Chapter 175

In the Western Regions, on the way to Xiniu Hezhou Tianzhu, Taoist Duobao said to the people around him: "After leaving Dongsheng Shenzhou, we will no longer be Taoist disciples. All the grievances and entanglements in the past, and all the glories in the past will be far away from us." Go. No one knows what the future will look like, if any of you feel like quitting, there is still time to leave now."

At this time, everyone was at the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, at the junction with Xiniu Hezhou.

That step is the difference between the East and the West, and it is from Taoist orthodoxy to an uncertain future.

Yes, an uncertain future!
At this time, Buddhism has not yet been established, and Western religion has been tepid because of the poor soil and water. Even the saints Jieyin and Zhunti gave up continuing to preach.But Xiniu Hezhou, after all, is a continent as big as Dongsheng Shenzhou, with the same amount of luck. If you can establish a religion in this place, you may not be able to grow stronger and compete with Taoism.

Of course, it is also very possible that the establishment of the religion will fail, and it will be wiped out under the calamity!

"Senior Brother, there is no need to say much. Since we have chosen to come, we have naturally let go of everything and will not miss the past any longer." Daoist Cihang said: "As for the future, whether we jump out of immeasurable kalpas or die, we are all to blame. My own choice, even if it is lost forever, I will have no regrets."

Then, Ran Deng also said: "There is no place for us in the heavenly court, and we cannot prove the fruit of the heavenly dao by ourselves. Even if we survive, we will surely die next time."

"That's right, if you succeed, you will live, if you fail, you will die. There is no retreat." Manjusri also said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan who was following in the team asked doubtfully: "You are all Daluo Jinxian, who jumped out of the Three Realms and are not in the Five Elements. Could it be that you can't protect yourself in the calamity?"

Immediately, Manjusri sighed and shook his head.

"Fellow Daoist, you are a casual cultivator. Although you responded to Brother Duobao's call to go to Tianzhu with us, you probably don't know what we are going to do?" said Master Cihang.

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "I really don't know."

His quota was determined by the Dao of Heaven, and he was in the team when he traveled directly. Apart from knowing how many people are going to the west to establish Buddhism, he has no idea why he established a religion and what benefits it has.If he hadn't heard from everyone's conversation that their situation was extremely difficult, he wouldn't have opened his mouth at all.

It is Lin Xuan's style to come here purely to do tasks, and leave after completing the tasks.

"It's no wonder, casual cultivators, how could they know those things?" Cihang sighed, and said, "Our trip is to establish a religion, and take away the luck of the Western religion to replace it! Only in this way can we accumulate enough merit Luck, the true spirit transcends this world and goes to the Supreme Heaven!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in astonishment: "Do you know that there is no heaven?"

Before coming here, he had passed through Wandu and exchanged for the geographical knowledge about the "Three Realms of Myth": The Three Realms are divided into two places, the "Big Three Realms" and the "Small Three Realms". Added together, it is the predecessor of the main world where Lin Xuan lives.

Of course, in the Dharma-ending Era, the heavens and the earth have been shattered and split into endless starry sky.

The Great Three Realms, on the other hand, are the Supreme Heaven, the Nine Nether Heavens, and the Lord World and Human World. They are three connected seventh-order worlds, and their vastness is countless times that of the Small Three Realms.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods, Journey to the West, Journey to the East and the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea all happened in the Little Three Realms, and many of the gods involved were not real deities.For example, the god king Qi Yuhuang, his deity in the supreme heaven, is stronger than the prehistoric saints. A slap on the Tathagata Buddha can kill him, and Jieyin and Zhunti will be disabled if they are slapped.

But he manifested in the Small Three Realms, but his cultivation was very low, and he couldn't do anything about a monkey making a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace.

