Chapter 209
A ray of soft moonlight shines through the window and sprinkles on the window sill, which looks like it has been plated with silver. Jing Shuo stands beside the window with his mobile phone and looks outside, his eyes glow softly under the moonlight.

He listened to the beautiful female voice on the phone, the corners of his mouth raised, "Have you not rested yet?" The voice was deep and mellow, as if mixed with the coldness of the night.

"No, I'm tidying up the house." Xu Yunhan stopped tidying up, sat on the sofa, just in time to take a rest, "Thank you for that day, I was a little busy at the time, so I forgot to reply to your text message to say thank you .”

"Cough~ It's okay, did your friend buy some stone tools later?" Jing Shuo quickly said gently that he didn't care, of course he wouldn't tell her, that day he would check his phone every once in a while to see if there was her phone call or text message.

"I bought it." While Xu Yunhan was speaking, he glanced at the time on the wall clock. It turned out that it was almost eleven o'clock. She and Ah Mo started packing after eating at home. The time passed really fast.But it was so late, why did Jing Shuo call, and after chatting for a while, he asked, "What's the matter with you calling at this hour?"

Can't you call her if you have nothing to do? Jing Shuo opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't dare to answer. After thinking about it, he smiled, "I'm here to collect the debt."

"Ah?!" This... she didn't owe anyone money, Xu Yunhan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and said embarrassingly, "You mean, we made an appointment to go to the antique market together."

"Yes, fortunately you still remember this time, so when will you be free, Ms. Xu?" Jing Shuo calculated in his heart, it seemed that he and her hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"This Friday, how about it?" This agreement made with others has been delayed for a long time, and Xu Yunhan is too embarrassed to continue to procrastinate.Forget about the busy work of moving these few days, there should be basically nothing to do on Friday. As for the auction being on Saturday night, the time can be staggered.

"Okay, then see you on Friday, it's so late, I won't bother you, good night."

Saying good night to the phone, Jing Shuo's voice at this time was a gentleness that he didn't even realize, it was a gentleness that he had never shown in front of others.Looking at the blue night sky through the glass window, my mood seemed to become brighter, I smiled, closed the curtains and went to sleep.

On the other side, after Xu Yunhan hung up the phone, she looked at the messy room in the living room, sighed, and continued to work hard with Ah Mo as a tidying person.

The next morning, both of them came to Xu's antique shop with dark circles under their eyes. Xu Da, who was eating breakfast, looked up and asked with concern,
"Did you two sleep well last night?"

Xu Yunhan sat down on the stool listlessly, rubbed his still tired eyes, picked up a deep-fried dough stick and ate it slowly,

"Get ready to move. Pack up the things you need. We plan to move in tomorrow. I have already listed my current apartment as a rental at the housing agency."

Xu Da handed Ah Mo a bowl of soy milk when he sat down, and said,

"Then you don't come to the store today. There is nothing to help in the store. Xiaolie and I are enough. What should you do, especially you, Xiaohan, take the time to review and prepare for the exam. The exam in January is very tight. Mr. Liu called me back yesterday and said that he had told that professor Song Huaiyi that he would arrange for you to meet with Professor Song in a few days. You should be mentally prepared. It's best to prepare to read more papers published by Professor Song, and then we can chat more and leave a good impression on people."

Xu Yunhan took out a tissue, wiped her mouth, and kept nodding her head, "Okay, I must prepare well. I will definitely have less time to come to the store in the future, but Ah Mo will continue to come. She said that she is at home anyway. I'm bored, so I just want to help out in the store. Isn't that right, Ah Mo?"

"Well, I want to come." Ah Mo looked at Xu Da, the firmness in his eyes cannot be ignored, and at the same time, he carried a cautious tone, as if he was afraid that Xu Da would not allow her to come.

"Ah Mo is coming, of course you are welcome," Xu Da said with a slight smile and nodded.

Xu Da likes this quiet but down-to-earth child, and according to his observations during this time, it seems that Ah Mo really has nothing to do, and he has no idea of ​​finding a job. I don’t know how Xiaohan and her know.Although he was puzzled, Xu Da believed in Xu Yunhan's vision of making friends. At least the people around her he had met were good.

"Uncle Xu, why do I sound like you, as if you only welcome Ah Mo and not me." Xu Yunhan complained helplessly at first, and then changed the subject, "But, I have to come today, Please give me your car keys first."

Xu Da glanced at her suspiciously, and asked, "Your car broke down?"

"Yeah, it seems that the gas pedal has some glitches, so I drove to the car repair shop early this morning. But today, Ah Mo and I are going to buy some things and need to use the car, so I want to borrow the car from you. "Xu Yunhan nodded hurriedly and explained.

Did Xiaohan's car break down? Wasn't it fine just now? Ah Mo, who was drinking soy milk, raised his head and looked at Xu Yunhan in confusion, but after receiving the wink from her, Ah Mo lowered his head and continued to drink soy milk.

