Tibetan play style

Chapter 253 Students who take the initiative to improve

Chapter 253 Students who take the initiative to improve

Neither coquettish nor crazy, a prudent and conscientious novice junior who is learning, is obviously very suitable for her image positioning.After thinking about this, Xu Yunhan acted naturally and calmly took the bright flashlight Ji Zhongsheng handed her, and followed him towards the wool with Cun Baoting's acquiescence.

"Little girl, do you know what gambling with stones is all about? I think you should know a little bit, because since you will come to visit this strange stone street, you must have heard of stone gambling."

Just as the old and the young were walking in, Cun Baoting suddenly turned around and asked, the suddenness of his actions made Xu Yunhan almost caught off guard and bumped his head into his back.

"I probably know a little bit. I saw gambling stones at Liulichang some time ago, but I am a complete layman for more detailed ones, such as how to choose them." Scared by his sudden turning back and asking questions, he couldn't help but move back a little. Xu Yunhan, who was walking, pointed to the wool on the ground embarrassingly, and said, "I heard what Boss Ji said just now, about recklessly wearing pine flowers, and now I am even more confused."

Cun Baoting took a look at her, thinking that the serious expression on her face was not a fake, so he kind of believed in his heart that this child was indeed a novice who didn't know anything about stone gambling.At the same time, she is a junior who looks pleasing to the eye, so it is rare for him to have the idea of ​​being a good teacher with good intentions and initiative. He raised his chin to signal Xu Yunhan to follow, then scanned the woolen materials around him, and quickly found a piece that generally performed well. Wool pulls her to squat down together.

"I have always believed that young people don't need to be afraid even if they don't understand anything. As long as they can maintain a diligent and studious attitude, they can do everything well. Look at the piece in front of us. The material, the material has been cut into two, divided into two parts, the cover and the body. The wool material of gambling stones is divided into bright material and dark material, and there is also half-light and half-dark material. The price of dark material is lower, but the risk is the greatest. High, but the risk is relatively minimal, because all the jade has been opened, and you can roughly estimate the value of what you can make and how many pieces you make. Moreover, there are public auctions held by the government in Burma. Semi-dark and semi-dark materials take the middle Value, this piece belongs to half-light and half-dark material..."

"If you look at this piece of wool with a flashlight, you can see the greenness that has emerged inside. It looks like the water is very good. It is planted with ice species, fluorescent, strong steel, and there are a few blue flowers on the bottom. And water patterns... In addition, you should also notice that, look, there is a crack passing through the wool... For the wool with cracks, it should..." Cun Baoting instructed her to shine a flashlight on the surface of the wool stone skin , while carefully explaining to her the main places to look at when looking for stones, what characteristics of wool need to be carefully considered, and so on.

At the beginning, Xu Yunhan listened in a daze. Xu Yunhan, who didn't know what to ask, actively raised his own questions while listening carefully. Gradually, he finally got a vague glimpse of one or two effective experiences.

At the same time, I have to sigh in my heart, it really is hard for a god to break an inch of jade!There is a big bracket behind almost every inspection standard of wool, and there are many red warnings hidden in it. You must be vigilant under any circumstances!These made her deeply aware of the difficulty of betting on stones. Xu Yunhan was very grateful that she could rely on her supernatural powers to judge whether there was jade in the wool without worry and trouble.

Although she has a convenient shortcut that ordinary people don't have, she still carefully memorizes what Cun Baoting said in her heart and thinks about it over and over again.Just like the appraisal of antiques, her current foundation still lies in that magical ability, but she is not willing to rely entirely on it for a living.

Therefore, she hopes that she can learn to identify antiques and bet on stone and jade wool, otherwise she will often feel uneasy if she only relies on supernatural powers.After all, she hasn't fully understood and controlled this mysterious and mysterious ability yet.

What would she do if she woke up one day and lost this ability? !

As the saying goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket.Therefore, Xu Yunhan firmly believed that no matter what ability he had, he could not compare to mastering it himself.

"Then based on such a comprehensive judgment, would you plan to buy this piece of wool? After I looked at it myself, I didn't see anything." Xu Yunhan asked a little frustrated.

After learning the main essentials, Xu Yunhan quickly simulated an actual combat exercise. According to the aspects that Mr. Cun told her to pay attention to, she did not directly touch the wool with her hands, but squatted next to the wool with a strong flashlight , Left, right, up, down, up and down, searched and scanned it thoroughly with the carpet search method.

But Xu Yunhan, who just listened to a few words of experience from successful seniors and hadn't integrated them into his own, naturally didn't see anything.

All she did was stare blankly at the strip on the top of the wool for a while, stare blankly at the surface of the pine flower-like substance for a while, and then shine the flashlight on the crack that Cun Baoting pointed out before. Just stay.

When I listened to Mr. Rencun's explanation just now, it seemed that Xiangshi was simple and easy to understand and not difficult to use, but when I really came to self-expression, I couldn't remember anything when I checked it by myself.During the whole process, Xu Yunhan, who was confused, had no choice but to have a cheeky face, and asked Cun Baoting for advice again.

Fortunately, Cun Baoting did not dislike her stupidity because of this, on the contrary, he was very satisfied with her practical and hard-working style, with a warm smile, and patiently said, "In my personal opinion, this piece of wool should be able to turn green. This crack on the wool is located at the edge, and it will not affect the whole piece of jade inside, nor will it affect the post-processing. According to my observation, it is estimated that at least seven or eight thick ice hangings can be produced inside."

Speaking of this, Cun Baoting paused, glanced at the other people who had surrounded him just now, and added with a smile, "But this is just my own judgment, everyone should believe in themselves, and this piece of wool is worth it." If it's not worth buying, you need to look at Boss Ji's price for this piece of wool. I'm not interested in this piece of wool. If you are interested in it, you should use your own judgment. Don't just listen to what the old man said. Anyway, if this piece of wool ends up being cut, I won’t be responsible for it~”

Since Cun Baoting began to explain the precautions for Xiangshi to Xu Yunhan, many other 'students' who took the initiative to make progress together gradually appeared around the two.To be able to listen to Mr. Cun Baoting, the emerald king, personally preaching and dispelling doubts, this is a great thing that can't be met!

Regardless of whether or not the necessary common sense for novices that Cun Baoting said is practical to them, as long as they can listen to what Mr. Cun said, and turn around and talk about it in front of acquaintances, rivals and business competitors, that is definitely admirable. things.What's more, it's such a lucky thing to be able to touch the good luck of the Emerald King at such a close distance!

In order to be excited, after Xu Yunhan, a real student who had obtained official permission, finished inspecting the piece of wool as a teaching material, everyone immediately gathered around and looked at it, imitating Cun Baoting's previous movements.

"Oh, Mr. Cun's treasured sword is not old, and his style is still the same as before. He can grasp the situation of a piece of wool thoroughly with just a few glances."

(End of this chapter)

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