In addition, there are only five sages Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti in the Small Three Realms. Hongjun is the manifestation of the way of heaven and has almost no self-awareness.In the Great Three Realms, there are as many saints as a cow's hair, and Jieyin and Zhunti are only two of the stronger ones.As for Sanqing and Hongjun, they do not belong to the Great Three Realms, but each created the Taishangtian, Kunlun Heaven, Tongtian Sword Realm, and Honghuangtian among the Heavens and Myriad Realms, and they in the Small Three Realms are just projections and manifestations.

However, Hongjun is indeed the teacher of Sanqing, and Jade Emperor is indeed the ruler of the Three Realms, there is nothing wrong with these.

Just like the Lin Wudi who was manifested by the will of the world after Lin Xuan left, he will more or less have some characteristics of the deity.

"How could we not know about the Supreme Heaven!" Daoist Cihang said: "At the beginning, when we participated in the battle of conferring gods and competed for luck, the purpose was to transcend the true spirit and go to the Supreme Heaven! It is a pity that in the end, even King Zhou of Shang died and the true spirit transcended. However, we are still walking on thin ice under the threat of the calamity..."

After chatting along the way, Lin Xuan finally learned the details of this world.

It turns out that the human world has already begun to end many years ago, because the saints in it are the manifestation of the will of the world, and they will all perish with the end of the world.Therefore, in order to survive, the saints promoted immeasurable calamity, let some immortals kill each other to death, and the immortal power returned to heaven and earth to feed back the world.

In the calamity, there is neither victory nor defeat.

The death of the body does not necessarily mean the end of the path. If you have great luck, you can transcend your true spirit and go to the supreme heaven, and you will no longer have to suffer from the calamity.And if the sense of existence is very low, like Duobao, Cihang and others, even if they win the victory, they are just living, and they may still die in the next calamity.

Those who died on the list of gods seem to be still alive, but in fact, most of them are just projections and manifestations, and the real ones have long since died.

Only those who are alive and enshrined in the gods can gain real liberation by serving in the heavenly court and being sent to the supreme heaven by the Jade Emperor-this has nothing to do with Duobao, Cihang, Randeng and others, so in order to survive, They can only find another way to seek the luck of the Western religion.

This is the situation in the world of the main world during this period.

Yes, the master world!

This time, Lin Xuan did not go to other worlds at all, but returned to his own world more than 2000 years ago, the mythical age where gods and Buddhas coexisted!
"I have a copy of "Amitabha Buddha" here, which is the Dharma handed down from the Ten Thousand Buddhas of the Outer Territory. We will all give up our original exercises and practice it in the future!" Taoist Duobao said, taking out a handwritten cheat book, A copy was created for everyone according to the original.

Ever since, everyone along the way began to practice Buddhism.

Because of Lin Xuan's experience in cultivating different systems, he was the first to reach the third level, which made everyone think highly of him subconsciously.

But then, he was stuck in the early stage of the god level and couldn't make any progress, while Duobao, Randeng, Cihang and others, like riding a rocket, went straight up in Dharma cultivation.God-level mid-stage, late-stage, emperor-level, celestial immortal, Xuanxian, golden immortal... If this world has not begun to end, and they cannot become Buddhas without luck and merit, they will all become Buddhas of Da Luo Jinxian level!

"This person compares himself to others, it's really maddening!" Lin Xuan said.

"One dharma is mastered, and all dharmas are mastered. We only need to transform our cultivation base into Buddha Dharma, and then we can reach the realm close to Buddhahood." Daoist Duobao patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder and said, "You are a casual cultivator. It may be that the foundation is unstable and transformation is difficult, but don't worry, you will succeed if you practice slowly."

Then, he patiently explained the process of his cultivation transformation, in order to inspire Lin Xuan.

I have to say that I still care about my own people, Daoist Duobao.

But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Lin Xuan was, and he yelled in his heart: "System, they think I'm the same kind, but I can't pretend anymore, what should I do?"

ps: The setting of this chapter may be difficult for some people to understand. Let me explain, the Little Three Realms is the world of myths, such as Fengshen and Journey to the West.As for the Big Three Realms, the original world created for this book is similar to mythology, but it is specious.

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(End of this chapter)

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