Chapter 176

"Don't panic, this system is here!" After hearing Lin Xuan's words, the system immediately said: "This system will give you the most sincere encouragement when you are most confused-you have to understand, you are a three-thousand way One of the super talented people, such as Tathagata, Guanyin, Sanqing, Jade Emperor, as long as they have enough time to develop, they are not even worthy of carrying your shoes!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan felt much better immediately.

But the next moment, he reacted and said angrily: "Mom, I asked you for help, why did you send me away with a few words?"

"I didn't perfuse you, really, you are really..." the system said with little confidence.

Lin Xuan was speechless.

It's hard to say anything, Erha won't believe your nonsense.

However, he was just chatting casually. In fact, he already had a draft on how to explain his inability to transform his "original cultivation" into Buddhism.

The next day, when Daoist Duobao came to give him advice again, Lin Xuan put on a look of surprise and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Duobao, for your guidance these days. If it weren't for your help, I really don't know how Transforming one's cultivation base into Buddhism, it is even more impossible to achieve a complete enlightenment and reach the current state."

Immediately, Daoist Duobao was stunned, and said in amazement: "Friend Daoist, your cultivation has not changed, has it?"

He could tell that Lin Xuan was still in the early stage of the third level, and his Dharma practice had not improved at all.

"No, mana cultivation is just an appearance, and the real meaning of 'Buddha' lies in enlightenment! I have fully realized it. Although I can't become a Buddha because I don't have merit, I have mastered the Buddha's supernatural powers. If you don't believe me, let's discuss it now. I will give the Tao Friends, please experience my 'karma Zen' supernatural power." Lin Xuan said.

Hearing this, Duobao was stunned again, and said in astonishment: "What is Zen of cause and effect?"

"There are causes and effects. I have realized the Buddha's realm, and I have mastered my own 'cause'. I only need to suppress it, so I don't suffer any 'effect'." Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Simply speaking, as long as you don't take action , when fighting with others, you can be invulnerable to all laws, just like a saint."

As soon as the words came out, Taoist Duobao immediately stared and said, "Really?"

"Really." Lin Xuan nodded.

"Hurry up, let's fight together." Daoist Duobao immediately said, "It's not because I don't trust you, nor because I want to fight with you. The key is what you have comprehended. If it is true, it will be very meaningful." Great! If you can really be as invulnerable as a saint, even if you can't make a move, it will be of great help to our great affairs!"

As he spoke, he unleashed a "Sky Thunder" and struck Lin Xuan's head.

The result, of course, is that it doesn't work at all.

"It's really so miraculous?" Daoist Duobao was very shocked, and then he stopped probing, and just slapped the "Tathagata God's Palm" that he had only comprehended not long ago.

That palm seemed small, but in fact it surpassed the size.

Lin Xuan had a feeling that once he was caught by that hand, no one below the fourth level would be able to fly out even if he flew out of the palm for the rest of his life.The entire Marvel universe is not as powerful as that palm. He is sure that this palm can definitely smash a third-order world into pieces. Even if the third-order world is on the technological side and has multiple dimensions, it will undoubtedly be broken!
This is not an illusion, the power of Daoist Duobao's palm perfectly interprets what is called the ultimate "fourth order".

Yes, it is only the ultimate fourth-order. At this time, because he switched to Buddhism, Taoist Duobao is no longer a Daluo Jinxian, but a fourth-order immortal life.But at this time, he is already so powerful. Once he collects enough luck to become the "Tathagata Buddha", one can imagine how strong he will be.

He is definitely the strongest among the people Lin Xuan has seen in his life, not one of them!

However, Taoist Duobao's palm was strong, but when it hit Lin Xuan's head, it was like a mayfly shaking a tree, and he couldn't shake it at all.

"Brother Duobao, how about my 'karma Zen' supernatural power?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

Immediately, Taoist Duobao said with a look of disbelief: "Except for Master and the others, there is no one who can resist my supernatural powers! It's not because I look down on you. In terms of cultivation, there is no one under the sage who can compare with me!" I am Duobao Daoist, but the supernatural powers transformed from my cultivation cannot defeat your supernatural powers, Brother Daoist. I have to say that the mystery of this 'karma Zen' is simply inconceivable."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled, but did not speak.

The things produced by the system are naturally wonderful, beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"In this case, there is one thing I was going to do, and I will leave it to you!" Daoist Duobao said with a smile: "Brother Daoist, you should accumulate more merits and virtues. After our great event is completed, I will give it to you. Applying for the fruit status of 'Top Grade Buddha' will make you one of the Buddhas of the third world!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan was immediately stunned.

He doesn't know what the "high-grade Buddha" is, but the third Buddha is not ordinary: the third Buddha lights the lamp for the past Buddha, the present Buddha Sakyamuni, and the future Buddha Maitreya. They are the three most noble Buddhas in Buddhism. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva whose cultivation base and supernatural powers far exceed his own fruit status, and any other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are one level lower than them!
Daoist Duobao promised him such a position, which is not an ordinary value.

"What is top grade? We want top grade!" the system said.

Lin Xuan was speechless, and said, "Is there such a fruit position?"

"No, but turning nothing into something, isn't that what you like to do?" the system said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

At this time, Taoist Duobao said again: "Not long ago, Brother Wei found out that not only we were plotting against the luck of the Western religion, but also other people were plotting against it. Those were two loose cultivators named Dragon King and Tiger King. , They subdued a group of demons and goblins, and when they gathered together, they wanted to establish a religion. Although their strength is not worth mentioning, the spread of faith has become very popular. I wanted to subdue the two of them personally, but now, I feel that it is up to you It’s more appropriate to come and go.”

"Dragon King, Tiger King, are you monsters where dragons and tigers become spirits?" Lin Xuan asked.

Immediately, Daoist Duobao shook his head and said, "They are all human races. Because of the fame of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, they are called the 'two kings of the dragon and the tiger'."

"I..." Lin Xuan was speechless.

The one who subdued the dragon and the one who subdued the tiger are not generally famous. If I can bring them into Buddhism by myself, it will be of great merit!
However, Lin Xuan did not agree immediately, but asked in confusion: "You gave me the matter of earning merit, so what are you doing?"

"Of course it is to practice. After I saw your 'karma Zen', I already had a hazy idea in my heart. I want to retreat and practice a Buddha's golden body supernatural power!" Daoist Duobao said.

ps: I went out for something today, just came back, I will update it, and it will be updated tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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