Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 173 Using the Enlightenment Talisman

Chapter 173 Using the Enlightenment Talisman

When Li Wang and Lin Xuan returned to the prison and saw the sign on the gate, they were immediately stunned: the dilapidated signboard that originally said "Kuofen Prison" had taken on a new look, and the words had also been changed to "Li Wang Prison" .

"Why is it called King Li Prison?" King He Li asked.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "The secret of heaven must not be revealed."

Does this deity feel that the original name is ugly, but can't think of other suitable names, should I tell you this too?
Then, Lin Xuan led King Li to the dormitory. When he saw the small courtyard alone, the latter said in astonishment: "Isn't this the way prisoners are treated?"

"I never said you were a prisoner!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said, "You are a prison guard, and you are the captain of all the prison guards in the entire prison. You are in charge of everything about prison security. Of course, you have assistants. If you If you don’t want to ask those little things yourself, you can let the assistant handle it for you, you just need to rest assured and catch the prisoner.”

Hearing this, Li Wang was stunned.

But Lin Xuan didn't care if he was confused or not, he took Li Wang to walk around the entire prison, and after telling others to listen to him, he took out the "Enlightenment Talisman" given to him by the system, and began to retreat.

The Dao Enlightenment Talisman is definitely a rare treasure: it can bring people's consciousness into a hypothetical future, allowing practitioners to realize the power that belongs to the future self, and then understand their own way, so that they can advance all the way on the road of practice, and reach the destination. The realm of perception does not take any detours.

Of course, there is an upper limit to this, the stronger one's own way is, the shorter the future one can comprehend.

"The original Talisman of Dao Enlightenment can probably make Emperor Zhetian feel the realm of the red dust fairy. The Talisman of Enlightenment produced by this system involves the mighty power of time and space, and can allow a strong Emperor Zhetian to comprehend the realm of the fairy king in the perfect world. And if After becoming the Immortal Emperor, the Huangtian Emperor can use it to feel the power of the 'Heaven-Defying Level' powerhouse above the Immortal God. The specifics vary from person to person, and they can all cross a large realm." The system said: "But you just Don't think about it, let alone the next level, it is very difficult to perfectly imitate the power of the 'Wanfa Supreme', so all you can understand is some key parts, I hope you can gain something."

After speaking, Lin Xuan only felt his world spinning for a while, and then he appeared in a golden temple.

Through his spiritual sense, he was able to find out that this temple was called Daleiyin Temple.

"This is the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss?" Lin Xuan asked in astonishment.

"The cultivation of the primordial spirit can only rely on oneself, and outsiders can't help, but the merits and virtues can make a person improve the primordial spirit faster, and practicing Buddhism can also strengthen the Dao heart and improve the primordial spirit." Tathagata looked at Lin Xuan and said : "The belief of the living beings in the world can also improve the primordial spirit, but incense is poisonous. If you are believed by people with bad thoughts, it will hinder your practice. Therefore, when you meet believers who do not do good things, you must kill him!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan was immediately stunned, and said, "Why doesn't this sound like what the Buddha said?"

"Nonsense, this is the world built by this system. What you see is not the Buddha, but this system." The "Tathagata" in front of him said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

The next moment, his Dharma practice increased suddenly, reaching the "Buddha" realm, and then the power of the primordial spirit filled the cells, so that the power of the whole person was directly raised to a thousand times the level of the same level.However, this same level is not the middle stage of the god level, but the late stage of the god level. He advanced because of the promotion of the primordial spirit.

After that, the surrounding scenery changed, and he appeared in the Naruto world and began to practice Chakra.

But I soon discovered that ninjutsu can be used casually after learning it once. The power of chakra does not need to be cultivated at all-it is useless to cultivate. To become stronger, there is no need to practice other systems to improve strength.

Then, the surroundings changed again, appearing in a broken starry sky.

Not far away, a stalwart figure was unparalleled in strength. He had seen that figure before, and it was the Great Emperor Wushi.

"Is this the world that covers the sky?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, the "Emperor Wushi" said: "Yes, according to the future fragments captured by this system, the 'extreme sublimation' of Emperor Zhetian is a key step for you to cross the late stage of the god level. You must use what you have mastered. Only by proving the Dao in each system can you skip the level of the Great Emperor and directly advance to the 'Emperor of Heaven' realm of Ye Fan, Huang Tiandi and others!"

Following the sound, Lin Xuan's various powers proved the truth one after another.

As for him himself, he directly possesses ten thousand times the power of a heavenly emperor, and he can kill ordinary mortals with a flick of his fingers, and even the undead emperor can't withstand his random blow.

Even, his fine hair can smash through the fairy weapon when it falls!
"I'm going, isn't the power of the Supreme Ten Thousand Laws too strong?" Lin Xuan blasted the universe, blasted the fairyland, and stood in the void thinking about life.

Immediately, the system's voice sounded: "Chicken Feather, you are still one critical step away from Wanfa Supreme."

"Ah?" Lin Xuan was taken aback.

Then the surrounding scenery changed and turned into the Golden Zodiac, and at this time, he was fighting against Mr. Mu.

"This is the world of saints?" Lin Xuan muttered, suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked in amazement, "Where is my power?"

At this time, he was actually fighting with the golden saint with the strength of a mortal.

The result was naturally that he was beaten into the air and fell to the ground half dead.

"I don't know. At this point, the system can no longer see through you!" the system said.

After that, he continued to fight, and was constantly beaten into the air. Pain, scars, fatigue, and negative states began to erode his will.But he didn't fall down. Instead, he stood up again and again until he exploded... Although he can use all the skills of a saint, he doesn't have a small universe. What burns and explodes is his own will.

In the end, the truly infinite power—the will, covered the whole body, filled the cells, and awakened his Wan Dao.

Before he had time to feel it, because of the movement of his body, the entire fantasy world was shattered.

"Wanfa Supreme, Wanfa is just an appearance, and the word 'Supreme' is the key!" Lin Xuan woke up in the world of King of Power, and suddenly realized: "Without the support of will, no matter how strong it is, it is limited. Only when it is perfectly combined with will Only the 'ten thousand ways' can be my way, and only then can I forge the invincible 'ten thousand laws and supernatural power'!"

After speaking, he tried to practice Buddhism and Chakra, but found that his method was wrong.

"That's a fictional world. The things in it, except for one's own way, are all illusory, and you can't practice in reality." The system said.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I know."

He just tries, without any expectations.

"Oh, now I suddenly feel that I'm really weak!" Lin Xuan sighed.

At this time, King Li pushed a prisoner into the prison, and said to the jailer, "This is the last one, a big drug lord. It took me a lot of effort to catch him. You have to watch closely, don't let him escape." !"

ps: "Heaven-Defying Level" powerhouses can open up a perfect world. This is the setting of the original work of the Great God Chendong. If this level is placed above the Immortal Emperor, no one should have any objections, right?

(End of this chapter)

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