Chapter 231
Chen Min, who was cooking, looked back at her when she heard the voice, and said with a smile, "Why not, there are all the cabinets there, eat first when you are hungry, and I will prepare the last dish right away. I still cook it today." I ordered your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs."

Xu Yunhan cheered when he heard the words, took out a pair of chopsticks from the disinfection cabinet, and rushed towards the steaming food on the cabinet.Knowing that Aunt Min had already divided up the dishes that were going to be sent to the antique shop later, she eagerly picked up a few chopsticks and ate them. A dish was served on the table.

Then she went to serve two more bowls of rice, and sat and waited for Auntie Min to fry the last dish for lunch together.At first, Chen Min didn't agree to sit at the same table with them for dinner, but asked himself to stay in the kitchen to eat.Xu Yunhan knew that this was the rule of those rich and noble families, but she, a person of ordinary background, couldn't accept it, not to mention that there were not many people in the family. Ah Mo would either eat in the store at noon or go out and never come back. Usually there were only her and Min at home. Aunt.

Wouldn't it be more awkward and uncomfortable for two people to implement the rules of eating separately.So Xu Yunhan found various reasons, and finally persuaded Aunt Min to have dinner with them.However, Chen Min still suggested that if guests came to the house, she would eat alone in the kitchen.

Chen Min's cooking skills are very good. Sweet and sour pork ribs, Kung Pao chicken, white meat with garlic paste, mapo tofu, boiled vegetables, cold fungus, yam bone soup, few dishes can be called jade plate delicacies, but they are delicious. It was full of color, fragrance and taste, which made Xu Yunhan really feast on it.After I finally finished eating, I sat on the sofa and shouted for support, hugging my stomach that was too full.

"Come on, have a drink slowly." Chen Min brought a glass of her homemade health drink and handed it to her.His cooking skills were recognized and the food he made was praised. Chen Min was very satisfied, and introduced the glass of water to Xu Yunhan with a smile.
"This drink can not only help digestion, but also play a lot of health effects. It contains fried wheat flour, red dates, hawthorn, dried ginger, and brown sugar. I got this recipe from an old Chinese doctor. My daughter often drinks it, and the effect is very good. She even catches a cold once. I thought about letting you drink it too. If it feels good, I will make it for you later. It will be in powder form after it is ready. , Just mix it with hot water when drinking, it’s very convenient.”

Xu Yunhan drank a few sips and felt that the taste was not bad, so she said, "It's delicious, so please help us make some. By the way, Aunt Min, the winter vacation at the university is coming soon."

"Well, I called yesterday and said that I will be on vacation in a few days. But the child said that he has found a tutor to help children with English, and it sounds busier than me." When Chen Min mentioned her daughter, she immediately He was in high spirits and beaming.You can feel her love and pride for her daughter as soon as she hears it.

This made Xu Yunhan very envious, and couldn't help but think of her parents. If they were still alive, her heart wouldn't be so empty.

"Aunt Min, your daughter can come and live here when she is on vacation or when she is free. Don't worry too much. After getting along for a while, I believe you know us a little bit, so don't be too polite. The classmates will come back after the holiday. It's not appropriate for a girl to live alone in the dormitory." Xu Yunhan said, "So, Aunt Min, you should let your daughter move in as soon as possible."

This is not Xu Yunhan's alarmist talk. Just a while ago, there was a news that two chefs from a prestigious school gang-raped a female college student.The specific situation is that on a rainy night, I met a single woman walking towards me on the road, and she was dragged directly to the roadside bushes to commit the crime.It can be seen that the university is not completely pure land.

Chen Min also knew about this news, so when reminded by Xu Yunhan, she also immediately thought of this case. In front of her daughter's safety, she couldn't care less about politeness, so she immediately agreed, saying,
"Xiao Han, thank you so much. I'm really grateful. I'll call Xinning later and ask her to move here after the exam. She just sleeps with me in the same room. This child is very obedient. It won't cause you any trouble."

Chen Min was really delighted that Xu Yunhan would allow her daughter to live in with her. The few houses she had worked in before did not allow unexpected people to live in her home.So every winter and summer vacation, my daughter lives alone in the dormitory of the school, especially during the Chinese New Year, my daughter can't be by her side, but is alone in the dormitory. When Chen Min thinks about it, she will cry a lot.

"Aunt Min, you are too polite. It will be lively if there are more people. That's it. I'm looking forward to meeting your daughter. Then I'll go upstairs to get my bag. When I come down, let's go to the antique shop." Xu Yunhan finished drinking I drank the homemade sweet and sour water, put the glass on the table, got up and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Chen Min hummed a little tune and tidied up the kitchen and dining room neatly, and packed the insulated boxes containing the meals in special insulated bags.Seeing that Xu Yunhan hadn't come downstairs, she took out her mobile phone and couldn't wait to call her daughter. After two beeps, her own daughter's pleasant voice rang out.

"Xin Ning, have you had lunch yet?"

I only heard Chen Xinning on the other end of the phone say a few words to the classmate first, and then replied, "I just returned to the dormitory after eating in the cafeteria, Mom, why do you have time to call me now? Shouldn't you Are you busy?"

"Mom is taking a break from her busy schedule. I want to tell you something. It's a good thing!" After finishing speaking, Chen Min laughed cheerfully, and before her daughter asked, she couldn't wait to add, "You have a test in a few days After the school holidays, you can move in with your mother! This year we can celebrate the New Year together! Are you happy?!"

Chen Xinning was silent for two seconds, and asked, "Did you bring it up with others?"

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, of course Chen Min knew what she was worried about, so she hurriedly explained, told the whole thing, and then praised the new boss again and again, and said, "Mom is also worried that you are alone at school. It's not safe, and our mother and daughter haven't celebrated the New Year together for several years..."

"Okay, I'll be over in a few days." After a while, Chen Xinning finally compromised
Thinking of the life of their mother and daughter these years, Chen Xinning's eyes were red, and she raised her watery eyes to look at the blue and clear sky, it will be better!She has been working hard!

When Xu Yunhan came down, Chen Min had just hung up the phone. Seeing her coming downstairs, she immediately told her about her daughter's agreement to move in, and expressed her thanks again and again.

This made Xu Yunhan very embarrassed, but she didn't help much, she dragged Chen Min, who was still talking endlessly, out of the house quickly.They each set off in a car, just in time to avoid Aunt Min who was so emotional that she was about to burst into tears, and she didn't go home with Aunt Min later, so it was convenient to drive by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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