Tibetan play style

Chapter 256 Stay

Chapter 256 Stay

"Why did you come to the store? Shouldn't you stay at home and pretend to be a patient?" Xu Yunhan patted Xu Yuntian's shoulder to calm his impatience. , said with a long sigh,

"Isn't it because my mother and my father quarreled? Originally, everything was carried out according to the plan we discussed. Today, I found an opportunity to ask my mother to help Aunt Min deliver lunch to the store. Who knew that when my mother saw me Dad’s reaction would be so intense, she would start arguing within a few sentences, and then she understood that all this was arranged by me, and she knew that I was pretending to be sick, so after a big fight with my dad, she quarreled. Call me and tell me to bring my luggage to the store, and take me back to the UK immediately. My dad tried to persuade me again and again, but it didn’t work, and the two quarreled again. Nothing I said was going to work, so I had to call you. Miss Xiaohan , what should I do, my mother seems determined not to give my father a chance anymore."

Xu Yuntian's eye circles were almost red after he finished speaking, Xu Yunhan raised his eyes and glanced at him, and said with a soft smile, "You're such a grown-up man, what are you crying about, what's there to be afraid of, there is nothing in life that you can't overcome. Wait, I'll go and have a look first."

After giving someone a small reassurance, but Xu Yunhan herself was not sure about it, so she walked around to the back in a nervous mood to make a pot of hot tea, and took advantage of this time to type the draft twice. How to persuade, how to say, how to maximize Uncle Xu's cleansing, to prove that he has indeed changed his ways and started a new life.

Covering the steaming teapot, Xu Yunhan clenched his fists and secretly cheered for himself.Let's take out the ability of being a reporter who was so stubborn and eloquent. I think she had interviewed many difficult people back then, and there were several aunts in the neighborhood committee.

Thinking about it this way, she felt a lot more confident, and Xu Yunhan walked up to the two parties with a tea tray, "Aunt Deng, Uncle Xu, I made you a pot of hot tea, come here, let's all drink something warm." In summer, she directly brings ice water, which just meets the needs of fire fighting.It's a pity that the weather is too cold now, maybe people's temper will be more irritable when it's too cold?Then drink something hot to cool off.

"Thank you~" For Xu Yunhan, who was eager to make tea, Deng Xiuying showed her a smiling face, but the smile was short-lived, and her face sank again after laughing, and she also tried to stop Xu Da, who was helping her to pour tea, with a cold voice Said, "I'll do it myself, I don't need you." Putting aside his hand, he poured himself a cup of tea.

Xu Da didn't speak, but Xu Yunhan, who was sitting across from him, could see clearly the pain that flashed across his expression. After Deng Xiuying put down the teapot, he picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup, but he just held his hand and didn't drink.

At this time Xu Yuntian leaned over and sat next to Xu Yunhan, poked her under the table with his fingers, and even winked at her to signal her to move quickly, not waiting for me.

In such a strange and quiet atmosphere, Xu Yunhan, who was a little nervous, felt his throat was dry, took a sip of tea to moisten it, cleared his throat, looked at the time pretending to be calm and said,

"Well...it's almost five o'clock in the afternoon, Uncle Xu, you haven't eaten your lunch yet. Why don't you close the shop early today, and let's go eat mutton mutton. The cold weather like today is the most suitable for eating shabu shabu Mutton, right? Xiaotian, you said you wanted to eat it yesterday, didn’t you?”

Just now she saw that the insulated lunch box containing lunch was still placed on the table. Obviously they were only focused on arguing, and Uncle Xu and Ouyang Lie must have not eaten.At that time, Xu Yunhan thought about it. A large group of people went out to eat together in the evening. At that time, the atmosphere was lively, and eating warm lamb would naturally relax the mood, so persuading Aunt Deng during the dinner would naturally get twice the result with half the effort. Xu Yunhan was secretly at ease I applaud my clever strategy in my heart.

"But...my mother doesn't eat mutton..."