After a while, the two of them had finished their breakfast. Ah Mo glanced at Xu Yunhan who kept flicking the car keys with his fingers, tilted his head and asked, "Xiaohan, why did you lie to Uncle Xu that your car broke down and you want to borrow it?" Where's his car?"

"Because Uncle Xu will never agree to change the car for him, so I can only cut it first and play later." Xu Yunhan laughed.

"Oh." Although he didn't understand why he had to change the car for Uncle Xu, Ah Mo didn't continue to ask, but followed her obediently.

Driving Xu Da's car, Xu Yunhan took Ah Mo directly to a Mercedes Benz 4S store. With previous car buying experience, she has a clearer goal for buying a car this time.To the salesman who received them, he told about Xu Da's age and personality. Finally, after a comprehensive comparison between the salesperson's recommendation and his own, Xu Yunhan decided to buy the Mercedes-Benz S-Class S400LHYBRID.

And chose the calm and restrained black. From the appearance, while inheriting the classic luxury elements of the brand, the new Mercedes-Benz S-Class incorporates more youthful and dynamic design elements, which is less fierce and more fashionable.The air intake grille design is also more detailed, and the overall lines of the new car are smooth.The headlight group is also different from the past, but is outlined with rounded lines, and the slightly upturned design makes the entire front of the car not as thick as before.

For the interior, she chose a black interior color scheme with dark brown central control solid wood decoration. At the same time, the central control is integrated with the lines of the door panel decoration, giving a stronger sense of space. With diamond-shaped stitched leather, it shows a sense of luxury.As a flagship luxury car, the integrated 12-inch full LCD instrument and information display screen are particularly dazzling.In terms of comfort configuration, the car is also equipped with rear ten-way adjustment + massage function, rear entertainment system, rear airbag seat belts, and a new night vision system.

Seeing that Xu Yunhan himself fell in love with this car, but the price of this luxury car is not so satisfactory, it cost her more than 160 million.Fortunately, since she paid in full, the 4S store gave her a lot of small gifts, which comforted her a little.What a lovely giveaway for women!
Hanging up the temporary license plate provided by the 4S shop, Xu Yunhan drove Ah Mo back to the antique shop in a new car, and stuffed the new car keys and the car purchase contract into Xu Da's hands.

"Uncle Xu, remember to go through other procedures as soon as possible. Ah Mo and I will leave first, and I will use your car. We just need one at home, so we won't be here for a few days, bye! "

After finishing speaking, before Xu Da and Ouyang Lie in the store could react, Xu Yunhan dragged Ah Mo and ran away, and didn't stop when he heard Xu Da shouting from behind.The two of them ran all the way to the antique market and drove away in their own car. After taking Ah Mo home first, Xu Yunhan took another taxi to the outside of the 4S store just now, and drove the original Xu Da's car home.

"Hey~ You girl is spending money indiscriminately again! Hurry up and drive me away!"

On the way, I received a call from Uncle Xu, and as soon as I picked it up, I heard a roar from inside. Xu Yunhan immediately took it away from her ears, pressed the speakerphone, and said with a smile,

"Uncle Xu, you have already bought it, so you can't return it, and you will lose money if you resell it, so you just open it."

"Then you can keep it for yourself! I was wondering why you came to borrow my car today, so that's your idea! No, hurry up and drive away, bring the original car back!"

Startled by Xu Dazhong's angry voice, Xu Yunhan covered her ears, and quickly explained, "No, listen to me, I'm not messing around, there is definitely a legitimate reason. This first one is mainly for For the sake of our store's image, think about it, if the owner of an antique store drives a good car, it will definitely increase customers' trust in us, and this is also a way to experience the strength of our store;
The second reason is that I moved, and then I hired a housekeeper. The new home is a little far from the city. It is more convenient for the aunt to buy vegetables, shop and drive.So, I still need a car in this way, and then I thought of taking this opportunity to change your car and use the original one at home, which just kills two birds with one stone!By the way, I invited my aunt mainly to solve the problem of eating for everyone. In the future, the lunch and dinner in the store will be prepared by the aunt at home, and then sent to the store.Ordering takeaway meals every day is definitely not as nutritious and hygienic as home-cooked meals. "

After finishing speaking, Xu Da's voice sounded only after the phone was silent for a while.
"Don't be an example! You can't spend money recklessly when you earn money. No matter what you do, you have to have a plan. You see, you bought a house and a car recently, so most of the money went away." His tone was full of helplessness and resignation. Mixed with the meaning of hating iron but not steel.

Xu Yunhan's answer was very free and easy, "If you spend the money, you can earn it again. Big money is not saved, you know how to make money if you know how to spend it. Oh, that, Uncle Xu, I'm driving now, so I'll hang up first."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for an answer from the other side, and huh~ this Uncle Xu has become serious, it really puts a lot of pressure on people!

(End of this chapter)

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