.

"Ahem, I didn't come here to kill you. It's useless to kill you. The criminals have already escaped. What can I make up for by killing you?" Lin Xuan helped King Li and said, "Your original intention is not Wrong, so there is still a chance to make amends! Go back with me and capture those criminals who have not repented one by one, so that they will get the punishment they deserve!"

Hearing this, King He Li's eyes lit up immediately.

That's right, although I released those people by mistake, if someone did evil, I can catch them back again!
"I'll go back with you, those criminals who went out to do evil, I will catch them all!" Li Wang said.

There is no doubt that he was limped by fools!
ps: I watched a few episodes of Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker, and then... time flies so fast!
(End of this chapter)

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