Tibetan play style

Chapter 273 Was Someone Instigated?

Chapter 273 Was Someone Instigated?
Xu Yunhan nodded, and returned the painting to the old lady first, "You take this painting first, and then give it to me after paying the money. You can rest assured."

The old lady did not refuse, and now this painting that can sell for [-] yuan has once again become the treasure in the old lady's heart, of course she is holding it securely.

After negotiating, the three of them quickly found a nearby bank. Xu Yunhan withdrew [-] cash from the counter and paid the old lady on the spot.After confirming that it was correct, the old lady gave the painting to Xu Yunhan, and then deposited the money into her bank card.

"Why did you buy that painting? One hundred thousand is not cheap, or do you want to help the old lady?" After leaving the bank and separating from the old lady, Dai Xiaobei hastily asked the doubts in his heart.

"Just take it as a good thing." Xu Yunhan said indifferently, "Didn't you also feel sad for the old lady, your eyes were red, so I extended a helping hand. Do you think sisters and I are very kind, Right, I was touched by myself, hey~."

"Cut~ You are really thick-skinned. Just do the good thing this time. In the future, if you encounter such things on the street, I suggest you not to worry about it. There are too many liars these days, and you never thought about it. Is this old lady a liar? Of course, I’m not really saying that the old lady is a liar, that’s what I mean, anyway, if you want to do good things in the future, there are many other channels you can use.”

Dai Xiaobei taught Xu Yunhan children's shoes earnestly and earnestly in her eyes, not to mention seriousness, this girl will be cheated in the future, Dai Xiaobei is very worried about this.

Xu Yunhan, who felt a little funny in her heart, listened silently to Dai Xiaobei who was beside her and popularized all kinds of quack tricks. It is said that these were all told to her by her cousin who is a criminal policeman.

"Okay, I can live to this age in peace, and I won't be so stupid. Besides, why didn't you stop me just now? Obviously you also believed what the old lady said, so feel free to educate me. I think that The old lady is quite serious, you see, when I said I wanted to buy it just now, the old lady repeatedly emphasized whether the painting was favored by two antique dealers, and the old lady is very frank." And the painting she actually bought, maybe It's really worth 10 yuan, so Xu Yunhan doesn't feel sorry for the money he spent just now.

Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan felt relieved and happy, "Let's go, the gifts you want to buy are also bought, and the next step is to treat you to a big meal. I'm already hungry."

Dai Xiaobei gave her a white look, glanced up and down at her figure, and smiled slyly, "Food, just think about eating, be careful and get fat again."

Dai Xiaobei went back to Xu Yunhan's house one day, and accidentally found a photo of Xu Yunhan when she was bloated and obese. She was shocked, and even asked her seriously if she had plastic surgery.

"Don't worry, sister, I have good living habits now. I go to bed early and get up early, and I insist on running in the morning every day. No matter how many times I eat your big meals, I won't lose weight. So you can see if there is more money in the bag. If there is not much, you'd better Go get some more, I'll eat a lot later!" Xu Yunhan said triumphantly.

I went to have dinner with Dai Xiaobei and sat and chatted for a while, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Xu Yunhan returned home.

On the way home, Xu Yunhan received a call from Xu Da. He came to ask her if she had read the store's account book for this year, and asked her to book a plane ticket for him.

Xu Yunhan and Xu Da had discussed it a long time ago. They planned to close the store a few days ago and reopen after the Lantern Festival in the next year.In this way, both Xu Da and Ouyang Lie have a long Spring Festival holiday. It is too hard to do business all year round, so they should rest during the Spring Festival.

The store was closed during the Spring Festival, so Xu Da planned to buy a plane ticket and fly to England to visit his son Xu Yuntian and his ex-wife Deng Xiuying.Through getting along with each other some time ago, Xu Yunhan's various overt and secret help to ease the conflict, the relationship between Xu Da and Deng Xiuying eased, although Deng Xiuying still did not let go of the remarriage, but Xu Da still saw hope.So he planned to take advantage of the opportunity of the Spring Festival to go over there to accompany their mother and son, and by the way, try to show that he would try to restore the broken family because of him as soon as possible.

Xu Yunhan, who expressed full support for Xu Da's decision, greeted Aunt Min and Chen Xinning as soon as she got home, then ran upstairs into the study and turned on the computer to help Xu Da book the air ticket.

Then I called Xu Da, told him the specific flight time, and asked another comrade in the store who is about to have a vacation—Ouyang Lie, if he has any arrangements, and if he needs to book one for Ouyang Lie Where is the air ticket or something.

Xu Da on the other end of the phone was probably watching TV. After hearing her question, he called Ouyang Lie who was reading in the back room loudly, and after explaining his intentions to him, he said to Xu Yunhan on the other end of the phone, "I'll call him over. Now, you ask him yourself, I'm watching a war movie, and it's at a critical moment." After confessing, he put the phone into Ouyang Lie's hand.

