Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 276 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture

Chapter 276 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture
"Could it be because of the unfinished fate?" Qi Ran said.

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

"Cultivators go against the sky, which is a transformation of fate. We can have feelings, emotions, and six desires, but we still need to cut off the ties of the world, otherwise we will continue to break and suffer from chaos." Qi Ran said: "It's like me. I used to hate my father very much. I couldn't become a fairy in that state. After I figured it out, I cut off the mortal relationship. Without hatred in my heart, there is no obstacle to becoming a fairy anymore!"

Lin Xuan was stunned by this, and said, "What do you mean, to settle your knot?"

Does he really have a heart?
As far as spiritual defects are concerned, there is none, because he does everything he wants and has a very strong psychological endurance.

But there are still some knots in the heart after all.

To be precise, there are some things that I still choose to avoid, and I haven't had the courage to face them until now.

"Perhaps, I should go home!" Lin Xuan said to Qi Ran.

Qi Ran was taken aback when she heard this.

Knowing Lin Xuan for so long, she has never met Lin Xuan's parents, and she has never even heard Lin Xuan mention it. The only thing she knows is that Lin Xuan has some conflicts with his parents. Go back and have a look.It was also that Mid-Autumn Festival, when her mother was away, she and Lin Xuan spent the festival together and had a bond, and finally got together and became a couple.

Sometimes, she also wanted to go with Lin Xuan to meet her future in-laws, but Lin Xuan never mentioned going home.

Moreover, because they were busy practicing, they didn't have time to think so much.

After all, life is not perfect, and if you get something, you have to give up something: practitioners have gained longevity and strength, but at the same time, they have also invested time and energy, and it is impossible to live like ordinary people.Cultivation is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, but if you slack off on the way, you will be left far behind, and you will never be able to catch up.

"The opportunity for you to become a fairy is in your own home." Qi Ran said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan shook his head.

Having a system, he is very familiar with all systems of the heavens and myriad worlds, and he clearly knows that the so-called mortal fate is simply nonsense!Maybe that can be related to other people's cultivation and realm, but for him, a person who has mastered the power of the mind, not to mention any knots, lack of state of mind is not a problem.

You know, his mind is already strong enough to be used as mana!
"It won't be that simple, but I really need to go home, and it's not an option to procrastinate." Lin Xuan said.

In fact, he is not in a hurry, the realm is just a process of cultivation, as long as you can continue to improve your strength, it doesn't matter if you don't break through for a while.Moreover, his combat strength is far superior to that of ordinary Da Luo Jinxian. Even if he does not break through, ordinary people are not his opponents. At least the main world, Earth, has not yet appeared anyone stronger than him.

"I'll go too." Qi Ran said.

Soon, Lin Xuan took her to his parents' place.

At this time, the aura of the main world has recovered, and the strength of both practitioners and ordinary people has improved by leaps and bounds.Some newly born babies all exude a third-order god-level aura, which is extremely terrifying.There are many people crossing the tribulation along the way, and almost every few steps, you can see a god-level late-stage practitioner attacking the realm of immortals and gods.

However, none of a hundred people can succeed.

Most of the cultivators in the late stage of the god level were beaten by Lei Jie, and they had to start all over again.Those who were less lucky, even disappeared under the thunder calamity, and died.Of course, there are also those who are lucky and have great merit and become immortals by chance.There are also those who have a solid cultivation base, first reach the emperor level, and then become a fairy, and there is no obstacle in the way.

In the city where Lin Xuan's hometown is located, there is a pair of practitioners who successfully crossed the catastrophe and became immortals.

Yes, that is a couple.

It was none other than the man and woman he had matched up in the Extraordinary Alliance back then.

"Why do other people's sons either become immortals or inherit their father's legacy to strengthen the family, but my son is so unbelievable?" The middle-aged man sat on the steps in front of his house and murmured, "It's been a few years since the boss left. , I haven’t heard from him and never came back again, and the second child will not leave, but his eyes are high and his hands are low, so how can I rest assured that this family will be handed over to him!”

As he spoke, he couldn't help but sighed.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Are you back?" the middle-aged man said.

