Tibetan play style

Chapter 233 Wake Up

Chapter 233 Wake Up
Xu Yunhan frowned, feeling very dizzy, her eyelids felt heavy, and she struggled to open a gap.Her ears were very quiet, and she could still smell a strong smell of disinfectant. Is she in the hospital? !Xu Yunhan tried her best to recall what happened before. Due to the excessive use of clairvoyance, her body couldn't bear the collapse.

"Xiaohan, are you awake?!" Chen Min said excitedly and joyfully when she saw that she had opened her eyes as soon as she opened the door.

Xu Yunhan turned her face slightly, and looked at her, "Aunt Min, are the others okay? How is Uncle Xu's son?" As soon as she saw other people, she immediately asked the most urgent question in her heart.

"Ah, there's nothing serious about it. Brother Xu's son and the foreigner both had a mild concussion, and they need to be hospitalized for observation for a few days. Both of them have woken up a long time ago, but you have been in a coma for a longer time, all day and night Already!" Chen Min leaned forward to look at her complexion while talking, and asked worriedly, "How does your body feel now? By the way, I'll call the doctor to come over and give you a checkup!"

Chen Min slapped his thigh, and trotted to find a doctor after speaking, Xu Yunhan didn't respond to this.Both of them just had mild concussions? !how is this possible!That foreigner was indeed, but she had seen it clearly before she fainted, the fractures on Xu Yuntian's right leg and ribs were still there!

Could it be that their injuries have been continuously recovering, and their fractures disappeared when they were sent to the hospital, so the hospital only made a diagnosis of a mild concussion? !Xu Yunhan opened his mouth half-open in amazement, oh my god!Such an ability is too heaven-defying!

It turns out that those hazes are not just for seeing through, no wonder it consumes so much energy when used to see through living bodies. It seems that those hazes are of great benefit to the bodies of living beings, at least for now it seems that they can heal injuries, and Perfect physique.

No wonder she feels that her physical fitness has improved a lot during this time. The skin all over her body is white, tender and smooth, even the tiny pores are gone, and she is full of energy every day. The food is delicious!It turned out that when she looked inside her body, the light and mist scattered into various parts of her body and at the same time it was transforming and optimizing her body.

Ouch~ Xu Yunhan immediately felt dizzy after only using his brain for a while so lightly. Lying on the hospital bed, he felt that the ceiling above was spinning, so he quickly let go of his thoughts and dared not think again.

The price of using this heaven-defying ability is not small. At this moment, she is weak and weak.

After a while, a male doctor in a white coat pushed the door in, followed by Chen Min and Xu Yuntian.Xu Yunhan glanced at him. Xu Yuntian, who was left in the hospital for observation, was also wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown. She raised her brows, thinking suspiciously, Uncle Xu's son looks really good, such an ugly hospital gown They just pretended to have a sense of fashion.

"How much is this?" The doctor in a white coat walked up to her, took a look at her condition, first held up a small flashlight, opened her eyes to take a picture, and then made a V letter with his right hand and kept shaking it. asked her.

"Two." It's really two, Xu Yunhan complained in his heart, is this doctor doubting her IQ? !She just fainted, and she didn't knock or fall or have a concussion!

At most some bad temper due to dizziness!The physical discomfort caused Xu Yunhan to feel evil fire in her heart, and she heard the doctor in white coat ask her if she felt unwell.

Xu Yunhan frowned, and replied weakly, "I'm dizzy, and a little dizzy."

"Oh, you must be hungry. After all, you have been in a coma for a day and a night without eating, so you will inevitably feel a little weak when you wake up." The doctor in the white coat calmly made a judgment, and after finishing the examination, he took out one from the outer pocket of the coat. With a pen, he wrote down the conclusion in the medical record folder in his hand, then closed the book neatly, turned around and said to Chen Min, "The patient's health is fine, and it's enough to supplement his diet. He can be discharged today."

After giving instructions, the doctor in the white coat walked away, coming and going in a hurry.

Chen Min stepped forward and touched her face, and said with great pity, "I'm sorry to see you, why do you feel that your face has lost weight in just a day, and your complexion is not very good. I will go shopping for vegetables later and go home I will make soup for you, and add some blood-enriching herbs to stew together, it is delicious and nourishing! Although the doctor said that you can be discharged from the hospital today, I think you should stay for another day to observe and observe."

"No need, I can't eat well or sleep well in the hospital. It's more convenient to go home." Xu Yunhan knew what was wrong with her. Her condition couldn't be cured in the hospital, so she could only take it slowly. Rely on Yuchan to slowly increase the haze, or find excellent jadeite to 'feed' Yuchan.Xu Yunhan was secretly thinking about the future plan, but heard Xu Yuntian who was standing beside the bed with Aunt Min said lightly:
"Women are trouble."