Xu Yuntian raised his forehead, looked at her disapprovingly, and complained in his eyes, "Sister Xiaohan, why did you come up with such a thing, the method of saving the country with curves will not work on his mother.

It's a pity that Xu Yunhan didn't receive the message conveyed in his eyes at all, so he turned his head and said to Deng Xiuying with a smile, "Auntie doesn't like to eat mutton, so why don't we go to eat hot pot, I recently found a authentic Sichuan hot pot, Spicy and fresh, the reputation is very good.”

"Thank you, Xiaohan, for your kindness. Aunt Deng is going to take Xiaotian away later. If you go to England in the future, you must come to us. Auntie will treat you well. Thank you so much this time. "Xu Yunhan heard Deng Xiuying say this before she finished speaking.

Xu Yunhan was dumbfounded, she didn't expect Aunt Deng's character to be so straightforward, and now she realized that Mao Xu Yuntian had been poking her thigh under the table just now, and it turned out that it was to stop her from talking nonsense.Looking at Xu Yuntian, this kid is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot right now, he keeps pouted and winked at her.

Even Xu Yunhan was in a hurry. She offered to help others, but she couldn't end up being a disservice. Seeing that Aunt Deng was about to get up and leave, Xu Yunhan hurriedly put down the teacup in her hand and grabbed Deng Xiuying's hand, "Auntie, Just give Uncle Xu another chance, he really doesn't gamble with stones anymore, and he has been working hard all the time, just wanting to give you and your mother a good life. Really, I testify!"

Deng Xiuying was stunned, glanced at Xu Da, lowered her eyes and said indifferently, "The words of a gambler are untrustworthy and untrustworthy." After a pause, she touched Xu Yunhan's head and said softly, "But Auntie Thank you very much for your kindness, but Auntie is tired and doesn’t want to live a life of walking on fragile glass.”

"Mom~ just give dad one more chance." Xu Yuntian looked at her intently, "I don't want to immigrate, I don't want to leave here." I don't want to leave his dad, I don't want my family to be separated...

"Yes, Auntie, ever since I met Uncle Xu, he has been a down-to-earth, respectable and good person, and he often taught me not to touch gambling stones, so as not to be like him in the future. Now Uncle Xu just stays with me He runs this antique shop and usually visits the antique market or drinks tea with his friends. He often says that it would be great if he could understand and wake up earlier. But I don’t think it’s too late now. As long as people are still alive, what’s the point? It's late. You can stay in China for a while longer. Anyway, Xiaotian's vacation is not over yet. He hasn't seen Uncle Xu for two years. The relationship between father and son should not be deprived no matter what. I think this time The reason why Xiaotian sneaked back to China was because he missed his father. So, Auntie, please stay for a while." Xu Yunhan tried her best to lobby.

The filial son Xu Yuntian who missed his father in the topic couldn't care less about the embarrassment, nodded in haste, and echoed bitterly, "Well, I just missed my father so much, so I sneaked back..." Then he squeezed Hong Hong hard. eyes, looking at his mother as if trying to squeeze out tears, and said firmly, "Anyway, if I don't leave, I just won't leave!"

Seeing that Xu Yunhan was dumbfounded, what a boy, he can play hard and soft~
"You!" Deng Xiuying gave him a hard look, then closed her eyes and stopped talking.

What kind of reaction is this? !Good result or bad result?Xu Yunhan couldn't understand it anymore, but when he turned his head, he found that Xu Yuntian and Uncle Xu's faces were sunny and smiling.

After a while, Xu Yuntian's voice was heard again, "Mom, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your consent. Then we'll stay in the country, and the Chinese New Year will be celebrated soon!"

This kid...Xu Yunhan pinched him, and said in a low voice, "Can you stop pretending to be sobbing, but your face is smiling like a flower, it looks weird."

"Hehehe..." Xu Yuntian smirked nonchalantly.

Xu Yunhan was speechless, looking at Xu Yuntian who had a handsome face and smiled foolishly, sure enough, no matter how handsome a fool is, he would be unsightly.

(End of this chapter)

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