Tibetan play style

Chapter 276 Long time no see

Chapter 276 Long time no see
This Hetian Jade Buddha Amulet is only one-third the size of an adult's palm. It is somewhat oval in shape but not regular, with a thickness of one inch. On the front, a statue of Maitreya Buddha is depicted in a simple but charming way in relief.Except for the Maitreya Buddha statue, there are no other decorations on the jade plaque. The jade is delicate and moist, with a mellow color and old-fashioned paste, and the workmanship is simple and elegant.

Obviously this is a precious ancient jade. Ancient jade is a general term for ancient beautiful stones. It has the advantages of fine texture, moist color, luster and smoothness, no cold hands in winter, and no excitement in summer, so it is loved by the world.

But if it was just because it was a piece of ancient jade, Xu Yunhan would not be so surprised. What really shocked her was that when she used her spiritual power to look at it, the abundant aura in this ancient jade caught her eyes. It was a cloud of translucent white glowing almost frozen aura, and at the same time, a sense of joy welled up in her heart.

Obviously, the jade cicada in her body resonated with this piece of ancient jade. (Cough~ Actually, it means that the foodie Yuchan looks at the ancient jade brand that exudes a delicious smell)
More importantly, when her spiritual power came into contact with the spiritual energy in the ancient jade through the glass cabinet, she unexpectedly found that the spiritual energy in the ancient jade entered her body under the guidance of her spiritual power, gradually converging into her body. Around the jade cicada in the body, the original aura of spiritual power fluctuated, merging the new aura.

The spiritual energy in the ancient jade entered Xu Yunhan's body and nourished every part of her body along the blood circulation. An oasis with clear rivers is found in the distance.

Moreover, Xu Yunhan also felt that the aura in this ancient jade was not the same as the aura she found in the jade. The aura in this ancient jade amulet was quite gentle and peaceful, and had a very high affinity, and it would soon be able to integrate into her spiritual power among.When she absorbed spiritual energy from the emeralds and black pearls before, she obviously felt that it would not be so simple, and the speed was not so fast.

Therefore, within a few minutes of standing in front of this ancient jade amulet, she has absorbed all the spiritual energy in the ancient jade.

That's great, the spiritual power in her body has condensed a lot, Xu Yunhan looked at the ancient jade amulet with great satisfaction, it's really lucky to be here today.

But how could there be such a rich aura in this ancient jade? I glanced at the label on it, ancient jade from the early Ming Dynasty? !
Even if it was from the early Ming Dynasty, such a small piece of Hetian jade should not have so much aura in it.


Xu Yunhan suddenly realized something. She had just absorbed all the aura in the ancient jade. According to previous experience, this piece of Hetian jade should have turned into stone or powder.But...Xu Yunhan stared blankly at the ancient jade tablet under the tempered glass, it still exists...No, the jade tablet has indeed changed.

... The quality of the jade has obviously deteriorated, and the luster that could be distinguished at a glance before has disappeared. The Maitreya Buddha statue, which looked solemn, solemn and mysterious just now, seems to have lost its spirituality, leaving only a lifeless hollow feeling.

Unable to understand what happened, Xu Yunhan hurriedly left the counter of the ancient jade card. Fortunately, her hands and body did not have any contact with the counter just now, so even if the jade card was found to be different afterwards, she would not be able to find it.

Silently say sorry to Uncle Ma Weidu in my heart, she really didn't mean it!

Originally, I just wanted to use spiritual power to look at the collection (you can't touch it through the glass cabinet, you can only use it to look at it), who would have thought that spiritual power would absorb the spiritual energy in the ancient jade plaque on its own.

After such an accident, Xu Yunhan was afraid that people would find out the strangeness of the ancient jade plaques, so she pretended to be calm and walked around to a few collections, admiring them for a while (leaving immediately in case people would notice something was wrong, mainly because she was guilty), then she did not Dare to stay here any longer, leave quickly and go back to find Chen Xinning.

Xu Yunhan returned to the seventh floor of the TV station in fear, and walked towards Ren Lingfeng's office, but before she had gone far, she saw Chen Xinning, who was beaming with joy, walking towards her, "Look at your expression, you passed the interview."

"En, passed!" The corners of Chen Xinning's mouth couldn't stop rising, and she rushed to Xu Yunhan's side joyfully, hugging her and waving her arms, "Thank you so much today, Miss Xiaohan. Wait until I send the first one." The monthly internship salary will definitely treat you to dinner!"

"Okay, don't forget. Let's go, let's go home and tell Aunt Min the good news. Aunt Min will be so happy that she hums a ditty for days."

Xu Yunhan was also really happy for her. Although she hadn't known her for a long time, she could see Chen Xinning's understanding and hard work.Chen Xinning found two part-time tutoring jobs during the winter vacation alone, and would help her mother share the housework whenever she had time at home.It is very economical to buy clothes or cosmetics. I don’t have to buy big brands just to compare with my classmates in school. I usually shop online.

