Tibetan play style

Chapter 279 The Unexpected Inviter

Chapter 279 The Unexpected Inviter
Relieved, Xu Yunhan cheerfully began to untie another piece of wool. She had long coveted the pink jade inside and couldn't wait to see it sooner.

I have already solved it once, this time I need to be a little more proficient in the natural movement technique. The same is done by marking the line first, then cutting and rubbing the stone. After more than two hours, the pink emerald was born!
The soft pink is mixed with strips of warm white, which is as beautiful and radiant as a girl, making Xu Yunhan, who is not in her age, have a girlish heart.

For the two pieces of jade that were unearthed today, Xu Yunhan has already made plans to sell the sun green ice jadeite, and keep the pink jadeite for jewelry. Waxy.

Ice waxy species generally refers to a kind of jadeite with good transparency and good water head, which can reach the level of ice species. In order to distinguish ordinary waxy species, such jade species are also called ice species.So even though the name of the ice waxy variety contains the word ice, there is still a certain distance between it and the ice variety.

Although it is not as good as the sun-green high-ice species, but because pink jadeite is very rare, and it still has the color she likes, Xu Yunhan happily washed the stone dust on the surface of the pink jadeite, held it in her hand and started Imagine what kind of jewelry will be made.

Bracelets are definitely indispensable. Just imagine that such a pink and tender jadeite is absolutely beautiful on the wrist. The necklace pendant is also good, and the small earrings... But Xu Yunhan has no idea about the specific style. Master carver to think about it.

By the way, why don't we leave it to Guan Zeyu's family's jewelry company to design it. She liked the violet jewelry set last time very much.

After taking the two pieces of jadeite to the safe in the bedroom and putting them away, Xu Yunhan picked up the phone and called Guan Zeyu, asking about jewelry making and about the jadeite auction.

"Hello, Xiaohan?"

"It's me, Happy New Year~" Xu Yunhan greeted with a smile.

Guan Zeyu made a pause gesture to his subordinates who were reporting work, and then said to the phone, "Happy New Year~ I was talking about contacting you, do you have time to have dinner together in the evening? I happened to give you the wool auction invitation .”

Such a coincidence? !Xu Yunhan was a little surprised, "Okay, let's have dinner together that night. I also happen to have something to trouble you."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"I recently got a piece of sun green high ice species, and I want to find a buyer to sell it. In addition, I want to make some accessories. I like the violet accessories last time, so I wonder if I can ask the same designer to help me this time. Shall I design a set of jewelry?" Xu Yunhan said bluntly.

"It's all right. How about you bring the jade with you on the day of the auction, and I'll ask Master Tong to discuss specific matters with you?" Guan Zeyu agreed without any hesitation.

"That's great. I was still wondering where to find a buyer. I really don't know the people in the industry." Xu Yunhan was still thinking about where to sell that piece of sun green jadeite, but when he thought about making jewelry, he thought of Guan Zeyu's house It was only then that she suddenly realized that there was a big buyer by her side!
Guan Zeyu smiled softly, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "You don't have to worry about Yanglv high-ice jadeite. I can guarantee that all jewelry companies will welcome you. Of course, as a friend, I still hope that if there are such jadeites in the future Emerald, if you are the first to find me, I will be very happy."

The words seemed to be very sure that she would have a steady stream of high-quality jade in the future, and then the two made an appointment for a place and time for dinner and hung up the phone.

"Aunt Min, I won't be eating at home tonight. I have something to go out for." Around five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Yunhan changed her clothes and went downstairs to talk to Chen Min, and then drove out in the car.

It is still during the Spring Festival holiday. This time belongs to the rush hour of get off work. During the Spring Festival, it is slightly relieved, but the foodies who go out to look for delicious food still have a certain impact on the road conditions.

No, Xu Yunhan, who had just entered the third ring road section of the city, was blocked at the fork of the viaduct. Fortunately, she left early as usual, otherwise she would have been late for a long time.

While waiting to be bored, she received a call from the private detective Mr. Gong Wen who she had almost forgotten. It must be said that the work efficiency was not as fast as he hung up the phone.

But as soon as he started talking, Gong Wen explained why he called her today. It turned out that Bai Hui, the subject of the investigation, returned to Hong Kong a few years ago and has been in Hong Kong. He didn't come to the mainland until a few days ago, so the investigation time had to be postponed. (However, there is also a very possible possibility. Gong asked because it would be too expensive to go to Hong Kong to investigate, so he could only act after the target appeared nearby, so as to reduce the investigation cost.)
The final result of the investigation was that Bai Hui was vindictive, narrow-minded, and had conflicts with many people due to personal grievances, but it was not found out whether there was any relationship between the troublemaker in Xu's Antique Shop and Bai Hui.But what is certain is that the three people who came to make trouble did not mess around.

