Tibetan play style

Chapter 211 Second-Hand Furniture Market

Chapter 211 Second-Hand Furniture Market
At this time, Xu Da who was sitting on the side touched the stubble on his chin, nodded with a smile, and said in full agreement,
"Well, don't say that I think this is a good idea. From now on, Xiaohan, you can be the mascot of our store."

"..." Xu Yunhan, who was surrounded by herself, had no choice but to change the subject and said,
"I sent Ah Mo to the store. If there is nothing else, then I will go out with Jing Shuo first. And I have already told Aunt Min at home. She will give the store on time from today. Bring lunch and dinner. Besides, Ah Mo, after you have dinner in the store in the evening, you can take Aunt Min's car home by the way."

Walking out of Xu's Antique Store with Jing Shuo, Xu Yunhan looked around. At this time, there were not many people in the Shichahai Antique Market, and most of them were stall owners and shopkeepers.

"Jing Shuo, where shall we go for a stroll today? Have you figured out where to go?" Xu Yunhan asked.

Jing Shuo walked straight forward, "Not in this antique market, I will take you to a place that you must have never been to."

"Oh, there are many more antique markets and antique streets that I haven't been to. Which direction do you go to the city today?"

"It's not the antique market." Jing Shuo shook his head. This answer aroused Xu Yunhan's interest, but no matter how Xu Yunhan asked, he didn't specify where it was, which really whetted her appetite.

Almost half an hour later, outside the Fifth Ring Road, there was a dilapidated iron fence gate covered with many mottled rust, and a few crooked-neck trees with bare leaves growing on both sides.The wind is quite strong today, and the cold wind is blowing. The sparse and hurried pedestrians outside the gate have pulled up their collars and tucked their necks into the collars, as if hoping that such a little shelter can block them. Live the cold wind.

Xu Yunhan looked around. The rusty gate in the cold wind, together with the crooked trees outside the gate, looked like a bleak scene. After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but ask,

"Uh... come here to shop?" It's not that she is hypocritical and looks down on this place, it's just that this place really doesn't look like a place where you can shop for good things, and it's almost not popular, there are only two or three passersby walking on the street personal.

"That's right, it's here. Come on, get off the car, and I'll take you in for a stroll. The car can only be left outside, and you can't drive in." Jing Shuo nodded and got out of the car first, and said.

Glancing at the dazed Xu Yunhan, Jing Shuo certainly understood what she was thinking and what she was wondering about. When my grandfather brought him here for the first time, his expression was probably similar to that of Xu Yunhan now.He smiled, so he stopped being a secret, and introduced to her as he walked, saying,

"Inside the iron gate is a second-hand furniture market. This market has existed for at least one or two hundred years. At the earliest time, this market was not here, but in the original old BJ city area. At first, it was not only second-hand furniture. The market, which is also an antique market, has been prosperous and lively for a long time. However, due to the needs of urban planning and urban construction, coupled with the prosperity and development of emerging antique markets such as Panjiayuan and Shichahai, this second-hand furniture market gradually Marginalized and forgotten. Even so, some old people still remember this place, so this second-hand furniture market can be preserved to this day.”

"So, this second-hand furniture market is the oldest antique market in the capital?!"

After listening to Jing Shuo's introduction, Xu Yunhan no longer felt that the second-hand furniture market was dilapidated, but seemed to see the weight of history.Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing in my heart, cough, this is the psychological effect.

It's like in the eyes of people who don't understand antiques and don't love antiques, many precious antiques look quite old and tattered; An aesthetic thing can be transformed into a treasure with rich history in no time!
"Yes, it can be said that the store called Baimuge is an old store that has been in business for a hundred years and has been passed down by three generations. His family not only recycles and sells old furniture, but also can order ancient furniture. Furniture, such as mats, beds, screens, mirrors, tables, chairs, cabinets, etc., the shop owner’s family is a carpenter passed down from generation to generation, and the craftsmanship is quite exquisite.” Jing Shuo took her into this second-hand furniture market and walked for a while. Then motion her to look towards a shop on the right.

The area of ​​this second-hand furniture market is not large, and there are only seven or eight shops in it. Once you enter this second-hand furniture market, it seems that you can see the situation in the whole market at a glance.It is really a small market, it can be said that it is even much smaller than many vegetable markets.Due to the small area, the old furniture placed in the market are piled up compactly and densely.

According to Jing Shuo, the reason for this is that the second-hand furniture market has declined. Except for a few time-honored stores that are still holding on, the original store owners have already changed their careers and moved away.The current location was moved a few years ago. Since there are only a few stores that are willing to stay in this market, the relevant government agencies only gave it such a small place to stay.

"The situation is getting worse, so why do these stores still insist on staying here?" Xu Yunhan was puzzled by this. She observed it. It was already past ten in the morning, but since she entered the market During this period of time, she never saw more than five pedestrians.

You know, how rare it is to have such a low flow of people in a first-tier big city like BJ.Being in this second-hand market, it seems that the city outside the wall is isolated, and the branches belong to different spaces.

"The origin of this story is a bit long," Jing Shuo thought for a while, organized his words and continued,

"Because the remaining shops all have their own unique skills and have been famous for a long time. Now their business is more about custom-made antique furniture. Nowadays, people who order antique furniture and those who can afford expensive wood They are all either rich or expensive, and one order should be able to earn a lot of profit, so what these shops rely on is not the popularity of the market, but their own craftsmanship.

According to legend, the ancestors of these families are actually the same family, so they all have the surname Wu.One of their ancestors was a highly skilled carpenter.He has been gifted as a carpenter since he was a child. Not only is he often obsessed with the carpentry work of sawing, cutting, and painting, but he is also skilled, which is beyond the reach of ordinary skilled craftsmen.It is said that he can make all the wooden utensils and pavilions he has seen.All carpentry work such as sawing, chiseling, painting and lacquering, he has to do it himself, and he never gets tired of it, even forgetting to eat and sleep.His handmade lacquerware, beds, comb boxes, etc. are all decorated with colorful, wonderful and unexpected.

The craftsmanship of these shops is said to have inherited part of the unique skills of that ancestor.They all make money from orders in the upper-class circles, so naturally they don't care about the development of this market. On the contrary, because of the decline of this market, they only need to pay very little rent every year. "

(End of this chapter)

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