Tibetan play style

Chapter 226 Jade Cicada and Ability

Chapter 226 Jade Cicada and Ability

The gray-white stone in his hand was the same shape and size as the black jadeite before. Xu Yunhan, who had already had such a bizarre experience, still didn't understand.

This is, the incident of beautiful jade turning into stubborn stone happened again.

But why did she experiment and observe for so long yesterday during the day, but nothing changed, but why did she become like this after she woke up from a sleep!

This is so confusing.

Xu Yunhan blinked, and decided to see what was going on with the mysterious jade cicada in her body, but when she looked intently, she found that the white light that had become thin due to the excessive use of abilities yesterday seemed to have recovered a lot, and it was even brighter than before. Intense and dense look.

Looking at the gray-white stone that turned from black jadeite in his hand, it seems that Yuchan really changed the jadeite into a stone, and Yuchan must have sucked some energy from the jadeite.And before that, the liquid substance in the jade must have been a great tonic for it, so Yuchan couldn't wait to "eat" the jade that contained the jade liquid, causing her to faint on the spot.

And the rest of the jadeite without jade liquid in it is not in a hurry, so it only "eats" slowly in the quiet night?

Wait... So it seems that the two times when Jade changed, she either fainted or fell asleep, obviously both happened when she had no self-awareness.

It seems that this jade cicada needs to appear strange in the dead of night, and it is still a sneaky foodie. Xu Yunhan couldn't help cursing while looking at the jade cicada that was constantly turning.

With the lesson of being dizzy yesterday, Xu Yunhan didn't dare to use the power to see through for too long this time.After thinking for a moment, he looked away, and after all, he washed up and went down to have breakfast.

Anyway, there are still four pieces of black jadeite left, and a few more experiments should be able to figure out what's going on. Xu Yunhan looked around her room.After breakfast, I went to the mall after talking with Aunt Min, bought a digital video camera, and put it in front of the bed to take pictures before going to bed at night to record what happened at night.

With the help of a digital camera, Xu Yunhan finally saw the process of turning jade into stone.More than an hour after she fell asleep, the entire surface of her body was surrounded by a burst of soft light, which flickered for a while, and gradually condensed towards her hand holding Hei Fei.After a few minutes, the light gradually faded, and then disappeared as if it had never appeared before, and the whole room returned to darkness again, only a little silver-like moonlight shone in through the gaps in the curtains.

In the morning four days later, Xu Yunhan was able to calmly look at the gray stone that had turned from a black emerald overnight.In the past few days, she would fall asleep holding a piece of black jadeite every night, and the next morning, those black jadeites would all turn into stones without exception.

Since then, she has been completely sure that that strange joy is exactly what Yuchan expressed to its "food". When she is surrounded by that kind of light when she is asleep, Yuchan will absorb the energy or essence from the emerald. , Emerald has thus become a stone.

The absorbed emerald essence nourishes the jade cicada, making it more lustrous and radiant than before.

And the light that was originally white wrapped around Yuchan turned into a light beige, and she witnessed its gradual change in just a few days.

After many experiments, she found that Yuchan was indeed absorbing energy from the jadeites that gave her inexplicable joy. With this energy, Yuchan's rotation speed increased slightly, and at the same time, the light around it, or what can be called Some mysterious substance of the fog increases and changes in color.

And after the fog thickened and deepened, she found that both her touch sensing ability and perspective ability became stronger.When appraising antiques by hand, the dating can be clearer than before. Before, we could only see things within one meter, but now we can see things close to two meters.

But if you want to see through the living body, the distance must be within one meter, and it consumes a lot of light and mist, which is several times that of seeing through non-living bodies. When the light and mist become thin, you can clearly see the jade cicada inside. Conditions that can cause her to become dizzy or even faint.

However, she has no interest in seeing through living bodies. She doesn't have the hobby of being a pervert to peep at the color of other people's underwear, Xu Yunhan thought.

After these consecutive days of feeding, the changes in Yuchan and those light and mist, as well as the changes in her abilities, showed that the energy drawn from the emerald was very beneficial to her.

So if she often "feeds" Yuchan with jadeite that can arouse Yuchan's reaction, does it mean that her abilities will continue to strengthen? !Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan wished he could go find jadeite wool now!
But the emeralds that can cause the jade cicada to react are all top-quality emeralds, which are very rare and easy to find anywhere.Let’s say that she went to Myanmar, the place where jadeite is produced, and found only one piece after looking at so many woolen materials in the warehouse of Wu Nu, a big jade merchant.

To describe it in one sentence, it's called something that can't be met.Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan calmed down.

Picking up the digital video camera and watching the video taken last night, it was the same as the previous few days, Xu Yunhan closed it and put it back on the dressing table after watching it for a while.Then he put the stone in his hand into a box on the bedside table, which contained the stone turned from the imperial green before, and the "black emerald stone" produced recently.Xu Yunhan glanced at these stones of extraordinary origin, then closed the box and put it in the cabinet in the cloakroom.

"Xiaohan, get up and eat."

Then Aunt Min's voice came from outside the door. It was Xu Yunhan's order to eat breakfast at eight o'clock every morning.

"Okay, I'll go down right away." Xu Yunhan, who was brushing his teeth, replied vaguely and loudly.

After washing up, Xu Yunhan came downstairs, walked into the dining room and saw Ah Mo drinking milk, "Morning~"

Ah Mo looked up at her, smiled, "It's getting late, I'm back after running."

Xu Yunhan is used to Ah Mo, who has gradually become cheerful and talkative, but when Ah Mo and Dai Xiaobei teamed up to "intimidate" him to treat himself as a local tyrant, he would miss the quiet and kind Ah Mo back then. .

"I'm taking a beauty sleep. Sufficient sleep is the best skin care product for a woman! So look, how good my complexion is, and my skin is hydrated!" Xu Yunhan snorted and boasted cheekily, but she didn't want to Admitting that he was a bit sleepy, he picked up Huang Chengcheng's tempting fried egg and took a bite, saying,

"Aren't you going to the antique shop today? If you want to go, I just have to go out later and I can take you there."

(End of this chapter)

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