Tibetan play style

Chapter 232 Handsome Boy

Chapter 232 Handsome Boy

When I arrived at the store, I saw Uncle Xu and Ouyang Lie sitting on one side of the table, both holding a newspaper and reading it intently. It seemed that there was no business today. Xu Yunhan walked in behind Chen Min.

"Brother Xu, Xiao Lie is ready for lunch." After knowing each other for more than two months, Chen Min and the two of them have become familiar with each other. They are all kind and get along well. After learning about each person's taste, Chen Min often tries to take everyone's dietary preferences into consideration in each meal.

Therefore, the careful, hardworking and simple Chen Min quickly won everyone's love. As soon as they heard her voice, Xu Da and Ouyang Lie put down the newspapers in their hands at the same time and looked towards the door.

"Xiaohan, you're here too." Xu Da glanced at the huge insulated box first, then noticed Xu Yunhan standing aside, and immediately asked, "Are you preparing for the re-examination exam scope materials?"

"Well, I'm preparing, don't worry, Uncle Xu, even if I don't pass the exam, I won't stop moving forward." Xu Yunhan smiled, and then helped Aunt Min take out the meals in the insulated box one by one and put them on the table .During this period, Ouyang Lie came over to help, Xu Yunhan's movements froze for a moment, Ah Mo's voice seemed to be heard in his ear, he is not an ordinary person... exorcising ghosts and controlling spirits...

Thinking of this, coupled with the fact that Ouyang Lie was standing next to her at this moment, very close, Xu Yunhan suddenly felt a shudder all over his body. Could there be something next to him? Xu Yunhan guessed wildly, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became.It seems that there is something behind him staring at him all the time.

"Uncle Xu, Xiao Lie, eat slowly. I went out for a stroll. I haven't been to the antique market for a long time." After Xu Yunhan finished speaking, he took out a palm-sized black box from his bag and handed it to Xu Da, "Uncle Xu , this is for you. Then I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Xu Yunhan turned around and left in a hurry, as if there was a ghost chasing after her, even pretending not to hear Xu Da calling her from behind.She didn't want to persuade Uncle Xu again and again because of that black jade ring finger, it would be tiring to be more polite!
It was lunch time at the moment, and there were not many people in the Shichahai Antique Market. A few scattered people were wandering around the stalls on both sides of the street.

After walking out of the antique shop, Xu Yunhan browsed for a while at a stall selling porcelain and pottery outside the shop. There was no doubt that they were all imitations.However, the stall owner was more honest and told her directly that these were modern handicrafts, and if she liked them, they would be sold to her at a low price.Of course, it may be because she knows that she is an insider of Xu's antique shop next door, and they are all experts, so they can't deceive her, so just treat her honestly.

All the decorations in the house were intact, and it was useless for her to buy these bottles and jars. After making sure that there were no real antiques in them, and there were no leaks to pick up, Xu Yunhan wanted to leave.But when he turned around, he saw a young man standing on the opposite side of the street. He must be about 1.8 meters tall. He was wearing a British-style black wool coat and a pair of fashionable sneakers. He had handsome features and stood quietly by the side. It forms a landscape of its own, which is very eye-catching.

But the age should be less than 20 years old, a handsome young man, although he is indeed a handsome young man, but what really caught Xu Yunhan's attention was his gaze.Xu Yunhan followed the direction he was looking at and turned around to look at the past.

This young man has been watching Xu's antique shop...

Why?If you want to buy something, just go into the store and look at it. It wouldn't be a bad idea, would it? !Xu Yunhan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately raised his vigilance. He secretly looked at the young man suspiciously, and then asked the owner of the porcelain stall. Did this young man stand there and stare at this side before? !

The owner of the porcelain stall glanced across the street and said, "Oh~ you are talking about that boy, who does appear for a while these days, just stands there quietly for a while without looking at anything, and then leaves. You Don't tell me, I think his behavior is very strange. At first I wondered if he was a thief or pickpocket or something, but I noticed that the boy really didn't do anything and then left."

Speaking of this, the stall owner lowered his voice again, and reminded her kindly, "And you can see it, the direction he has been looking at is your antique shop, I thought it must be someone you know But since you will ask him, obviously you must not know him, so you have to be careful, or you can just ask him what he wants to do. Otherwise, there will be people staring at their shop every day, and I will be so scared Yes. Miss, you say yes."

People I know... Hearing what the stall owner said, Xu Yunhan suddenly felt that the young man standing opposite him looked familiar!
But she can be sure that she has never seen him before, otherwise a person with such an outstanding appearance will definitely be able to leave a deep impression, so she will definitely not just feel familiar.Then this boy should look like someone she knew, so she would feel familiar.

Xu Yunhan turned to look at that handsome young man again, and this time he looked more carefully, with short short hair, a handsome nose... those bright black eyes, that's terrible!The peeping was discovered, and the two stared straight at each other. Xu Yunhan clearly noticed the boy's frown tightly when he realized that he was looking at him.

