Tibetan play style

Chapter 277 Returning the Jewelry

Chapter 277 Returning the Jewelry
"Long time no see~" Xu Yunhan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable under his straight gaze, lowered his eyes slightly, and said softly, while secretly spurning himself in his heart, he had never seen a beautiful man smile, why is he so worthless.

Guan Zeyu smiled slightly, and pointed to the exquisite box on the coffee table, "I'm returning your set of violet jewelry to Zhao today. I'm really sorry, I've been busy with other things since I finished the jewelry fair some time ago. It’s really not available, so I didn’t come to return it to you until today. Open it and see if the jewelry is right.”

These words sound impeccable, but Mr. Guan, you are a boss, you have no subordinates, why do you have to wait until you are not busy, and you have to come and return this set of jewelry in person when you are free? !
Of course, Xu Yunhan, who was not thinking about it, didn't think of this, otherwise her eyes and eyes would definitely not be able to look directly at Guan Zeyu as they are now.

"It's nothing, I'm not in a hurry to wear it anyway." Xu Yunhan said politely.

At this moment, Chen Xinning came in with a tray, "Miss Xiaohan, your juice, and the tea my mother specially made for this guest, and some snacks. Take it easy, talk slowly~" After finishing speaking After winking at Xu Yunhan for a while, he ran away.

"Drink tea and eat snacks. Aunt Min baked these snacks herself. They are much more delicious than those sold outside." Xu Yunhan suddenly felt a little embarrassed by Chen Xinning's teasing, so she looked around and talked about it, and kept talking. He greeted him for tea and snacks.After I finished speaking, I regretted it, why did I act like she was such a foodie.

On the contrary, Guan Zeyu didn't seem to notice her embarrassment, still with a calm expression, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then picked up a small piece of snack and took a bite, said with a smile, "En, it's really good."

Xu Yunhan, who was recognized, seemed not so embarrassed anymore, curled the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile, "Really." Then... Then I didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Guan Zeyu picked up the topic, "I'm here to give you the set of jewelry today, and I have one more thing I want to ask you. In a few days, that is, during the time after the year, Dingsheng Group will hold an auction of jadeite wool Yes. Are you interested in participating then? If so, I will send you an invitation in two days. "

Dingsheng Group? !Isn't it the group company of Guan Zeyu's family? Xu Yunhan thought for a while and asked, "The material from the old pit or the new pit? And is the auction going to be a hidden bid or a public auction?"

The top leader of the group is right in front of you. If you don't seize the opportunity to gather some insider information at this time, when will you know what the auction will be like, so you can make corresponding preparations according to the specific situation. (Actually, for her, there is nothing to prepare, just bring yourself and money and there will be no problem with spiritual power)
"The rules of the wool auction this time are modeled on the rules of the old Burma auction. There are old pits and new pits. There are also wools with hidden bids and open auctions. Relatively speaking, the performance of the hidden bids will be better than that of the public auction. The wool in the public auction is worse. But this time only five pieces of wool will be auctioned publicly, and the rest are hidden bids. Generally speaking, I think the wool in this auction is good, and it is worth visiting. Why? So, are you interested in going?"

Guan Zeyu briefly introduced the situation of the next auction. This time the auction was planned by him, of course he was very clear about it.

The hidden label means that the wool is numbered by the organizer. The number of wool that the guests like is filled in on a piece of uniformly distributed paper with the purchase price they want, and put into the black box arranged by the organizer. .Finally, the sponsor checks the bidding documents in the black box, and the person who fills in the highest price will get to buy the corresponding wool.

The method of public auction is that all interested buyers raise their placards to bid on the spot, and the one with the highest price wins.This method will be more intense. From a psychological point of view, sometimes people's focus is no longer on commodities, but on the desire to win in their hearts.

However, sellers usually prefer this method, because in most cases, the final price of this open bidding method is often higher than that of the hidden bid.Of course, two situations need to be ruled out. All the buyers at the scene collude to lower the price maliciously;

She was planning to search for aura-filled jewels or ancient jades to enhance her spiritual power after the Chinese New Year. Guan Zeyu gave her a chance. She really fell asleep and met a pillow.So Xu Yunhan said happily,
"It sounds like there will be a lot of good wool at that time. Of course I'm interested. Then please leave me an invitation."

Speaking of emerald wool, Xu Yunhan suddenly thought of someone, "I think you came here today to invite Mr. Cun~"

If the Jade King Cun Baoting can be invited to the jadeite wool auction, the selling point will definitely increase, and Guan Zeyu doesn't seem like a person who will come to the door without saying hello, which means that he is probably here for other things, just passing by Come to her to return the jewelry.Xu Yunhan knew that Cun Baoting also lived in Qingcheng District, and Guan Zeyu mentioned the wool auction, so his purpose of coming here was probably to invite Cun Baoting.

