Chapter 254
Flattery seems to be a matter of concerted efforts. No, when one person starts to praise Cun Baoting with sincerity and enthusiasm, the others immediately take over the baton, not to be outdone, throwing out the money for being obedient.

"That's right, Mr. Cun said that green wool can be produced, so you can't be wrong, it's the ice variety!"

"That's right, our Emerald King hasn't made any major mistakes in the past few decades! Who doesn't know that, last time I was lucky enough to see the old man unravel a piece of material with spring ribbons! I still remember it vividly, then This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful emerald."

What's more, they directly asked about the price of the woolen material, thinking of buying the woolen material by spending money to seize the opportunity, "Old Ji, what is the price of this piece of woolen material?"

At this time, it can be said that the other people who are flattering and flattering the Jade King are all people who have lived for decades. After thinking about it for a few seconds, they will come to their senses. The most important thing to do at this time is to consider whether to buy this piece of emerald. Your Majesty has personally seen the ones that have been evaluated, and he has liked the ones that he likes.Instead of flattering and catering to Cun Baoting for the interests that are quite unlikely to appear in the future, almost all the businessmen present have a set of realistic and feasible ideas for long-term interests and immediate interests in their hearts.

So they all temporarily stopped watching and flattering Cun Baoting, and instead went to bargain around Ji Zhongsheng, and were busy arguing with other competitors around them.

The space around Cun Baoting and Xu Yunhan, who were surrounded by enthusiastic and studious 'students' before, was finally much more spacious.

Cun Baoting glanced gloatingly at Ji Zhongsheng who was now crowded in the middle of the crowd, stroked his beard with a smile, nodded to Xu Yunhan, and said calmly,

"Come on, let's go over there to look at the woolen materials. Let's go and look at the dark materials now. In fact, I think buying dark materials is more interesting, and as long as you look accurately, the profits are very considerable. Bright and semi-dark materials are much better. Especially bright materials, I think the so-called clear price of jade materials is simply robbery. So, little girl, if you like jade and jade, you should be yourself Learn to gamble on stones, and buy dark materials when you have learned the skills, this is the best way to buy jadeite at a low price."

"Hehe, you always say that betting on stones is very simple, but many people lose their fortunes because of betting on stones. I'm timid, just take it as a hobby."

Hearing this, Xu Yunhan looked adoringly at the old man whose hair had all turned white but was still in good spirits, thinking that the Emerald King was not called for nothing, look at his arrogance and arrogance!The risk is extremely high and at the same time it is accompanied by the possibility of obtaining extremely lucrative profits, which is a secret material that tests Xiangshi's level. It turned out to be Cun Baoting's favorite, and he had to express his admiration for it in his heart.

Cun Baoting glanced at her and smiled, "Most of those people are people who have not learned their skills, and of course some are unlucky. There is no easy opportunity to make a fortune in this world. You have to pray that you are lucky enough. If you don’t have these two things, don’t touch the gambling stone. Since you just want to be a hobby, don’t indulge in it. Okay, stop nagging, let’s go~ go over there and have a look ~"

At this moment, other people are working hard to compete to buy the piece of wool favored by the Jade King, so naturally they have no time to actively follow the two of them as they did just now.

Cun Baoting, who was so happy that his ears were quiet, hurriedly took Xu Yunhan to the corner where there were many solid wooden shelves on the other side, picked up a piece of wool that was placed on the second floor of the shelf and was as big as two palms of an adult and said,

"Look, if there is no trace of cutting and polishing like this, it is called dark material. However, this piece of wool is not recommended to bet on. In my opinion, this piece is probably moss eating green."

While talking, Cun Baoting lit up a flashlight to shine on the wool, and pointed to the dark green marks of different sizes and shapes on the surface of the stone skin, motioning her to look.Afraid that she might not understand, he turned the wool on his hand up and down and said to her,

"The imprint on the outside of the wool, we call it moss, not only dark green moss like this, but also black and gray. It is a performance characteristic associated with emerald green, and it is a provider of chromium ions. Commonly known as "ringworm eats green" or "green goes with black". The main mineral component of ringworm is alkaline amphibole, usually in the form of columnar and fibrous aggregates, indigo, blue-black, often surrounding pyroxene, especially for jadeite Marginally or fully alternated, with obvious color change from the surrounding material of the husk.

However, the relationship between moss and jadeite does not mean that jadeite will definitely come out of the moss wool, which you must keep in mind.There have always been many people who love to gamble, but as far as I know, they lose more than they win in the end.

There are many moss that cannot be gambled, such as the piece of wool in my hand.If a lot of flakes appear on one face and a lot of punctate on the other, the interior probably contains too much of a ringworm-causing mineral such as actinolite; if some ringworm is only on one face If there are manifestations, and all of them are tinea flakes, there may be only a little "dirty" on the surface, which will not have a great impact; if there are ringworm on two or even three sides, the inside may be very dirty.This piece of wool is like this, almost the entire surface of the stone skin is covered with moss. According to my judgment, it should be the material of white background green species, but all the jade material is soaked by the dark green moss spots. "

After evaluating this piece of wool, Cun Baoting let her take a look, and then evaluated the other pieces of wool next to the shelf,
"Look at this piece of wool again. The surface of the leather is uneven and rough, showing that it has many internal cracks, loose texture, and poor water... and the piece of wool next to it... the emerald skin can be seen faintly like dried moss The same color patches, plaques, and strips are called pine flowers..."

Although Xu Yunhan had read a few books on jade and jadeite identification in private, she actually knew the basics of moss, moss, or mang belt.

However, what can be learned from books is limited to those rigid basic knowledge, such practical experience as Cun Baoting told her is absolutely impossible to learn at all.So Xu Yunhan followed Cun Baoting, the more he listened, the brighter his eyes became, glistening as if he had found a treasure.

She even dug out the small notepad and pen she carried with her from her bag, and carefully recorded these precious experiences one by one.I am very thankful, fortunately, when I was a reporter, I developed a good habit of carrying a small notebook and pen with me.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen!
But she didn't just listen to Cun Baoting blindly because of his fame and status.The reason why she was so convinced by him and regarded his words as good words was after she touched the moss-covered wool and other wool that had been commented by Cun Baoting.

Although she couldn't perceive whether the piece of jade that was said to be a green seed on a white background was really soaked in moss spots just by touching it.But Cun Baoting said that the wool that would not turn green would not make her feel the temperature, and he said that the wool that was likely to be green in it made her hands feel the heat without exception, including those Lump moss eats green wool.

How can this 100% correct rate make people not startled, how can people not be convinced!

 Seeing the complaints from aerospace and sandal children's shoes, Mango deeply regrets, and at the same time has the power of code words. It turns out that there are still children's shoes waiting for Mango's update. I am moved~ so Mango said that it will work hard~
(End of this chapter)

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