Chapter 274

"I don't know what to wear to the interview today~"

In order not to hear her mother who was cooking in the kitchen downstairs, Chen Xinning approached Xu Yunhan and deliberately lowered her voice, looking mysterious.

"Just for this?" Xu Yunhan secretly sighed that she was really old, and had already passed the period when she was suffering from girls' dressing anxiety.

"Isn't that serious enough? Today's interview is such an important interview opportunity in my life, of course I can't dress casually." Chen Xinning dragged Xu Yunhan to the bedroom on the first floor, "Sister Xiaohan, you can do it All right, give me some ideas, go and help me pick out clothes and give me some advice."

"I still have to go for a run~ Wait for me to run around and come back to help you see~" What Xu Yunhan is worst at is dressing up. He used to have no money to spend on it. That thought.

Now she always buys the simple style that can be worn with anything, um... In fact, it's just clothes with no style.

Like this winter, she often wears a calf-length down jacket (mostly black, resistant to dirt), and a long sweater skirt or long shirt inside, (the key is to cover the PP, so that the lower body does not need to bother adding shorts and shorts skirt or something), and definitely a pair of plain cotton booties on her feet.

Xu Yunhan dresses so casually, let alone put on light makeup and powder or something, even Dai Xiaobei, a manly fake lolita, often laughs at her, saying that she really wasted her beautiful face Kong, with a fiery figure, strongly condemned her recklessness.

It’s fine to say that she dresses plainly. Fortunately, the Mori girl style has become popular again in the past few years, but can you put some lip gloss on it? At least it makes people think that you still have such a woman’s desire to dress up Bar.

Well, in the end, Xu Yunhan was pressured to buy a rather expensive lip gloss, uh... used it just once... probably.

"Come on, why don't you help me choose my clothes before going for a run, Miss Xiaohan~ You are the best, think about it, I have to put on makeup after changing clothes, so I have to choose my clothes first." Chen Xinning clicked Kaba blinked those big watery eyes, looking at Xu Yunhan pitifully like a puppy.

In the end Xu Yunhan had no choice but to surrender, and was dragged into the room by her. As soon as he entered, he was startled by the colorful clothes and skirts piled up on the bed, "It's such a big battle, don't you be afraid that Aunt Min will suddenly come in and see it."

"I'm not afraid. I told my mother last night that you and I went out shopping this morning, Miss Xiaohan. Please help me, Miss Xiaohan. How about I wear this coat? How about this coat, or this pair of coats? a?……"

After struggling for half an hour, Xu Yunhan escaped from Chen Xinning's sister's pile of clothes. Women are really crazy creatures!Patting his chest to calm himself, Xu Yunhan was able to go out for a run.

As usual, I walked along the cobblestone-paved path in the community, passed through the vast area of ​​lawn and flowers, and went around the lake in the community, jogging slowly and at a constant speed all the way.Put on mp3 earphones, listen to the melodious and wonderful music, and breathe the fresh air.

Breathe out a foul breath, the life of money is so comfortable!Looking back on the past, I sigh that the past is unbearable!

"Little girl~ the little girl in the gray tracksuit~"

Gray tracksuit? !She lowered her head and glanced at her clothes, um, it was gray, were she calling herself? Xu Yunhan took off the earplugs on both ears, looked back, surprised,
"Mr. Cun? Do you live here?"

She felt very unbelievable, how could Cun Baoting, the emerald king who had seen two faces before, appear here so early in the morning, looked up at the sky, it was just dawn.

"That's right, I live here, do you live here too?" Cun Baoting, who was wearing a Tang suit, was holding a long sword in his hand, and his exercise and fitness program was sword dancing.Persisting in sword dancing for a long time can also achieve the effects of cultivating health, cultivating sentiment, strengthening the body, and prolonging life.

"Yeah, it's been a few months since I moved here. Have you always lived here? I've been running by the lake every morning during this time, but I haven't seen you."

"I didn't feel well some time ago, and I didn't come out to exercise in the morning. I didn't expect that we are really destined to live in the same community." Cun Baoting said with a smile. This little girl has a temper for him, which is rare Her interests and hobbies also suit him, unlike the juniors in the family, all of them are good at business, but when it comes to betting on stones, emeralds and wool, they are blind.

But they are not interested in this aspect, and Cun Baoting can't force them to learn, besides, he also understands that learning stone gambling requires interest and a certain talent.Just the few in his family, hey, forget it.Over the years, there have been many people who wanted to worship him as a teacher, but none of them caught his eye.

"Have you been to see wool recently? How about it? Do you still remember the key points of astrology stones I told you last time?" Cun Baoting asked.

