Tibetan play style

Chapter 227 Can Still Be Amended

Chapter 227 Can Still Be Amended

"I have other things to do today, so I won't go to the store, but I'm going to the city. You can just drop me at a subway station," Ah Mo said.

"Okay, let's go after dinner."

Xu Yunhan, who was drinking juice, paused for a moment before replying.In the past two days, Ah Mo said that she had something to do and would go to the city. It should be related to finding her mother, but Ah Mo obviously didn't want to talk about it, so Xu Yunhan didn't ask too much.

He just said that if he needed any help, he would tell her. As for money, Xu Yunhan opened a bank card a few days ago, deposited 30 in it, and then gave the card to Ah Mo.It was as if she had bought the fried gold beads and jade ornaments that Ah Mo gave her, and then asked Ah Mo to accept the money with a strong reason of not accepting it or breaking the relationship.

But the next day, Ah Mo stuffed her a bag with 10 yuan in it, and then insisted that it was the living expenses she needed to pay during this period, and also said that if she didn't accept the two, she would refuse to pay the money. reason.Xu Yunhan had no choice but to accept it with a wry smile, muttering that such a large amount of living expenses can only be spent by eating fresh seafood every day, and finally told Ah Mo to tell her if she needs money, and the matter is over.

"Aunt Min, Ah Mo and I went out."

After breakfast, Xu Yunhan wiped her mouth, and took the bowls and chopsticks on the table into the kitchen with Ah Mo.Then they went back to their rooms to change their clothes, walked to the garage, and just said hello to Chen Min who was tidying up the flowers and plants in the yard, and then drove away.

Tong Jihuan called her yesterday and asked her when she would go to inspect and accept the jadeite jewelry she ordered. After thinking about it, he hadn't been out for several days, so he made an appointment for today.

A few days ago, Xu Yunhan focused all her attention on the jade cicada and the emerald stone, except for a trip when she went out to buy a digital camera, she was closed again.Dai Xiaobei made several phone calls, complaining that he could only make an appointment with Ah Mo every time, but not her.

"Exit at the subway entrance in front?" Xu Yunhan asked.

"Yes." Amo said.

Xu Yunhan glanced left and right in the rearview mirror, and seeing that there was no vehicle nearby, she turned the steering wheel and pulled over to stop the car.Glancing at Ah Mo who was about to open the door and get out of the car, he asked,
"Do you have your phone with you?"

"Should... I brought it..." As he spoke, Ah Mo touched his pocket, and after a while finally found the phone from his jeans, raised his eyes and shook the phone at Xu Yunhan, smiled, "Here, I didn't forget to bring it!"

Xu Yunhan glanced at the mobile phone she held in her hand, "I did, but you didn't turn it on. If you turn around like this, I'll find you for something, but I can't find anyone."

She snatched the phone while talking, pressed the power off button, and put it back into Ah Mo's hand after the phone screen turned on, "Here, remember to take it with you, if it's inconvenient, turn on the mute. Don't go home too late , and pay attention to safety."

"En, yes. I'll remember, don't worry." Ah Mo nodded, got out of the car with a big cloth bag on her shoulders and waved to her, then turned and walked into the crowd rushing to take the subway.

Seeing Ah Mo gradually disappearing into the crowd, Xu Yunhan sighed, because of Ah Mo's mysterious and weird behavior style, and thinking of the case reported in the last news, she was always worried.

Just as she was thinking wildly, suddenly the phone she placed in front of the car rang music, and when she picked it up, it was not Tong Jihuan she thought, but Guan Zeyu.

How could it be him?Xu Yunhan froze for a moment, and quickly picked it up, "Hello, hello~"

"Hi, Xiaohan, I heard from Master Tong that he made an appointment with you today at the headquarters of Shenghui Jewelry to inspect and accept your custom-made jade jewelry. But today, Master Tong has something to report to me temporarily, so I may have to trouble you to come The Dingsheng Group is here. Look, can you do it?"

Guan Zeyu on the other end of the phone leaned in a comfortable posture on the leather sofa chair, while talking, he glanced at Tong Jihuan who was sitting next to him, who was secretly smiling.

"Ahem~" Tong Jihuan coughed immediately, and turned to look elsewhere.How can he have any important things to report today, he thought to himself, it's nice to be young!

Go to Dingsheng Group? !Xu Yunhan said, "Yes, but I don't know the address, please send the address to my mobile phone."

"Okay, see you later." Guan Zeyu said.

"See you later." Xu Yunhan hung up the phone, and within a short while received a text message from Guan Zeyu. After a glance, it was still a little far away, and her home was completely on the east and west of the city.

When it was nearly ten o'clock, Xu Yunhan parked the car in the parking lot not far away, and walked downstairs to Dingsheng Group.Looking up at the magnificent building in front of him, this is the famous Dingsheng Group. The entire building belongs to the Dingsheng Group and involves many different industries. In Dai Xiaobei's words, it is what makes money Don't let go.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

As soon as she walked into the lobby on the first floor, there was a lady at the front desk who said to her with a friendly smile.At the same time, there were several security personnel in uniform black suits patrolling the hall.