We must know that Huaxia Communication University has always produced beautiful and handsome men, and the major of broadcasting and hosting has a tradition of paying attention to beauty. Such an environment inevitably breeds a culture of admiration for vanity, but Chen Xinning has not been infected at all, perhaps because of the hardships of being dependent on her mother since childhood. She knows better that only through her own efforts can she improve her life.

It was precisely because of Chen Xinning's understanding and well-behaved that Xu Yunhan would help her.

After the two returned home, Aunt Min was so happy that she didn't know what to say when she found out that Chen Xinning had been accepted as the location host of the TV station.On the way back, Xu Yunhan went to buy vegetables specially, and added vegetables at noon as a celebration for Chen Xinning.

After happily eating lunch, Xu Yunhan said that she was going back to the house to take a nap. In fact, she wanted to go upstairs and stay alone to check carefully whether there was any change in her spiritual power. All the aura has been absorbed.

After entering the bedroom, Xu Yunhan locked the door, sat on the sofa in a hurry and began to check the spiritual power and the mysterious jade cicada.

The jade cicada still exudes a faint gleam, turning slowly and uniformly clockwise. The only change should be that the spiritual power is more solid than before, and it seems that the color has changed from the original white to a little beige? !Xu Yunhan observed carefully, uncertainly defining the color change, the color must have changed, it seemed to be gradually deepening, and now it was slightly beige.

Is this trend a sign of increased spiritual power? !
Xu Yunhan thought for a while, opened the safe, and took out his jade ornaments and a few antiques hidden at home, such as the golden statue of animal face, human body and bird wings, and the painting he just bought.

After repeatedly experimenting with the current ability of spiritual power, Xu Yunhan found that although he still can't absorb the spiritual energy contained in antiques and ordinary jadeite (except for top-quality jadeite), he can see through them more than ten meters away than before. This is of course an increase in spiritual power powerful proof.

Moreover, she also found that the gold statue with a face, a body, a body, and a bird's wing was different from the other collections. The aura in this golden statue was not pure, and there were black silk threads mixed in, but not a lot.Xu Yunhan thought of the feeling when she saw this statue for the first time that she didn't dare to look at it, let alone touch it. She can be sure that the blackness that lingers in it is probably evil spirit.

If she meets Bai Hui again, she will see if there is still this kind of black energy on her wrist, and she will be able to make sure whether it is evil spirit or not.In the past, the spiritual power was not strong enough to see this kind of black air, and could only feel the fear and cold feeling brought by the evil air.

Since she can increase her spiritual power by absorbing spiritual energy, she must always search for some good things to replenish her spiritual energy. I don't know what will happen if the spiritual power continues to increase? !Xu Yunhan expressed her expectation. Well, I only knew that natural minerals such as jadeite or natural pearls (of course, must be of high quality) can absorb aura, but I didn't expect that the aura in ancient jade would be much more abundant.

I just don't know if it can be compared to the liquid substance in the black scorpion at the beginning. Later, Xu Yunhan checked a lot of information on this substance, and came to the conclusion that the liquid substance was probably chalcedony.

But the chalcedony that appears in reality is not liquid, but a variety of quartz, with waxy light on the surface, and is a recessive crystal of hydrated quartz.However, some chalcedony nodules do contain water and air bubbles.

This is explained in the Jadeite Encyclopedia. Xu Yunhan went through all the information and found this chalcedony that was closest to the mass of black jadeite at that time.Could it be that the liquid substance at that time was not actually a liquid, but just chalcedony mixed with water and air bubbles? !

Xu Yunhan couldn't figure out what it was, because she had already absorbed that mass and turned it into spiritual power.helpless hands~
"Sister Xiaohan~Sister Xiaohan~ There is a guest coming to see you."

As soon as Xu Yunhan put the collection and accessories back into the safe, she heard Chen Xinning's loud voice from downstairs.Someone came home to find her? !

"Miss Xiaohan~someone..."

"Come on, come on, Xinning, take it easy, the voice of the famous host in the future must be taken care of." Xu Yunhan walked down the stairs and pinched the face of Chen Xinning who was standing at the top of the stairs, um, tender and soft, Feel good.

"Ouch, sister, be gentle~" Chen Xinning, who had not escaped the claws of the pervert, had a bitter face, but her expression was still shining with a strong sense of gossip, "Sister Xiaohan, there is a handsome guy looking for you! My mother Take that handsome guy to the living room to wait for you, hehehe~ Is that guy just..."

After getting acquainted with Chen Xinning, the mature and sensible girl on weekdays will turn into a gossip girl. No wonder she chooses to major in broadcasting and hosting. The spirit of gossip has been greatly improved.

"Oh, I don't know who is here today, but... do I know that someone seems to have received a bouquet of flowers on a certain day... right..." Xu Yunhan looked at her with a half-smile and dragged his voice slowly recalling with.

"Dear sister, comrade, I'll bring you a glass of your favorite juice in the kitchen right away." Chen Xinning turned and rushed to the kitchen.

Xu Yunhan nodded and walked towards the living room contentedly.

"Guan Zeyu?!"

Isn't that handsome man in a neat suit sitting on the sofa Guan Zeyu~
"Long time no see~" Guan Zeyu, who heard her voice, turned to look at her and smiled brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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