Wanjie temporary workers

Chapter 277 Second 9 Quiet

Chapter 277

With the revival of aura, the earth has returned to the mythical era, so there are heaven, hell, six reincarnations, and a sky full of gods and Buddhas.

However, the heavens are in the sky, and for a while, no gods will come to the earth at all.

And the underworld located in Jiuyoutian basically doesn't care about the affairs of the yang world, and only seduces the soul after death. Based on the behavior of the whole life, the judge decides whether to go to hell, or directly reincarnate, or bestow the god position and seal it as a god.The Ecstasy Envoys are black and white impermanence, they are the two in the myths and legends, they incarnate into billions and billions, and play an important role in the cycle of life and death in the world.

However, different from myths and legends, Black and White Impermanence is not a small character, but holds the great power of Jiuyoutian bestowed by the supreme king of heaven, the "soul hook".

Even if it's just a clone, it has a cultivation level comparable to that of an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian.

Of course, this is not enough for Lin Xuan, not only for Lin Xuan, but also for Qi Ran, a mere ordinary Da Luo Jinxian can easily subdue him.After all, it was just a clone of Impermanence in Black and White. Compared with Da Luo Jinxian at the Tianjiao level, he had no fighting power at all.

Therefore, Qi Ran easily pulled out the two of them.

It's just that, at this time, they no longer have the soul of Lin Xuan's father in their hands.

"Where's the soul?" Lin Xuan said angrily.

"Life and death have a destiny. This is the law of heaven and earth. Even if you are a Buddha, you can't violate it." Heiwuchang said with a cold face: "You can be regarded as a generation of arrogance if you can restore the combat power of the Daluo Jinxian at the moment when the aura recovers. Don't try in vain. Interfere in reincarnation, otherwise you will violate the rules of heaven, even if you become a saint in the future, you will not escape punishment on the day when the three realms penetrate!"

Then, Bai Wuchang also said: "Yes, maybe I will go to the Xiantai!"

After all, it is the great power of Jiuyoutian, even if it is just a clone, he still speaks hard.

"Go to your Zhanxiantai!" Qi Ran condensed the thunder directly, and slashed towards the black and white impermanence.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, punched and kicked them, leaving them bruised and swollen.

The two of them are really not afraid, even if this black and white impermanence has become a great power, they can still be beaten.As for the so-called Tian Tiao, after awakening the bloodline and inheriting the memory, Qi Ran has realized that she is different from ordinary god princes and daughters, and understands that even if she disturbs the order of heaven and earth, she will not be punished.

As for Lin Xuan, as the master of Myriad Realms, as long as his combat power is integrated, he is no worse than the entire Mythical Three Realms. How can he care about mere black and white?
Therefore, the two of them beat up black and white impermanence without mercy at all.

"You commit crimes against the wind..." Hei Wuchang continued to speak, but was stopped by Bai Wuchang. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding law trembled, and the divine position that originally belonged to the underworld was directly stripped out.

Immediately, Hei Wuchang stared and said, "How is this possible?"

"Be honest, or I will go to Jiuyoutian and take down your gods!" Qi Ran said.

In an instant, Black and White Wuchang became honest, nodded and bowed his head and said, "God, if you have anything to do, please tell me, we brothers will definitely do it."

Backed by heaven and hell, they are powerful, but apart from the gods, they are nothing!

Therefore, the two are really cowardly.

"Stop talking nonsense, my father is still alive, why did you take his soul away?" Lin Xuan said angrily.

Immediately, Bai Wuchang showed a troubled look, and said: "Well, your old father has actually suffered from liver disease for a long time, but he didn't go to the hospital for an examination, so he didn't know. According to the judgment of the book of life and death in the underworld, he has already passed away!"

As soon as these words came out, both Lin Xuan's mother and his younger brother showed expressions of panic.

The underworld messenger said that he had passed away, and even moved out the book of life and death. Doesn't this mean that he is completely hopeless?

"What about the soul?" Qi Ran asked.

"It has been sent to Jiuyoutian!" Hei Wuchang said: "This really can't be blamed on us. Our brothers are just doing official business. The real book of life and death, and the judges of life and death in the world are judges and Hades. Moreover, it is your own carelessness. , if he had a physical examination earlier and received treatment, he would have a chance to recover and live for another few decades. If he took some elixir and practiced the immortal method, even if he lived for hundreds of years, even immortality would not be a problem!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan couldn't help being stunned, and Qi Ran was also stunned.

And this sweeping operation?
"Although the life and death of mortals is determined by the heavens, the fate is always in your own hands. It was your father who gave up his own life. Therefore, even if you are a Buddha or a Da Luo Jinxian, you can't save him!" Black impermanence said.

At this time, Lin Xuan, although his realm was only the third level, but with high combat power and Buddhahood status, he was completely a Daluo Jinxian in the eyes of others.

In fact, the only difference between him and Da Luo Jinxian is that Da Luo Jinxian is a fifth-level powerhouse, who can only be promoted to the sixth-level transformation once, and the seventh-level detachment once, and then it is difficult to improve his strength.As for him, he can become an immortal, and then become a Da Luo Jinxian, and then start to advance to the sixth level, to the seventh level, and has the potential to be two levels higher than the Da Luo Jinxian.

Of course, that's not the case.

Ordinary Da Luo Jinxian, the Dao Fruit Realm is the limit, there is no hope of transcendence, so he can only transform once.

As for Lin Xuan, he only needs to be promoted step by step, and sooner or later he will be able to transcend.

"Why is it like this?" Lin Xuan's mother panicked.

"If the change of manpower is also a part of the destiny, then if I give him an elixir now, will he be resurrected?" Lin Xuan said, took out an elixir, and put it into his father's mouth.

Immediately, the medicinal power of the elixir took effect, turning it into a divine body that would not age or damage for at least hundreds of years.

It was an elixir from the world of Shading the Sky, which was made from undead medicine.

"No, people who have returned to Jiuyou, even if you make his body into a fairy body, it is too late, and it is impossible to come back to life." Hei Wuchang shook his head and said: "The only hope is to have great power Go to Jiuyoutian and bring back his soul, you may be able to do this, but it is extremely difficult."

Immediately, Lin Xuan's mother said: "No, I can't go, your father has already left, if you go to the underworld again, how will your mother and I live!"

"Okay, I won't go." Lin Xuan said, using Buddhist magic powers to make his mother fall asleep.

"I'll go with you, you won't get back your soul if you're alone," Qi Ran said.

Lin Xuan nodded.

Then, under the leadership of Black and White Wuchang, the two went to Jiuyoutian.

"When you get to the underworld in a while, you must pay attention to those who are particularly well-known in the main world, such as Niutou Mamian, Judge Lu, etc. It is best not to offend them." On the way, Qi Ran said: "The age of mythology is broken. After so many years, those who can still leave their names are basically the powerful ones with profound mana!"

(End of this chapter)

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