Xu Yunhan shook her head, "I've been a little busy recently, so I didn't go shopping for woolen fabrics, but I wrote down all the things you taught me last time in a small notebook. I won't forget it, and I will look it up from time to time."

"Well, that's good. Remember that Xiangshi gambling is not something that can be mastered in a short time, just like I have spent a lifetime on it, but now I can't guarantee that I won't lose my bet."

The key to Cun Baoting's dislike of young people gambling with stones is that most young people today have a kind of quick thinking in their bones, which may be due to the accelerated pace of modern society.But quick things are not firm and unreliable, just like building a house, how can a tall building be built without digging a good foundation.

"I remember, thank you." Xu Yunhan paused for two seconds and then asked with a smile, "If I have any questions about wool or stone gambling in the future, can I come and ask you? I come to the lake for a run every morning. If it’s convenient for you, it would be great if you can take a few minutes to help me solve the doubts in my mind! It’s completely self-study, and many places are specious.”

This idea was unconsciously born in my heart when I just turned around and saw Mr. Cun. The last time I was in Qishi Street because of a sudden call from Xu Yuntian, she only said hello to Cun Baoting and left without leaving behind. What contact information, and at that time she was too embarrassed to ask for someone's phone number.Because Cun Baoting is not an ordinary old man, but the famous Jade King, how could such a person leave a phone call casually.

But since Mr. Cun lives in the same community as her now, the situation is naturally different, so Xu Yunhan dared to say this this time, but he still didn't dare to ask his phone number and address abruptly.

Cun Baoting could hear the cautiousness in Xu Yunhan's tone, and the respect the juniors showed for the elders made him feel quite comfortable.

I thought in my heart, um, this girl doll is pretty good, "It's okay, but I don't come to the lake to exercise every day. It's freezing cold now, and an old man like me can't bear it. But if one day happens to be in the morning When I meet you, I can help you with any questions."

"That's great, I'm very satisfied with your words." Xu Yunhan planned to write down all the things he couldn't understand in his notebook when he turned around, and carried it in his pocket every day when he ran. Quickly ask.

"Doesn't your family object to your betting on stones?" Cun Baoting thought to himself, except for a few masters who can win more and lose less and make money, most of the others will lose money.So many parents probably won’t support their children’s betting on stones. Without a long period of study and research, these young people’s gambling on stones is undoubtedly equivalent to throwing money into the pond for nothing, and they can’t even hear the sound If you don't see it, it's gone.

"My parents are gone, and there are no other people in the family. However, an elder I know is very opposed to betting on stones, because because of betting on stones, his family broke up and his money disappeared."

Parents, grandparents have been gone for many years, Xu Yunhan's heart is not as sad as it used to be when mentioning them now, she has long been used to this kind of loneliness, and treats it calmly.

Hearing what she said, it made Cun Baoting blame himself. Who would have thought that such a young girl would become an orphan after both of her parents died.

While regretting and blaming himself, Cun Baoting developed some pity for Xu Yunhan, thinking about his grandchildren, which of his grandchildren were not spoiled like a big baby by his family, comparing the two, he felt even more pitiful for her.

"Well, you have to keep in mind what your elder said. Such cases are not uncommon in the stone gambling circle, so never put all your wealth on it. Stone gambling can only be a hobby in your spare time. If a person If you lose your composure, you will easily make mistakes." After Cun Baoting finished speaking, he encouraged Xu Yunhan, and before leaving, he told Xu Yunhan that his family lived in the No. If you need to find him, go to his house to find him.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Cun would take the initiative to tell her her address, Xu Yunhan was overjoyed.

In addition... as expected, he is the Emerald King, and he lives in a mansion among mansions. Although there are garden villas in Qingcheng Community, not all of them are the same.

Each villa is not only different in size, but also has different styles and architectural styles.

And the five buildings near the Lotus Pavilion definitely belong to the building king level of the Qingcheng community, and each building is worth hundreds of millions.

From the price, it is obviously overflowing with all kinds of domineering, is there any~
Meeting the Emerald King by chance and getting the opportunity to continue to ask for advice and study, Xu Yunhan trot home humming a little song all the way home with the feeling of winning a big prize.

As soon as I opened the door of the living room, I felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards me quickly. Fortunately, it was not so strong that I could faint, so I took a closer look, "Why are you here to welcome me back so warmly~ No need You're so polite~ Miss Xiaohan, I'm still a very easy-going person."

"The interview time has been brought forward! We have to leave now! Car keys, car keys! Let's go!" Chen Xinning was in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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