"Wandering for too long, I want to go home and have a look."

I thought that after returning home, there would be another quarrel, another upside-down, and I thought that if I didn't go home for a few years, my father would scold me severely, but no, my father was still as kind as when I was a child.On the contrary, because they haven't seen each other for a long time, missing each other makes each other closer.

This may be family affection. No matter how long the separation is, blood is thicker than water and will not be separated.

It's just that some disputes cannot be erased by time.

"It's so beautiful, she looks like a fairy." Lin Xuan's mother pulled Qi Ran to another place, and started talking enthusiastically.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, sat under the eaves with his father and younger brother, silently speaking to no one.

After being silent for a long time, Lin Xuan's father lit a cigarette and said, "I'm back this time, so don't leave again, take over my class honestly, work hard with your brother, and make our company bigger and bigger." Strong. Did you know? Recently, the business related to cultivating immortals has been very profitable, and your dad and I are going to start another alchemy company."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Well, companies that make alchemy will make a lot of money recently."

He didn't want to argue, so he didn't mention whether he would stay or not.

In fact, he can keep an avatar at home, so that he can cultivate and do business well, although money is of no use to him now.

"After dinner in a while, let's grab some things and go to the house of the two children who have just become immortals. We will talk to each other and ask them to help us clear up and try to set up a store in the main city of the Extraordinary Alliance. That business has not yet started. We That's half the battle." Lin Xuan's father said.

Regarding this, Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "No, I will prepare the shop for you."

"Do you have connections?" Father Lin was taken aback.

Lin Xuan nodded.

"If there is a way, we have to go. It is rare for us to have immortals here, so we must curry favor, and we will use them sooner or later." Father Lin said again.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was angry and funny, and said: "We are doing our own business, what's the use of flattering others? Don't think about those crooked ways."

"Yes!" Brother Lin Xuan also said.

Immediately, Father Lin frowned and said, "Why are you still so naive, kid? It's a science to deal with people..."

"Stop, I don't want to hear it." Lin Xuan said.

Hearing this, Lin's father didn't want to quarrel anymore, so he changed the subject and said, "If you don't want to hear it, don't talk about it. By the way, what have you been doing all these years?"

Lin Xuan didn't hide anything, from the first day he left home, he wanted to tell all his experiences.

He didn't even intend to hide the fact that he was already comparable to Da Luo Jinxian. However, before he talked about the system, his father said furiously: "Your father is an old director of a listed company, and you ended up working for someone else. Where do you put my old face? I thought you would mature after going out for a few years, but I didn't want to be more and more disappointing!"

Regarding this, Lin Xuan was speechless, and said, "Can you listen to me?"

"What are you talking about? His son has become a fairy, but you are a temporary worker, and you are still complacent when you talk about it. Do you think your experience is very interesting?" Father Lin reprimanded: "I shouldn't have let you go, I should have interrupted you. Your legs prevent you from going anywhere!"

When he spoke, his anger had already risen.

But when it came to the beginning, Lin Xuan was also furious, and said angrily: "You think it's great to have a listed company? Can you count how many low-level things you have done for your company? Are you fawning today? This, kneeling and licking that tomorrow, even if I starve to death on the street, I will not inherit your company, you should die!"

"You!" Father Lin stared.

"Your money is dirty!" Lin Xuan said.

At this time, the younger brother who saw that the wind direction was not right, smoothed things over and said: "You all don't say a word, brother, you come back so rarely, just treat it as respect for the elderly, and give way to father. And father, you are so rich, you will share a lot with my brother." One of them is cool enough for a lifetime, why bother to focus on developing the company?"

Lin Xuan's father was not a big shot, but a small boss.

But starting from scratch to get the company listed, it does have some ability, and the family property is not small.

"And you, your brother is nothing, you are an asshole than your brother!" Father Lin glared at his second son, and said angrily: "I know how to draw all day long, and I am also engaged in art. Cao Xueqin is very good, why is he still hungry? Die? If he had one-tenth of your father's wealth and mine, "Dream of Red Mansions" wouldn't be written in half!"

"That's a book writer, not a painter." Brother Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Father Lin said angrily, "It's no different."

