Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 174 King Li, the Warden's seat is here for you!

Chapter 174 King Li, the Warden's seat is here for you!

"Has the task been completed?" Lin Xuan asked the system.

Immediately, the system said: "It's done, but there are very few points, only the most basic five hundred."

"This king of power is quite efficient!" Lin Xuan said.

As long as he can complete the task quickly, he doesn't expect to get more points at all, because this task is to arrest four people by name, and there is no such thing as overcompletion.No matter how you catch them, even if the whole family and even eighteen generations of ancestors are caught, the points will not change at all.

As for the promotion of the world, the power king's world is too far away from the third level, so it's worth not mentioning it.

"This system must remind the host of one thing, not how efficient Li Wang is, but the time, three years have passed!" said the system.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was stunned, and said in astonishment, "One epiphany for three years?"

"This is really extremely fast. It's not uncommon for a practitioner to have an epiphany for thousands of years at a time," the system said.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan thought about it and felt relieved.

It is normal for high-level practitioners, such as people in the wild world, to retreat for hundreds of millions of years at a time. His epiphany has only been three years this time, which is indeed not long.

"This is definitely the easiest task for me, bar none." Lin Xuan said.

A day later, in the warden's office, he handed a document to King He Li.

"I have replaced the legal person of this prison with you. From today on, you are the warden of Liwang Prison!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Immediately, King He Li shook his head and said, "I don't want to be the warden."

"I tell you to do it, you do it, don't refuse." Lin Xuan said, lifted King He Li, and pressed him on the warden's seat.

Immediately, King He Li showed a shocked expression.

"Why are you so strong?" King He Li tried to move a few times, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand up.

"In the future, don't fight with others casually, cultivate your energy more, and don't use violence to solve problems that can be solved with your brain." Lin Xuan smiled slightly and said: "The position of the warden is given to you, do it well, so that At least your life will never lose its meaning."

After speaking, he started to return and left this world.

On the spot, King Li stared in horror.


"This is the main world, Earth, it's really uncomfortable to stay here." Back home, Lin Xuan felt that it was even more difficult to breathe.

"Normally, the sky and the earth are like water, and practitioners are the fish that live in it. Reiki is equivalent to oxygen. When it is scarce to a certain extent, big fish will feel uncomfortable and even die directly." Divine power'! At that time, all the Taos in the world will gather in one body, and maybe you can rely on your own strength to speed up the recovery of spiritual energy."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was speechless, and said: "If I have cultivated myriad magic powers, I don't have to care about whether the spiritual energy has recovered!"

Then, he opened the special mission worksheet.

Work unit information: Daoist Duobao saw the decline of Jiejiao, and wanted to do something, but he was powerless.At this time, the master Bo Taishang sage found him and pointed out a bright way-to establish Buddhism and divide the luck of Western religions.Therefore, Taoist Duobao gathered his little friends, as well as Taoist disciples who did not get enough benefits in the battle of conferring gods, and went to Xiniu Hezhou.

Task completion conditions: Help Tathagata establish a religion and spread Mahayana Buddhism all over Tianzhu.

Remuneration: Living Buddha status on earth.

Friendly reminder: In view of the fact that the mission world level is too high and the host's trip is dangerous, a temporary "cause and effect lock" is specially opened, that is, as long as the host does not create a "cause", he can not bear all "effects".

"Nimma, is this the Conferred God World?" Lin Xuan felt a dangerous aura rushing towards his face.

"Don't worry, there is a 'cause and effect lock', as long as you don't kill yourself, your life will not be in danger." The system said: "You will not suffer any 'effect', in simple terms, when you encounter a battle, As long as you don't fight back, no one, no matter how high their cultivation is, can't hurt you at all."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was relieved.

Then, he asked again: "Then what is the 'Living Buddha Status'?"

"Buddha fruit status is equivalent to the identity card of a fifth-level powerhouse. Although you cannot improve your strength, in terms of personality, you will become a fifth-level powerhouse and can do many incredible things." The system said: "For example, When you enter the world of Journey to the West to Conquer Demons, you can use the book "Three Hundred Children's Songs" that only Chen Xuanzang can use, and the summoned "God's Palm of Tathagata" is even bigger than his."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded and said, "This ability is not bad."

"In addition, the chickens, ducks, and geese that you eat will be saved." The system added.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Nima, I've eaten them all, it's no wonder if I don't "extend".

"It's not a joke. Literally, they can really be saved. After death, they will be exempted from all suffering in hell and reincarnated directly." The system said: "Although they will still be chickens, ducks, or geese after reincarnation, they may be eaten by you again. Or be eaten by others, but they are indeed transcended, this is an indisputable fact."

Lin Xuan was speechless and said, "Why do I feel that it is a super ghost?"

The system is silent.

After a while, he said: "When the Buddha is in the body, you will always have a place in Buddhism. If you meet a disobedient monk, you can teach him directly by manifesting your spirit. It is absolutely righteous."

Immediately, Lin Xuan was confused and said: "Isn't it completely useless except for those tasteless functions?"

"How is it possible? After becoming a Buddha, the speed of your cultivation of the primordial spirit will be significantly accelerated." The system said: "In addition, as the cultivation level of Buddhism improves, your will will become more tenacious. In the long run, although there is no direct Ascension, but it is helpful for you to cultivate the myriad magic powers."

"In this case, it will be very useful!" Lin Xuan finally calmed down.

"Nonsense, special tasks, how can rewards be useless!" the system said.

"What is the status of registration this time?" Lin Xuan asked.

"No identity is the best identity." The system said: "Otherwise, if you know who you are, those who do tasks with you will not be easy to get along with."

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then said in astonishment, "You mean?"

"Except for the initiator of the task, Daoist Duobao, who was later the Tathagata Buddha, no one else is a good stubble!" Is your competitor, in the end, it depends on your ability whether you get the top Buddha status or an ordinary Buddha status!"

"I'm going to compete with those big guys, what can I win?" Lin Xuan was speechless.

"Preaching is not based on cultivation, but on wisdom. You may not be incapable of fighting." The system said: "In addition, although you can't beat anyone in that world, but there is a 'karma lock', it is impossible for others to win." You, even if the sages of the Heavenly Dao make a move, you can't!"

ps: The fourth change is completed, and the first large copy will start tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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