After meeting their eyes for a moment, the boy turned and left expressionlessly.

Xu Yunhan's face was full of black lines, and she blinked, uh... She must be regarded as a nympho!

The stall owner next to her looked at her with a gloating expression, and sighed, "Oh, girl, you were discovered by that little brother! My suggestion, you better catch up and ask him why he comes here every day. Staring at your antique shop. By the way, could that young man have a crush on you girl? Thinking about it this way, it's quite possible..."

"Ah! Uncle Xu!"

The stall owner, who was immersed in discovering the truth, was interrupted by Xu Yunhan's shocking yell before he finished his perfect reasoning. He wanted to ask the girl what was wrong, but saw that the girl was trotting towards her. The boy who left chased after him.

The stall owner muttered thoughtfully, is it really sadomasochism? !Thinking of this, the stall owner looked at their backs eagerly. They were handsome and beautiful, and their appearance was a good match.But it seems that the girl is a few years older than the guy, but according to my daughter, it seems that sibling love is quite popular now.Besides, as the old saying goes, female juniors hold gold bricks!

Xu Yunhan, who didn't know that he had been actively included in the ranks of gossip by the stall owner, was struggling to run to the boy in front, and ran directly to the boy in one breath, and said, "Please wait a minute."

The young man looked at her impatiently, unwilling to talk to the woman in front of him, frowned, and moved a few steps to the side, trying to avoid Xu Yunhan who was blocking the way.Who knew that this woman was so thick-skinned, following her direction back and forth, and blocking her with a good step.

"Get out of the way!" The young man ordered in a deep voice, his expression worried.

"You answer me a few questions, and I'll get out of the way." Xu Yunhan smiled at him gently, trying to express that she had no malice.

But he didn't want such a smile to be a commonplace behavior of a nympho woman in the boy's eyes. The boy glared at her and said angrily, "I'm not interested in a woman like you! Get out of the way!"

"!!" Xu Yunhan's eyes widened, and he pointed at himself and then at him in disbelief. He didn't know whether to laugh or get angry, and looked at the young man in front of him speechlessly, thinking, even if he looks good, he won't be so good Narcissism, feeling superior to yourself.

Seeing her standing in a daze with a dull expression, I thought she was hit by his blunt rejection.This time he won't stop himself anymore, the boy returned to that cold and expressionless face, and wanted to bypass her and leave again.

"Wait!" Xu Yunhan recovered in time, took two steps to the left, blocked him, and asked, "What's your name?"

The young man's face darkened, and he stared at her without speaking.

"Is your surname Xu?" Xu Yunhan asked with a gentle tone and a smile on his face.This boy looks more and more like him.

Hearing this, the young man raised his eyebrows, "How do you know?" Could it be that she knows herself? !But he didn't know her, not to mention that he had been away from China for two years.

"So, your surname is indeed Xu!" Xu Yunhan clasped his hands, beamed with joy, and looked at him with a smile.

The boy became more and more confused. Could it be that he was really someone he knew before?Looking at her carefully, he asked, "You are?"

"My surname is Xu too!" Xu Yunhan replied happily, and after speaking, he pulled him up and walked back.

"What are you doing! Let me go! I don't know you!" The young man who didn't know why quickly struggled, "So what if your surname is Xu, we don't know you!"

The hand being pulled was a little numb, Xu Yunhan had to turn around and said, "Be quiet, I just want to take you to a place. Don't tell me you are a big boy, and you are afraid of me, a little girl?!" Staring at him with disdain .

I feel that her eyes seem to be provocative, contemptuous and ironic that I am a coward, the young boy can't bear to be looked down upon by others, not to mention, after looking at Xu Yunhan who has thin arms and thin legs, and in front of the public, she How can you treat yourself? !Thinking about it this way, the boy stopped struggling with her.

After walking back for a while, seeing that the antique shop was getting closer and closer, the young man felt something was wrong, and recalled that she asked her last name just now.Could it be... the young man glanced at the antique shop, then turned to look at Xu Yunhan, "You..."

Xu Yunhan, who noticed the young man's gaze, smiled sideways at him, then stretched out both hands to grab him, and pulled him forward with all his strength, only a few meters away from the shop.At the same time, he shouted loudly, "Ouyang Lie, Uncle Xu!"

The young man who understood her intention panicked, his face flushed, and he tried to shake off her hands, "Let go!"

"Ouyang Lie! Uncle Xu!" Xu Yunhan held him tightly, ignored his reaction, and continued to shout.They should still be eating now, they must be able to hear it.

Sure enough, Uncle Xu, Ouyang Lie and Aunt Min came out soon after, and Xu Yunhan shouted excitedly, "Uncle Xu, look, who is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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