Tibetan play style

Chapter 210 Moving into a new home

Chapter 210 Moving into a new home
Early this morning, the previously booked moving company came early to help Xu Yunhan move, and it took a long time to move all their packed cardboard boxes downstairs.After confirming that nothing was missing, Xu Yunhan pulled Ah Mo into her car, and asked one of the employees of the moving company to help her drive another car, which was the one that needed to be driven to Aunt Min's new home. The car you use when you come to travel.After everything was ready, Xu Yunhan said to the uncle who was driving the truck of the moving company,

"Okay, the accompaniment is all installed, master, please drive behind my car."

"Okay, no problem." The driver stuck his head out of the window and replied loudly to her.

Afterwards, Xu Yunhan turned the steering wheel and drove the car towards his new home. On the way, he received a call from Dai Xiaobei who had been so busy that he disappeared recently. After connecting, he said with a smile,

"Why, aren't you busy today?"

"Why aren't you busy? I'm in a meeting. I went to the bathroom as an excuse and ran out to get some air. Really, several leaders at today's meeting were heavy smokers, and the entire conference room was filled with smoke, which was very choking!" Dai Xiaobei hid in the bathroom, speaking in a low voice.

"Isn't the work rhythm very tense during this time? If you run out to be lazy, you are not afraid of being caught by some leader." Xu Yunhan teased, and then asked, "Call me, what's the matter? Hang up and drive now."

Dai Xiaobei chuckled, "It's nothing, I called to remind you in my busy schedule, please remember to decorate my room beautifully and comfortably."

"You didn't pick which room you want, so how can I furnish it for you? I'd better wait for you to get it when you're free." Xu Yunhan smiled angrily.

"That's true. That's fine. I think you will see me in a few days. See you later, sisters. Ah, I have to go out, otherwise it will take too long. Bye!" , Dai Xiaobei over there hung up the phone.

Xu Yunhan smiled helplessly, and looked at Ah Mo beside her, "This girl can't be counted on, she hasn't helped her at all these two days."

Hearing this, Ah Mo also pursed his lips and smiled.

At the gate of the complex, Xu Yunhan rolled down the window to explain the situation to the security personnel at the gate, and the large truck of the moving company and another car behind were able to pass smoothly.After a while, we reached our destination.

"Miss Xu, Miss Mo, you are here." Chen Min, who noticed the movement at the gate of the courtyard, saw them coming, and trotted out to greet them.

Xu Yunhan looked at her suspiciously, and said, "Aunt Min, you can call me Xiaohan, you can just call her Ah Mo, why call her so unfamiliar and polite."

"That's not good. Now that I have officially entered the working state, how can I call myself boss casually." Chen Min shook his head and said.

"Don't~ Boss or not, it sounds a little strange. Aunt Min, you should call me Xiaohan, otherwise in your own home, being called Miss Xu by someone is stressful and uncomfortable, just like being in a strange place. The environment is the same, this doesn’t feel like home! Aunt Min, don’t worry about those rules, you have to have the kindness and warmth of a family at home, just call us by our names! Please, Aunt Min~” Xu Yunhan said earnestly , looked at Chen Min expectantly in his eyes.

"Okay, then I'll still call you by your first names."

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Chen Min thought about it and observed the expressions of the two of them. It didn't seem like a fake, so she said.

In fact, this name change was suggested by her daughter. Chen Min called her daughter Chen Xinning on the first night when she moved in. After describing the situation of this employer, her daughter told her not to be so stupid. Take care of them as juniors.It is said that the children of such a rich family have servants since they were young, so they should be used to being called young master or young lady, at least like the high-ranking children or descendants of wealthy families in Chen Xinning's school.

Chen Min thinks that she is essentially just a housekeeping aunt who spends money to hire, cook, and clean. How can she casually get along with others? The reason why you say that is just polite talk.Later, Chen Min thought about it, and what her daughter said was not unreasonable, so she came up with the story of just meeting today.

But now it seems that they are not the kind of people their daughter said, at least there is no false politeness in their address, Chen Min thought to herself.While analyzing and observing his new employer in his mind, he greeted the workers of the moving company to help move the luggage and the large and small cardboard boxes in the car.They can only be temporarily piled up in the living room, and then slowly put away and tidied up.

Xu Yunhan paid the fee to the people of the moving company, and then drove them out of the community. Anyone entering or leaving here must be accompanied by the owner or security personnel, otherwise they will be stopped at the gate.Although it is a bit troublesome, it is very beneficial to the safety of the residents of the entire community, which Xu Yunhan is very satisfied with.

"Aunt Min, this is the car key. You can use that car normally." Xu Yunhan handed the key of the car that originally belonged to Xu Da to Chen Min, and explained in detail the use of family expenses and the need for her. Send lunch and dinner to the antique shop every day.

