Chapter 255
It would be great if she could use her perspective ability now to see if the situation inside these woolen materials is the same as what Cun Baoting deduced. If it is right, Xu Yunhan can't help but wonder if he will have something like her. Amazing ability.

Thinking about it this way, she planned to sacrifice those few pearls in the next few days, to get rid of the physical discomfort caused by excessive use of abilities as soon as possible and restore the ability of clairvoyance.

"Do you know the earliest stone gambling in history?" Because of Xu Yunhan's seriousness in studying hard and meticulously, Cun Baoting absolutely showed the posture of teaching this temporary apprentice everything, which is not explained. , moss and other professional terms, and popularized the common sense of stone gambling for her in detail, about the earliest explanation of stone gambling in history.

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a man named Bian He in Chu State who got a stone containing precious jade in Chu Mountain and presented it to King Li of Chu.King Li ordered the jade craftsman to identify it.The jade craftsman saw it and said, "This is a stone." King Li was furious, thinking that Bian He was deceiving, and ordered Bian He's left foot to be cut off.

When King Li died and King Wu ascended the throne, Bian He dedicated the stone to King Wu.King Wu asked the jade craftsman to identify it, and the jade craftsman said: "This is a stone." King Wu also thought that Bian He was deceiving on purpose, and ordered his right foot to be cut off.Later, when King Wu died and King Wen ascended the throne, Bian He wept bitterly at the foot of Mount Chu for three days and three nights, holding his uncut jade in his arms. His tears dried up, and what followed was blood.King Wen sent someone to ask why, and Bian He said: I am not crying that my feet have been cut off, but that Baoyu is treated as a stone, and loyal people are treated as bullies, innocent and humiliated. .Therefore, King Wen ordered someone to cut open this piece of uncut jade, and seeing that it was a rare jade, he named it He's Bi. "

When King Wen heard the reward, he asked the jade craftsman to rectify the piece of raw material. As expected, he got a piece of priceless jade, which he named "The Bi of Heshi".

After listening to it, the corners of Xu Yunhan's mouth twitched twice. It turned out to be the famous Heshibi. After being surprised, he felt that this brother named Bian He was really stupid. What kind of stone? Just present the processed jade!This is all right, I didn't get any reward but my feet were cut off in vain.

Tsk tsk tsk... how tragic!While sighing, Xu Yunhan euphemistically expressed what was in his heart. When Cun Baoting heard it, he laughed and said,
"I have thought about this problem before. This Bian He is good at knowing jade, so it can be inferred that he should be a jade craftsman or at least a person who often sells rough stones to jade craftsmen and often deals with jade craftsmen. In this case, for him , It is very simple to unravel stones and open stones to brighten jade. But in this case, why didn't Bian He cut and grind the jade from the rough stone and dedicate it to the king of Chu? I think there may be a reason for this.

Since Bian and he are proficient at recognizing jade, he fully understands that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand and see that jade is hidden in a rough stone, and the king of Chu and his ministers are even less able to know whether there is jade hidden in a rough stone.He must have imagined that if he presented the original stone, King Chu Li and King Wu of Chu would call the most famous jade craftsman who had a gap with him to identify it. Opening stones to verify, he must win, and the jade craftsman loses, and they will decide who is superior. Naturally, he will be famous all over the world, and he will let out a sigh of relief.

But who knew that King Li of Chu didn't ask Kaishi to testify, but only listened to what the jade craftsman said, which made him lose his foot in the bet.I think that in this matter, the jade craftsman may have used his bad medicine in front of King Chu Li and King Chu Wu in order to win or lose with him. "

Hearing such an analysis, Xu Yunhan immediately shed tears of bitterness for Bole Bianhe of Heshibi, but she is not a person full of sympathy. If this is the case, Bian He is not wronged, his fate is his own choice, his initial thought was to step on others to become famous, but he was unlucky and the enemy was superior, so he was completely defeated."

"Well, maybe it's his fate. It's a pity that the piece of He's Bi has long been lost. There are different opinions about its whereabouts. Now people can only imagine it based on limited written records and ancient literary creations. It's a pity, it's a pity~" Cun Baoting shook his head and sighed with great regret, "Suihou Zhu, which is called the second treasure of the Spring and Autumn Period together with Shibi, has never been used since Qin Shihuang. Sorry."

Suizhu and Bi, these two treasures that have been famous all over the world since the Spring and Autumn Period, Xu Yunhan knows about them, but the whereabouts of these two treasures are unknown, the world can no longer appreciate their true appearance, and just want to continue discussing with Mr. Cun While discussing the topic of ancient jade, the mobile phone in her bag rang at this moment.

Who is calling?Xu Yunhan pleaded guilty to Cun Baoting, took out the phone from his bag, Xu Yuntian? !

"Sorry, I have to answer the phone, you choose the wool first."

Cun Baoting waved his hands indifferently to indicate that it was okay, then put his hands back and walked slowly towards another wooden shelf.Seeing that at this moment, he actually still picked a piece of wool that made him tempted. Hey...he has lived for more than half of his life and has worked in the jade and jade industry for decades. I can't see it anymore.So, the older this person is, the less he enjoys his life, Cun Baoting stood beside the wooden shelf and moved a piece of wool to look at it.

"What! I'll be right over, don't worry, try to delay the time." Xu Yunhan hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and then said goodbye to Cun Baoting and the others and left. Today, I can't bet on rocks and pick wool.In a hurry, she went to the jade store in the morning to pick up the piece of wool she bought, and asked the clerk to help move it into the trunk of her car, and then she drove directly to the Shichahai Antique Market.

When Xu Yunhan arrived at the place, he rushed into his antique shop in a hurry. Xu Yuntian, who had been waiting inside for a long time, hurried up to ask for help, "Sister Xiaohan, you must help me persuade my mother, I really have no other choice."

Looking around the shop, Uncle Xu and his ex-wife, Deng Xiuying and Aunt Deng, were sitting at the tea table with their backs facing each other. They both looked angry and had a calm face. When they saw her coming, they looked at her tacitly. Nodded but didn't speak.In addition, Ouyang Lie, whom I haven't seen for a long time, still looks like that. He is wearing a thick padded jacket and a thick padded gown. Well, it's winter, so he must be wearing cotton wool trousers under his gown. Otherwise, how can we survive the winter.

At this time, the young man wisely stayed away from the battlefield, holding a rag in his hand and cleaning the Duobaoge shelf in the corner, wiping left and right, and looking at them from time to time. The little eyes can't hide at all.

Uh, if it wasn't for the fact that the occasion wasn't really suitable for being funny, Xu Yunhan would definitely laugh out loud. This Ouyang Lie... It can't be seen that he has always had such a gossip side despite his always rigid, honest and serious appearance.

Humans are unbelievable!

(End of this chapter)

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