Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 274 Master the power of the mind!

Chapter 274 Master the power of the mind!
"Tianma Meteor Fist!" Seiya was the first to react, and before Athena could react, he punched Lin Xuan.

As a result, there was no doubt that the punch directly sent him to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Zilong shot and knocked him down from the sky to the ground.Then there was Binghe, who used the Diamond Star Fist to freeze Lin Xuan with absolute zero degrees, and combined with Ikki's Phoenix Wings to Fly to the Sky, he played a huge destructive power with one cold and one hot.And Shaka, he opened his eyes directly and unleashed the strongest blow in his life.

At this point in time, it was a long, long time after Wu Xiaoqiang broke into the Golden Zodiac.

The strength of Seiya and others has far surpassed that of ordinary gold saints, even Shaka who claims to be the closest to God may not be stronger than them.

This group of people shot together, even if they were gods, they would not dare to take it lightly.

"That's right, this kind of attack is what we want." Lin Xuan tried to fight back, but he was beaten helplessly.

But after fighting, he found that his strength was still at the level of a mortal, but the destructive power of each move rose in a straight line, reaching the level close to that of a saint.

Immediately, the system said: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you listen to first?"

In this regard, Lin Xuan revealed with a smile that his mother was a critic.

Seeing Lin Xuan ignoring himself, the system was silent for a while, and said directly: "First, let me tell you a bad news. After all, the power lock is a supernatural power invented by the predecessors, and it cannot fully adapt to you, so even if you use your own power to seal yourself, it is not enough. Thoroughly, now your strength is being restored."

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

But then, the system said: "The good news is that although your power is recovering, the real reason for the recovery is the power of the mind, because power cannot lock the power of the mind, so now, your body Every ounce of power is related to the power of the mind, including your power as a mortal!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback again.

What kind of nonsense is this fucking nonsense?
The system is still that system.

Afterwards, as his strength increased, he began to fight back. He fought all the saints in the sanctuary alone, and he had a great time fighting.

"Father, are all the gods in the east cultivated like this?" Athena looked at the sanctuary on the holy mountain of Olympus, and said to Zeus with some grievances.

At this time, the incident of her being molested has spread throughout the world.

Not only the sanctuary, many gods who admire and respect her have joined the battlefield.

"Oh, the strong can really do whatever they want." Zeus sighed.

Who Lin Xuan is, only he knows best, if he is really interested in his daughter, he is happy to be a matchmaker, but obviously not - the kind of person who can directly deal with the will of the world, whose power is above the gods In fact, the so-called God of Olympus is completely an ant in front of him.

It is impossible for a strong person to be tempted by ants without a special reason.

No matter how beautiful Athena is, she is just a beautiful ant, and Zeus understands this very well.

Although I don't want to believe it, it's the truth.

On the other side, Lin Xuan was still fighting.

In the face of constant battles, his power has already surpassed that of saints and gods.

The object of his battle is no longer the enemy, but the power lock set by himself.

"It's easy to surpass others, but difficult to surpass yourself!" Lin Xuan thought in his heart, and began to attack the power lock.

However, that thing originated from himself, and it was extremely strong and could be called indestructible.

He found that he couldn't break through the power lock at all.

"Could it be that I can't master the power of the mind at all? If that's the case, the power lock will never be broken, and I will become a useless person." Lin Xuan thought in his heart: "But will I really become a useless person? No, even if it is After self-sealing, I can still become stronger, as long as I don't die, I can practice, and I will never become a useless person, because I will never give up my practice!"

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly became clear, and an inexplicable shackle was opened.

The next moment, he punched directly through the world of Saint Seiya.

The huge coercion suppressed everyone in the entire Saint Seiya world, even if there were five Seiya, no matter how determined their will was, they could not match the absolute power.

Yes, absolute power!

After possessing the power of the mind, Lin Xuan's power no longer has any weaknesses. There are people in the heavens and myriad worlds who are stronger than him, and there are still people who can defeat him, but no one can kill him anymore. Absolutely can't resist him - this is the power of ten thousand dharmas, the aggregate of the power of the world and the power of the soul, the ultimate expression of power.

He can still become stronger, but in terms of the level of strength, he has already stood at the pinnacle of cultivation.

"The power of the soul is not strength, the way to mobilize it, nor is it to run, but not to give up!" Lin Xuan said with emotion: "Do one thing, believe in one thing, and firmly believe in one thing, even if what you insist on is wrong. , but also find the right from the mistakes, and always carry out your own will, this is the heart and the power of the soul.”

There is a great man in the main world, and the truth he expounds is the closest to the power of the soul.

That sentence is: Hope does not matter what exists, and what does not matter does not matter.This is like the way on earth.In fact, there is no road on the ground, and when there are many people walking, it becomes a road.

That great man was Lu Xun, and Lin Xuan believed that after his death, his soul would fly to the heavens, and he would not be ordinary.

"This person, how could he be so strong?" Seiya was still struggling, but it was useless.

The will to be invincible before, for the first time, completely lost its effect.

At this moment, Lin Xuan waved his hand and pulled Athena in front of him.

"What is he going to do?" The saints were frightened.

This powerful lunatic, he probably wants to rape the goddess in front of everyone, right?
It has to be said that Saint Seiya has a great brain.

"This is the 'Lord Godhead', a treasure that can live forever and give you great strength. It can be regarded as a reward for helping me practice." Lin Xuan threw the two Lord Godheads to Athena and Mr. Mu respectively. Then he dodged and left the world of saints.

In situ, Athena gained great strength, but was a little bit lost.

This man, after all, will not look directly at himself.

"Fortunately, that terrible scene didn't happen." Seiya and the others rejoiced.

After leaving the world of Saint Seiya, Lin Xuan was not in a hurry to go back, but went to the world of "Natural Danger" near there.

However, because of Wanjie City, he did not see Wang Chen.

"There seems to be a strange connection?" Lin Xuan felt that the will of the world was not pure, so he punched and broke that connection.

Then, he performed his supernatural powers and returned to the main world, Earth.


Master World Earth, a down-and-out author of online novels, is conceiving his new book.

At a certain moment, a little inspiration came from the distant world of natural danger, and reflected in his mind.So, the author's eyes lit up, and he murmured: "I want to write an adventure novel called 'Natural Danger'. The protagonist, Wang Chen, is a lucky man who accidentally obtained an 'immortality'. Going in and out of dangerous places with an immortal body..."

This is the mapping information, because Lin Xuan's punch, the household registration of Tianxian World, has been stripped from the foreign land, and linked to the name of the Supreme Heaven.

It's just that no one cares about such small things.

"I'm going, why are there so many roars, is it the start of a world war?" Lin Xuan asked doubtfully after returning.

(End of this chapter)

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