"..." Xu Yunhan's face was dark, and he was silent for two seconds before he said, "Xiao Lie, Uncle Xu told you, the store will be closed in two days and will reopen after the Lantern Festival. It is equivalent to giving everyone a long vacation, and the salary will still be paid to you, and Uncle Xu will give you the bonus together with it tomorrow. I just want to ask, are you planning to go home this Spring Festival? If you want to go back , I can help you book a ticket."

For Ouyang Lie, an employee, Uncle Xu and she are very satisfied. Naturally, they will not treat him badly in terms of benefits, and all kinds of benefits are favorable.

Ouyang Lie spoke calmly and calmly as always, "Well, okay, thank you, I will go to Nanjing."

Is it really okay to speak so concisely~
It took Xu Yunhan two seconds to understand what he meant, "Okay then, I'll help you book a flight ticket to Nanjing. After booking, I'll send a text message to Uncle Xu's phone. Remember to write down the flight information."

This guy Ouyang Lie has refused to buy a mobile phone to carry with him, he thinks he doesn't need it, this makes Xu Da and Xu Yunhan very helpless, no matter how much they persuade them.

Xu Yunhan sighed, but her family, Ah Mo, was more obedient and obedient. Although she still couldn't get through to her phone frequently, at least one or two out of ten times she could get through.

"En, good." Listening to Xu Yunhan's instructions, Ouyang Lie agreed.

"Let's do this first, I'll go and book you a ticket now."

"Miss Xiaohan, wait."

Xu Yunhan was about to hang up the phone, but when he heard Ouyang Lie's voice, Xu Yunhan asked suspiciously, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

Ouyang Lie was silent for a while, and then said, "You...be careful, the three people who came to the store to make trouble last time seemed to be ordered by someone."

Unexpectedly, he would mention this, Xu Yunhan was stunned, "You mean someone had a feud with me, and then asked someone to come to the store to make trouble...Why do you think so?"

"Intuition, you...maybe you can pay attention to the people around you." After finishing speaking, Ouyang Lie hung up the phone, only the beeping busy tone remained in his ears, Xu Yunhan put down his phone, leaned on the computer chair, and recalled Ouyang Lie's words.

Because Ah Mo once said that Ouyang Lie was not an ordinary person, and according to Xu Yunhan's own observation later, she felt that Ouyang Lie must have some secrets, and at the same time she believed that he was a capable person.That's why Xu Yunhan took Ouyang Lie's reminder to her this time so seriously. She believed that Ouyang Lie wouldn't just talk and make random guesses.

Xiaolie just reminded her to be careful, but he didn't mention Uncle Xu. Does this mean that the person who came was here for her, not Uncle Xu.

But who has a grudge against her?
Ask yourself that she has never been a person who is evil to others, and who is going to cause trouble everywhere, who will she have enemies with?Xu Yunhan was thinking inwardly, when a person suddenly appeared in his mind.

...Bai Hui? !I met her today, it seems that they really have a festival like this... I guess.

But with such a small conflict, the small quarrel should not be to the point of finding someone to smash the store and make trouble... But when I think back to Bai Hui's madness when she lost her mind, and the few times I met her, it was full of gunpowder.

Maybe it's not impossible, Bai Hui might really be able to do such a thing.But how does this woman know that she opened an antique shop? !But it should be easy to find out.

After thinking about it again, Xu Yunhan felt that he couldn't just be so vague. Since he had someone to suspect, he had to find a way to find out, otherwise he would always feel chills on his back when he was stared at by a crazy woman all the time.

So Xu Yunhan called Dai Xiaobei and asked her to help find a reliable private investigator with outstanding capabilities.When Dai Xiaobei heard that she wanted to investigate Bai Hui, she thought she was trying to trouble Bai Hui, so she immediately responded positively, and agreed immediately on the phone.

Asking Dai Xiaobei for help in this kind of matter is equivalent to asking Fan Disheng for help. Fan Disheng, who has a wide network in Beijing, sent Xu Yunhan a phone number and a name: Gong Wen.

This name looks like a fake name at first glance, but it doesn't matter, I believe Fan Disheng's introduction will be reliable.

"Hello, is this Gong Wen?" After getting the contact information, Xu Yunhan called the other party, explained her purpose, and told him the information she knew about Bai Hui.

"Okay, but the information you told is too limited, and there is no information about the three men. If the other party has stopped contacting, it will be difficult to find out whether there is a relationship between them. I can only promise to do my best. After three days I will contact you again, and please pay half of the consultation fee first, and pay the remaining half after three days after the investigation is over, and I will send the bank account number to your mobile phone." Gong asked carefully to clear the whole After the incident, he said.

Just as Xu Yunhan answered 'Okay, no problem', she heard a busy tone from the phone, and was hung up by two people one after another within a short period of time. How much money did you save on phone bills~
Within two seconds, the text message on the mobile phone sounded, it was the bank account number sent by Gong Wen, Xu Yunhan thought to himself, it seems that this person is impatient, he hangs up the phone and sends a short message very quickly.

But maybe such a private detective is more efficient? !unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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