Chen Min wiped her hands on the apron, took the key, took out a small notebook and a pen from the pocket of the apron, and wrote down her request while listening carefully. After a pause, he repeated uncertainly,
"Send it to... an antique shop?"

"Yes, there are two meals every day at noon and evening. That antique shop was newly opened by an elder of mine. During this time, he ordered takeaway every day. But Aunt Min, you also know that the food sold outside is definitely not as good as the one made at home. That's why I wanted to trouble you to deliver meals every day. This should only be temporary." Maybe after a while, if Uncle Xu's wife comes back, there should be no need to deliver, Xu Yunhan thought.

"Oh, that's it, then it must be no problem." Although it was a bit troublesome, Chen Min still agreed quite readily.

"Ah, by the way, Aunt Min, you don't need to clean the basement floor from now on. I'll just do the cleaning on that floor myself from now on."

Xu Yunhan, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly remembered this very important matter. From now on, the basement will be her most important space.However, the basement floor still needs to be rearranged. She has already thrown away all the things that the original owner put in there.Her preliminary idea is to use the basement as a place to store jadeite wool and dissect stones, and she will also invite someone to install a security and anti-theft system, and put a large safe in it, so that some antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and the two boxes All the ancient books and materials brought from my hometown are placed inside.

However, if you want to build the basement into a very safe warehouse, like the woolen warehouse of U Nu you saw when you were in Myanmar, the price is definitely not low. Those security systems and those high-tech anti-theft devices are all of high value.

During this period of time, she has already spent a lot of money, and now she only has about 5000 million yuan in her hands. She does not plan to use this money for the security and defense level of the basement, but to save it for buying antiques or woolen materials.What's more, the auction will be held in two days. If you fancy something at the auction house and have no money to buy it, you will lose a lot.


Although she felt a little strange in her heart, Chen Min didn't ask any more questions. Looking at the background of Xu Yunhan turning and leaving, Chen Min gradually began to realize that this new employer of hers seemed to be a little different, with a sense of mystery that made people look at him. unclear.

And the other girl named Ah Mo seems to be a little elusive, for example, she is determined not to let others touch her things or enter her room... Could it be that these two girls are still in the rebellious period of youth? Was there a conflict and ran out to live? Chen Min couldn't help guessing in her heart.

The busy and messy moving trip finally came to an end. Xu Yunhan, A Mo, Chen Min and the hired part-time workers worked together, and it took almost two days to arrange the new home.

Early on Friday morning, Xu Yunhan was woken up by the alarm clock that was making deafening music, and dazedly took it over, closed it, stuffed it into the quilt, buried her head in it again and continued to sleep.

"Xiaohan! Xiaohan~ wake up and have breakfast!"

Just as she was about to return to sleep, she heard knocks on the door and Aunt Min's shouts. Xu Yunhan, who was gradually waking up, straightened up and sat up.I took out the alarm clock under the quilt, and it was almost 08:30!Now she has to get up, because she and Jing Shuo made an appointment at nine o'clock.

Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan quickly put on his nightgown and rushed into the bathroom, speeding up the wash, and at the same time shouted to the door,

"Aunt Min, I'll go down right away."

Then he randomly picked a British-style dress from the cloakroom and put it on, then put on a camel trench coat, grabbed his bag and hurried downstairs.Walking into the dining room, I saw that Ah Mo was already sitting at the dining table, and started to eat breakfast.

"Ah Mo, are you going to the store today?"

"Well, go."

"Then come with me after breakfast."

The place she made an appointment with Jing Shuo was Xu's Antique Store, which was suggested by Jing Shuo, because he had never been there before, and he didn't even know about it before. He recently called Xu Yunhan and heard that Xu Yunhan mentioned that she participated in this shop. antique shop.Therefore, Jing Shuo insisted that the meeting place of the two should be in an antique shop, saying that he wanted to see the things in her shop.

"Jing Shuo, are you all here?" As soon as Xu Yunhan and Ah Mo entered the store, they saw three men sitting at the table together, including Jing Shuo.She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, it was already past nine o'clock, and said very apologetically, "I'm sorry, I got up late, so I came late."

"It's okay." Jing Shuo turned his head to look at her, and said with a smile, "Uncle Xu took me up just now to look at the few antiques you collected. They are all very good. I hope that with your company today, I will Good stuff to buy."

"You say that, it puts me under a lot of pressure, and I feel like I have become some kind of mascot." Xu Yunhan smiled, and bypassed the few antiques without any trace, she didn't want to mention more The few things I bought from Luo Feng always felt a little guilty.

Although the surface of those few pieces is very thick, they will not be considered to be dug out of the soil at all, but antiques that have been passed down in an orderly manner.But when she thought about the "occupation" of that man Luo Feng, she still had some doubts about the origin of those things, maybe he had dealt with them in some special way.

The crime of selling unearthed cultural relics is not a light one, so Xu Yunhan plans to try not to buy from Luo Feng unless there are no good products in the store.

(End of this chapter)

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