Xu Yunhan smiled at the pretty receptionist, smiled, and said gently,
"Hello, I have an appointment with you Mr. Guan. My surname is Xu, Yan Wuxu."

"Ah, you are Ms. Xu, Mr. Guan has already explained it." Hearing this, the beautiful receptionist smiled more and more sincerely on her face, picked up the intercom phone on the desk and dialed, and said, Ms. Xu has already Arrived.After hanging up the phone after a while, he respectfully greeted Xu Yunhan, "Miss Xu, please follow me."

Then he led Xu Yunhan to a relatively secret elevator on the first floor, took out a magnetic card from his overalls, and swiped it on the sensor outside the elevator. The elevator door opened quietly, and the receptionist turned to face her. Xu Yunhan said,
"Miss Xu, please. This is Mr. Guan's special elevator. It goes directly to the top floor. I can only take you here. I can't go up without Mr. Guan's permission."

"Okay, thank you." Xu Yunhan thanked her and walked into the elevator.

Ding Li, the receptionist, stood outside the elevator dedicated to the president, smiling as she watched the elevator doors gradually close, and the figure of Miss Xu disappeared. Strong curiosity and doubts remained.

Who is this woman surnamed Xu? Could it be Mr. Guan's new love? !But even if it is a new woman, it is impossible to have this kind of preferential treatment. In the past, there were so many women of the president, there was never one who could let the president call the receptionist in person, and the president never specially let any woman take his special elevator. go find him.

The more Ding Li thought about it, the more she felt that this Ms. Xu was unusual. After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and secretly sent a message to a few good colleagues who were playing around, and exchanged gossip together.One must know that Mr. Guan is a top-notch diamond king, the best son-in-law!All the colleagues in the entire group have been tracking the relationship status of their president in real time!

But so far, everyone has only come to one conclusion about Mr. Guan's relationship, that is, he is quite fickle, and there are a lot of women around him, who seem to have a wide range of tastes, mature and sexy, charming and enchanting, beautiful, cute and charming... ...All kinds of women have appeared beside Mr. Guan.The rich and exciting emotional experience of the president of the company made the employees of the group even more excited, and their attention to Mr. Guan increased instead of diminishing.The woman fantasizes that she will become Guan Zong's true love, and the man works hard to hope that he can live a life surrounded by beauties like the president when he reaches the top of the group.

"Ms. Xu, hello. I am Mr. Guan's assistant, please follow me."

The direct elevator was very fast, and as soon as the elevator door opened, Xu Yunhan saw a young man in a suit and leather shoes standing outside, not Guan Zeyu's personal assistant Ye Tian whom he had seen before.She had never seen this assistant in front of her before, so she should be an assistant on business, Xu Yunhan secretly guessed, without revealing anything, said with a smile,

"Hi, sorry to trouble you."

Then he walked inwards behind the young man, stepping on the smooth marble hall floor covered with handmade wool carpets, Xu Yunhan looked around, appreciating the scenery on the top floor that belonged exclusively to the president.The decoration style seems a bit cold and strong, it seems to be done deliberately, the purpose is to let people walk in here, the momentum will be unconsciously suppressed.

"Miss Xu, we're here." Zou Yang stopped when he walked outside a solid wooden door, turned his head and said something to Xu Yunhan, then raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly. word, pushed open the door and turned sideways to let Xu Yunhan walk in.Finally, he bowed his head and retreated to prepare tea.

"Xiaohan, sit on the sofa over there and talk." Guan Zeyu, who was looking at a document that needed his approval, raised his head, looked at her, closed the folder, got up, left the desk and walked over.

Tong Jihuan, who had been sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper in a daze, heard the sound and looked up, seeing that the Lord who was waiting for him had arrived, and said, "Xiaohan, long time no see. How is the exam?"

"Hello, Master Tong." Xu Yunhan greeted, "The results will not come out until at least February, and I don't know yet."

When answering, Xu Yunhan was a little embarrassed. She felt that she was too old, and that one day she would be cared about and asked about her test results like a primary school student. Suddenly, she couldn't get used to it!

Tong Jihuan said with a smile, "As long as you do your best, you can definitely do it."

For this studious little girl, he admired him more and more. What he didn't imagine was that she was not only good at betting stones, but also knew how to appraise and collect antiques!These are not simple jobs!
"If necessary, I can help you check your grades immediately." Guan Zeyu came over and sat on the single sofa, listening to the conversation between the two, looked at Xu Yunhan and said.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Xu Yunhan was not polite. If he knew the result earlier, he would be able to hurry up and prepare for the re-examination earlier, and he would feel more at ease.

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." Guan Zeyu replied indifferently, and then pointed to a row of exquisite jewelry boxes of different sizes wrapped in black velvet on the coffee table in front of the sofa, "These are the ones you ordered Jewelry, you can see if you like it, if there is something you don't like, you can bring it up, and you can modify it."

(End of this chapter)

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