Brother Lin Xuan has long been accustomed to this, and said with a bit of rogue: "My brother has run away from home and hasn't come back for several years. If you train me again, your company will be handed over to the state in the future. No one will inherit it anyway.”

There is no way, after being trained a lot, people will always change a little bit.

"You!" Father Lin was furious.

At this time, Lin Xuan's mother came over, pushed Lin's father and said, "It's rare for my son to go home and bring his wife, so you can't say a few words? Go away, the soy sauce at home is gone, go and buy me one yourself Bucket, walk, the farthest supermarket from our place, if you dare to be lazy, I will wipe the washboard clean!"

Father Lin: "..."

Lin Xuan, Qi Ran, younger brother: "..."

In the end, Lin Xuan's father went out alone, and he calmed down by walking.

And Lin Xuan's mother pulled him, sighed and said: "Your father actually doesn't like to curry favor with others. It's just that you only know how good it is when you are poor. It's better to be humble than to suffer from hunger, right? He was as stubborn as you, but later he met your mother and me, and with you two brothers, he had to make changes in order to live."

Lin Xuan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

"No one is born lowly, but in order to live, nine out of ten will choose to compromise." Lin Xuan's mother continued: "That is not degeneration, but growth, learning to compromise, being able to bend and stretch, is the real man. Otherwise, life will be easy Zhe, even Xiang Yu, the most famous King of Chu in history, was not forced to die on the bank of the Wujiang River in the end? Of course, your dad has really gone crazy all these years, he only thinks about making money, even if he has I have earned enough to spend several lifetimes, but I still can't get out of the money."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, it's money!" Lin Xuan said.

Immediately, Qi Ran pinched her waist and twisted her flesh, causing great pain.

"You idiot, your mother is obviously for your father, and because she loves you, she said that he fell into the eye of money, do you still take it seriously?" Qi Ran said through voice transmission: "There is a saying that if you are not a family, you can't get into a family." Family, your parents should have the same idea, but that's just the normal mentality of ordinary people, you don't need to be so disgusted."

Lin Xuan was taken aback when he heard this.

He suddenly discovered that, in fact, he was too rebellious, and he hadn't grown from a teenager's mentality to maturity.

Soon, Father Lin came back and not only bought soy sauce, but also got two bottles of good wine.

"Times are changing, and we have to change too. Maybe Dad is really old, so don't talk about those troublesome things. Today, the three of us have a drink!" Father Lin said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan said, "Okay, have a good drink."

Some people say that wine is the thing that can best reconcile a man's feelings. He has never believed it, but today he believes it.

Once drunk, figured it out, in fact, everything is secondary.

"Actually, I haven't had a good life these years. I thought that I was a temporary worker and I didn't have to please anyone by myself, but in fact, I did the same job and got paid less than others. " Lin Xuan deliberately put away his cultivation, and said drunkenly.

Immediately, Father Lin said: "Nonsense, how can there be any fairness in this world?"

"The masters of the Art Association are quite fair." Brother Lin Xuan said, "As long as I give them gifts, I will definitely win an award, fair trade, and no deception."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Mother Lin, Qi Ran, and Father Lin: "..."

"That's right, it's absolutely unfair and absolutely fair." Father Lin said, "If you didn't work elsewhere but with Dad, would your wages be reduced by one point? Not only won't you, you will Become a full-time employee, then get promoted step by step, and finally become the chairman of the board, staged a good business story!"

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

"I'm not really disgusted with your work, but a human being, you have to live up to it!" Father Lin said.

At this time, he no longer quarreled with Lin Xuan, and he didn't care whether to stay or not.

"Just go home and have a look." This is the last attitude of the parents.

"Yes, I will go home often..." Lin Xuan said, and suddenly saw his father's soul hooked away by a chain.

"Stop!" He stretched out his hand, wanting to grab his father and the chain, but was backlashed by the entire Three Realms and failed to grab it.Immediately afterwards, Qi Ran stretched out his hand, pulled out a pair of black and white Wuchang, and said angrily: "Bring me back the soul, slow down, I will take your god position!"

(End of this chapter)

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