Xu Yunhan looked up, and happened to share Xu Yuntian's disgusted and unhappy expression. She was provoking someone, if she hadn't used up her energy to save him, would he be alive and kicking like now? !Still dislike her for trouble?She rolled her eyes at him and ignored him.

"Yuntian said that because he didn't want to stay in the hospital alone. According to the doctor's request, Yuntian will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." Chen Min looked at the two with a smile and said.

Xu Yuntian snorted coldly, turned his head, "Who said that, I don't want to stay with her!"

"In that case, I'd better leave the hospital tomorrow. I'll take care of you for Uncle Xu, lest you run away again!"

Seeing the boy's obviously insincere expression, if Xu Yunhan still doesn't understand something, then let's leave the hospital together tomorrow.As for helping Uncle Xu to look after his son, that was also one of the reasons. I don't know what is going on with the awkward father and son.

"Hmph~" Xu Yun sat on the chair in the ward humming, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, plugged in his earphones, and listened to the music.

Xu Yunhan glanced at him amusedly, and then said to Chen Min, "Aunt Min, I have nothing to do here, so you should go home first."

"Alright, I'll go back and cook some delicious food, and I'll deliver it later. By the way, Ah Mo is sleeping in Yuntian's ward. That child has been staying here since he came home last night and found out that you were hospitalized." For you, I came to deliver meals at noon, and it took her a long time to persuade her to compromise. Let me watch over you, and she will just squat in Yuntian's ward for a while." Chen Min also sighed in her heart, such a friendship is rare.

Xu Yunhan's eyes brightened, and she smiled, "Thank you, Aunt Min."

"Oh, this is what I should do, and it didn't help me much." Then Chen Min told her what happened after she fainted that day.

At that time, she had just called Xu Da, and the ambulance arrived, and the three of them were sent to the hospital. After discovering that the motorcycle rider was a foreigner, they contacted the person who called recently from his mobile phone.Then Xu Da and Ouyang Lie closed the shop ahead of time and rushed over.

After a flurry of examinations, it was determined that the two men had only mild concussions and a few abrasions on the surface of their bodies, but Xu Yunhan's indicators were normal and very healthy. In the end, the doctor gave a conclusion of haemorrhage.

Soon the foreigner and Xu Yuntian came to their senses, there was no major problem, but the concussion required hospitalization for two days for observation.It is said that the foreigner was transferred to another hospital and left that day, and at the same time his personal assistant contacted Xu Da to discuss the follow-up of the car accident.Xu Da asked Xu Yuntian who was awake at that time, and he could only say that both parties were responsible, but luckily no one was injured.So after the agreement between the two parties, they both agreed not to pursue each other's responsibilities, and the accident was considered to be over.

Who knew that there was nothing wrong with the two parties involved in the accident, but Xu Yunhan, who had nothing to do with the incident, never came to his senses, so anxious that Xu Da and the others wanted to transfer to another hospital for treatment!
"Uncle Xu, he doesn't blame me?" Hearing this, Xu Yunhan asked softly, "That...it's all because of me, Yuntian had a car accident..."

"Why would my dad blame you, but beat me up." Xu Yuntian interrupted suddenly, complaining, "If you don't wake up today, when my dad comes later, he will definitely stare at me for a long time."

Xu Yunhan glared at him, "Aren't you listening to music?"

"I just put on the earphones." The corners of Xu Yuntian's mouth rose, and he triumphantly flicked the earplugs in his hands, with an arrogant expression of what you can do to me.

Although he didn't blame her, he still remembered the embarrassing incident of being chased by her, ah!There was also a nympho who mistakenly thought she was here to strike up a conversation. Thinking about it now, it was too embarrassing, so Xu Yuntian's reaction now is called getting angry from embarrassment.

"Oh, it's earphones. I thought it was a hearing aid or something." Xu Yunhan glanced at it and smiled as if suddenly enlightened.

"Okay, you two." Chen Min helped Xu Yunhan straighten her sleepy hair, and comforted, "No one is to blame, as long as everyone is safe and sound, it's a good thing! I'll go home and make dinner first, and come back later. You sisters and brothers get along well. Also, remember to call your Uncle Xu, Xiaohan, and let him know that you are awake, and you will be much more at ease." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly got up and left, and had to go first What about the vegetable market?

After Chen Min left, the ward was silent, Xu Yuntian was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, Xu Yunhan was lying on the bed in a daze, both of them seemed unwilling to talk to each other.


Xu Yuntian, who was playing a game, suddenly heard her say, he was taken aback, and still played the game with his head down, after a while, "There's nothing I'm sorry about, it's none of your business."

Xu Yunhan turned her head to look at him, and asked, "Why did you see Uncle Xu running away? Don't you want to see him, but you will stand outside the antique shop to watch him those few days, the people in the market told me."

(End of this chapter)

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