Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 275 Qi Ran Becomes Immortal

Chapter 275 Qi Ran Becomes Immortal
"That's not the sound of cannons, it's the sound of thunder when someone crosses the catastrophe and becomes an immortal." Qi Ran said with a smile: "Just now, the aura and laws of the earth have been fully restored, and they have been completely connected to the Supreme Heaven and the Jiuyou Heaven, forming a The real "Three Worlds of Mythology". Originally, people on earth who were practitioners, as long as their understanding is not too bad, basically all advance by leaps and bounds, reaching the late stage of the god level. Some people with merits and virtues even directly become immortals. People without merits and virtues also have Many advanced to the emperor level and began to cross the catastrophe to become immortals. So now, the streets are full of practitioners crossing the catastrophe, just like fighting a war."

After she finished speaking, she paused, and said again: "However, I feel more like setting off firecrackers."

"It's really similar, if the voice is lower." Lin Xuan said.

Then he turned on the Internet and found that the entire network was full of news about the recovery of spiritual energy.

A pop-up window played a video, where an old farmer was being interviewed: "I am a farmer. When I was young, my family was poor and I didn't have much entertainment. I often practiced immortality according to a little man's book about 'refinement' from my ancestors. That's it, After 50 years of being unshakable, finally today, I have achieved great success in cultivating immortality and become a god."

Then, another interviewer came on stage and said, "Xingyiquan..."

The technology of this world still exists, and the perfect combination of practice and science has built a wonderful system of earth civilization.

"I don't know this world anymore." Lin Xuan told the system in his heart.

Only this time, the system didn't respond to him.

On the panel of the temporary worker system, a line of small characters appeared: "The system is being upgraded, please do not disturb!"

"Is it because I have mastered the power of the mind and truly cultivated all kinds of magic powers, so the system has to be upgraded?" Lin Xuan murmured.

Immediately, Qi Ran asked suspiciously, "What did you say?"

"It's okay, I mean, I've also achieved great success in cultivating immortals." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

At this time, his realm is still at the third level, but his combat power has soared to the level of Da Luo Jinxian.It's not the ordinary Da Luo Jinxian level before, but the real one, no worse than any Da Luo Jinxian.He is not afraid at this moment, even for those talented people who can challenge by stepping up, and the quasi-holy Da Luo Jinxian who is about to advance to become a saint.

Some of the weaker god kings who don't even have perfect dao fruits are no longer his opponents.

However, food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and practice must be taken step by step.

He still has to practice to become an immortal first, then transcend the long river of time to become a Daluo Jinxian, then become a saint, and then transcend the great universe of the heavens and worlds.

He doesn't need to become a god king, and he can ignore the detailed division of each realm, because as long as he advances, he is absolutely invincible at the same level.But the big realm still can't be jumped, and the golden immortal fruit and the saint's dao fruit must also be cultivated.Because only in that way, after reaching the ultimate level of a saint, will he have enough strength to transcend.

After all, just because the starting point is higher than anyone else, does not mean that the end point can be higher than others.

Only by walking down-to-earth can you truly climb to the top.

"You?" After hearing Lin Xuan's words, Qi Ran sized him up carefully, and said, "It's because I have the blood of the God King and practice the ancestral skills that I can advance so quickly. But you, just met You were obviously weaker than me when you were young, but now even I can't see through you, what kind of cultivation are you?"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "God-level ultimate."

Qi Ran was taken aback.

"The real ultimate god level is not the ultimate god level." Lin Xuan added.

"Okay, you're amazing!" Qi Ran said convincingly.

Both of them were at the god level at this time, but she could feel that she was definitely not Lin Xuan's opponent.

"By the way, you said ancestral inheritance. Could it be that your skills came from your grandfather? Does the god king Qi Yuhuang also have a father?" Lin Xuan asked.

Regarding this, Qi Ran chuckled and shook his head, and said: "I don't know, but it is true that the exercises I practiced were not created by my father, but passed down by my unknown 'grandfather'. But I should not have a grandfather." , it is said that the ancient god kings who were first born were all gods conceived by heaven and earth, and they were born without parents."

Qi Yuhuang, Hongjun, and the old man Wanjie, the god kings of that generation basically had no parents.

They are the first batch of creatures when the world was first opened, and their age exceeds the age of the heavens and the world.

Of course, everything is smaller than the human world in the main world.

Although in the legend, Hongjun, Taishang, and Buddha all appeared before the world opened, and there is a saying that "there was Pangu first, and there was heaven, and xx was before Pangu", but in fact, the Tathagata is only the main world time 2000. Human beings a few years ago may be very long in terms of other worlds, but we don't know how far away they are from Pangu and the sky.

The Taishang had already cultivated to become a god king a long time ago, and he opened up a world and left the main world.

However, he is still far smaller than Pangu.

There are also Hongjun, Qi Yuhuang and others, all of whom were born after Pangu created the world. No matter how old they are, they cannot surpass the world that gave birth to them.There is no comparison with Pan Gu. As the only detached person in the past and present who opened up the time and space of the big universe, no one knows how long he has lived. Perhaps the time from the creation of the world to the end of time is not as long as he took a nap.

"When will you become a fairy?" Lin Xuan asked Qi Ran.

Immediately, Qi Ran said, "Right now, I want to become a fairy with you."

Lin Xuan nodded upon hearing this.

Then he opened Wandu Search and exchanged for a method of becoming an immortal.

The two held hands, walked up to the clouds, released their cultivation base to trigger Lei Jie, and then Lin Xuan punched out Jie Yun, directly blasting Jie Yun away.The baptism of immortality came, shaping Qi Ran's body into an immortal body, endowing her with boundless magic power.But Lin Xuan didn't change at all, he didn't become a fairy!
At this time, Qi Ran, who had already become a fairy, used his supernatural powers to break free from the long river of time and become a Daluo Jinxian.

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Ran discovered that Lin Xuan was still a third-tier god.

However, she could feel that even at this moment, she was still not as strong as Lin Xuan.

"Mom, don't tell me there are fakes in the method of becoming a fairy produced by the system?" Lin Xuan stared.

He actually failed to become a fairy!

This is completely unreasonable. You must know that in the late stage of the god level, you can already hit the realm of immortal gods, and the emperor has a success rate as high as one-tenth. Anyone can become a fairy.Lin Xuan's Myriad Law God Realm is even higher than the Extreme God Realm, so it should be easier to become a fairy.

However, he failed!

"Is there a problem with the method?" Qi Ran said, and passed on his method of becoming an immortal to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan tried again according to that method, and found that there was only a moment to advance to the fourth level, but it also failed.

After that, there was also the method of becoming a fairy by the old man of Wanjie. He also saw the hope of becoming a fairy for a moment, and then he was beaten back to the third-order god level.

"Grass, what the hell is this?" Lin Xuan was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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