Sure enough, Guan Zeyu nodded and said with a smile, "I did go to the old man's house to invite him just now. However, coming to return your jewelry is also the main thing, an important thing."

"It's not worth your trip to pay for the jewelry. Compared with inviting Mr. Cun, I'd rather be the one to pick it up by the way. By the way, did Mr. Cun agree to go to the auction?" Xu Yunhan asked.

"Not yet, the old man said to think about it first. Do you know old man Cun?" Guan Zeyu asked lightly.

"Well, I've met him a few times. I ran into him when I went out for a run this morning. Mr. Cun is very nice." Xu Yunhan smiled and praised Cun Baoting for his kindness and kindness and his active support of the younger generation.

"..." Guan Zeyu was stunned. Is the person she described the same as the old man Cun he mentioned? Half an hour ago, the old man Cun with his hips on his hips and his face in a dark face taught his grandson a loud voice, and his roar was still loud. You Zi echoed in his ears.

And since he had the impression when he was young, he always felt that his cousin's grandfather had a bad temper. Guan Zeyu recalled it for a while and made sure that his memory was correct, so it must be Xu Yunhan's perception that was wrong.

But he definitely couldn't criticize his elders, so Guan Zeyu still said on the face, "Well, old man Cun is indeed very kind." At least when the old man scolded his cousin today, he didn't take him along, Guan Zeyu thought to himself.

"It's getting late, so I won't delay your rest. In two days, I'll send someone to send you the invitation. I hope to see you at the auction then. Then I'll take my leave." Guan Zeyu looked at the watch then said.

Xu Yunhan didn't keep him any longer, it was indeed getting late, and it was already dark, so she sent him out of the gate of the hospital.

In the next few days, it really came to the annual Chinese grand traditional festival - the Spring Festival, Xu's antique shop was closed, and Xu Da and Ouyang Lie left to celebrate the Spring Festival with their families.Xu Yunhan also went back to her hometown to pay homage to her ancestors, and bought some things to visit Aunt Wang's family. She declined Aunt Wang's proposal to invite her to celebrate the New Year with her, and returned to Beijing after staying in her hometown for a day.

Ah Mo's mobile phone is still not in the service area, but fortunately, this girl has a new heart and knows that on New Year's Eve, she used the landline phone in the village to call Xu Yunhan and Dai Xiaobei to celebrate the New Year, but when she talked about her Grandma still hasn't returned to the village.Not knowing what Ah Mo's mother was involved in, Xu Yunhan also began to worry about it, but he could only reassure Ah Mo not to worry, nothing will happen.

Fortunately, Aunt Min and Chen Xinning accompanied her during the Spring Festival this year, otherwise she would have felt empty, lonely and cold living alone in such a big house.

A few days fly by, and the New Year's Eve is over, and the new year is over. Other people are still a little busy after New Year's Eve, visiting relatives, visiting leaders, gathering with friends, or going on a family trip, etc.Aunt Min, who stayed at home, was busy doing housework and researching recipes, and even knitted scarves for Xu Yunhan and Chen Xinning. Chen Xinning was busy doing the location host of the TV station recording Spring Festival customs, although her chances of appearing on the scene were not However, the program producer still requires her to be present every day, so Chen Xinning leaves early and returns late every day during this time.

It seems that everyone around is busy, but Xu Yunhan is very idle, no relatives, leaders, friends... Ah Mo returned to his hometown, Dai Xiaobei went abroad with his family to visit her place after New Year's Eve and New Year's Day Grandpa is gone, so her best friends are not around for the time being, and she has no travel plans, so she feels very free.

This day, Xu Yunhan was busy cleaning up the basement. She was going to find someone to design and decorate the basement. According to her original plan, the basement would be turned into a large vault.The basement of her house is quite large, more than 300 square meters. It is no problem to pretend to be two different spaces. One room is used to store her two big boxes of ancient books, rare books, antiques and the like, and the other room It is used as a place to put wool and calcite without interfering with each other.

When Xu Yunhan first moved in, she told Aunt Allergies that she didn't need to take care of the hygiene of the basement, so she cleaned the basement by herself today.Although her precious items are now stored in the safe upstairs, the stone dissolving machine she bought before is still piled up in the basement, as well as the two emerald wools she bought from the strange stone street twice last time.

In order not to let people know her secret, Xu Yunhan had no choice but to be more cautious.

After roughly cleaning the basement, Xu Yunhan rested for a while and decided to untie the two pieces of wool.

(End of this chapter)

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