"How are you sure that those three people are not from here?" Xu Yunhan didn't believe it. Although the capital is not big, it is not small, and it has a large population. How could Gong Wen be sure that the three people were not from here.

"What I mean is that those three people are not from the gangster circle in Sijiu City, so those three people are either newcomers from outside, or they are not professional gangsters." Gong Wen explained with rare patience.

"According to this inference, those three people are not special hooligans here. Naturally, they are likely to be ordered and hired to make trouble. It is best to find someone to pick trouble and choose someone with a clean record." The more Xu Yunhan thinks about it, the more reasonable it is. , if it was really instigated, then the biggest suspect is Bai Hui.

"This is just your conjecture, but there is no evidence. Well, I'll give you the investigation results of this case, remember to call me today for the remaining half of the fee, bye~"

Before the words fell, Xu Yunhan heard the sound of beeping busy tone coming from his ear...

"Sorry, I got stuck in traffic and I'm late."

When Xu Yunhan walked into the restaurant he had made an appointment with, he was already 10 minutes late, and sure enough Guan Zeyu had already arrived.

"It's okay, I just arrived." Guan Zeyu stood up politely to open a seat for her, and handed her the menu, "Be hungry, let's order."

Xu Yunhan took it with a smile, and after ordering the dishes, the two began to chat and waited for the dishes to be served.

"Here, the invitation to the auction is not limited to one person. If you have other friends who want to go, you can go with them." Guan Zeyu handed her a black card with gold and dark pattern decorations. Extremely delicate.


Xu Yunhan opened the invitation. On February 26, Dai Xiaobei may have returned to China in two days, but I don't know if Ah Mo has returned.The girl's mobile phone is still unavailable, so she dialed the landline number she had called before, and the person who answered the phone spoke Miao language, unable to communicate normally at all. After Xu Yunhan tried hard to communicate to no avail, she had to Hang up the phone silently.

"By the way, have your test results come out?" Guan Zeyu asked with a little concern.

"Not yet. The results are estimated to come out at the end of this month. The grades have not started yet. The grader may still be playing mahjong in his hometown during the Chinese New Year." Xu Yunhan smiled.

A smile flashed across Guan Zeyu's eyes, "However, seeing how relaxed you are, there must be no problem."

"Don't say that, I'm actually anxious and just in my heart. It's really difficult to get in the exam. I contacted the professor, but the professor is an upright person and can't go through the back door, so I have no idea. But If I haven't passed the exam, I can accept it calmly, at most it's just a little regretful, besides, at worst, I'll take the exam again."

Xu Yunhan's mentality is quite upright. In fact, if she didn't want to enter the Department of Archeology, participate in the excavation of ancient tombs in a fair manner, and get in touch with many unearthed cultural relics by joining the archaeological team, she would not think about taking the postgraduate entrance examination and studying at Peking University. Master's degree in Archeology.

The first reason is because of interest; the second reason is that maybe you will find clues about Yuchan's origin.

Then the dishes were served one after another, and Xu Yunhan and Guan Zeyu had a great time chatting while eating.

It seemed that after the first outing party after this year, Xu Yunhan had appointments every day for the next few days.

Jing Shuo asked her to discuss antique appreciation; Dai Xiaobei came to her home to give her gifts from abroad after returning to China, and then went to watch a movie together; Chen Xinning received the salary of the location host and treated guests to dinner; To Xu Yunhan's surprise, Luo Feng actually called her to ask her to meet!
It is not true that she is not familiar with Luo Feng at all.When the antique store was in short supply, she went to Luo Feng to buy old items a few times, but only three times in total.After the antique shop was on track, Xu Yunhan never looked for him again.

Luo Feng said that his stuff was fine, but if it was true, would he sell it at such a low price? !So Xu Yunhan didn't believe his guarantee.

Moreover, Luo Feng himself is obviously a Tufuzi, so dare to say that the things in his hands are antiques that have been passed down in an orderly manner?Isn't it newly pulled out of the tomb in the earth?
Although nothing happened to the things he took from him, I just don’t know if he used some method to make them really thick, Uncle Xu looked at them and said that they must be handed down from generation to generation, no matter what, Xu Yunhan thinks It's better to be cautious, so she didn't contact him again in the next few months.

Unexpectedly, Luo Feng would take the initiative to ask her to meet this time. Xu Yunhan originally wanted to politely refuse to go, but Luo Feng said that what he wanted to say had something to do with her, and she would be interested.

(End of this chapter)

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