Chapter 280
What do people with secrets fear most?
What I am most afraid of is when others say this to me, what do I know about something related to you; I know everything; and so on.

So Xu Yunhan swallowed back the words of refusal, and agreed, and soon after making an appointment with Luo Feng, Xu Yunhan set off for the appointed place.

Luo Fengyue’s place is a bit strange, it’s an alley entrance, to be precise, it’s the intersection of several alleys, it’s located near Xuanwu Gate, Xu Yunhan walked in from a very narrow alley, and cars couldn’t drive in. , had to stop outside.

The two made an appointment at noon, and they thought that there should be a restaurant with good taste in the alley, so Luo Feng would make an appointment here.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived, Luo Feng took her on a step at the entrance of the alley... and sat down.

Xu Yunhan looked around, then turned to look at him blankly, with a puzzled expression on his face, what does this mean?

Luo Feng naturally understood what she meant, and smiled politely, "Let's sit here for a while, and I'll take you to a restaurant in an alley later, the Jingbang cuisine here is very authentic. "

So... just sit here without eating... Is this the rhythm of heart-to-heart talk? !
Xu Yunhan, who was hiding a huge secret, couldn't help feeling a little guilty, but she didn't do anything bad, why should she be guilty, but she just couldn't help feeling guilty and nervous.

"What do you want me to do today?" Xu Yunhan asked, pretending to be calm.

"Look how lively the old man is playing chess around the stone pier over there. The one sitting on the left must have lost. Look, he blushed with anger and yelled with a thick neck." Luo Feng pointed to a thick old locust tree in front of him. Said a group of old men who were playing chess.

The weather is good today, the temperature is not as low as it was before, it is so cold, especially at noon when the sun is high in the sky, the sun shines on the body and it is quite warm, so most old men and women in the alley move a small bench to sit Pick vegetables in the yard or at the gate of the yard and chat with old neighbors who come and go.

Xu Yunhan is even more confused now... Are you looking for her to watch the old man play chess or the old lady pick vegetables? !It can't be so boring.

Luo Feng was amused by her dumbfounded expression, "Do you know what type of people walked in this alley before the founding of the People's Republic of China? Oh, and there are also stalls."

"Who? A seller of stinky tofu?" Xu Yunhan felt that Luo Feng was a little distracted today.

Luo Feng shook his head lightly, "It's a fortune teller."

Hearing this, Xu Yunhan was a little speechless for a while, why did he mention fortune-telling? !She couldn't help but think of the letter left by her grandfather and the family tree of the Huaiyang Xu family.

"Why did you bring this up suddenly?" Xu Yunhan looked at him and asked.

"There is a reason for me to mention this. You see, your surname is Xu, and my surname is Luo, right? Then you know that there was an old word in the old days, called Nan Luo Bei Xu?"

Luo Feng, who looks gentle and looks like a scholar, is speaking seriously at this time, more like a storyteller in a teahouse, with a cadenced tone.

"Nan Luo Bei Xu?" This is a magical horse, Xu Yunhan shook her head blankly, "I don't know." But she seemed to have grasped some information from it, but it seemed that there was no reliable information at all.

Luo Feng took a deep look at her, and said, "Nanluo and Beixu are talking about two families, Guixi Luo family in the south, and Huaiyang Xu family in the north. These two families are masters of metaphysics in the old days. The Luo family has been a good family for thousands of years, and you and I are the descendants of the Xu family in Huaiyang and the Luo family in Guixi."

Xu Yunhan was silent, looking at him quietly, as if digesting the information he had heard.

"You already know that you belong to the Xu family in Huaiyang." Luo Feng glanced at her and muttered, "You're not surprised at all. You didn't admit it when I asked you last time~"

After being silent for a while, Xu Yunhan said, "I really didn't know at the time. I found out later that I found a genealogy tree at home. I didn't intend to deceive you. But this is the first time I've heard of Nan Luo Bei Xu. , you came here today just to tell me this? It’s all about my ancestors, I don’t understand any metaphysics at all. And how do you know that I’m a descendant of the Xu family in Huaiyang?”

"In the beginning, I noticed that you can avoid evil spirits by vigilance, and after knowing that your surname happened to be Xu, I guessed that you might know something, and you might even be related to the Xu family in Huaiyang. Although you clearly denied it later Yes, but I always thought you were, so I investigated you later."

"What! Are you investigating me?! It's too much." Anyone who hears others investigating him behind his back will be very concerned, Xu Yunhan said angrily when he heard this.

"Don't be angry, I have a reason, so I have to do this, believe me, I have absolutely no malice towards you." Luo Feng explained hastily.

"Then how did you find out? It's impossible for there to be any remarks about the Huaiyang Xu family in the files of the Public Security Bureau."

"Because of the theft of the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty, you were involved in an incident investigated by the National Security Bureau a few months ago. The National Security Bureau should have shown you a photo, which is your grandfather Xu Qingnian, and the one in my hand There is also a photo, look~" Luo Feng took out an old photo from his clothes and handed it to her.

This is a black and white, yellowed photo. It can be seen that it must have been several decades. The characters on the photo are a bit blurred, but Xu Yunhan can still recognize the two people in the photo at a glance. One of them was her grandfather.

"The other one is my grandfather. This is one of the few photos that my family has kept. I learned about the reason why you were found by the National Security Bureau through some connections before, and after seeing the photo of your grandfather, I was sure. Yes, you are a descendant of the Xu family in Huaiyang." Luo Feng concluded confidently.

"So that's the case, but why did you take so much trouble to figure it out? Is it important whether I am a descendant of the Xu family in Huaiyang? We are descendants of the Xu and Luo families, so what, now It’s a new era, and there are many new ways to make a living. Let the things of the ancestors pass. You don’t want to do something outrageous like revitalizing the Southern Luobeixu, do you?!”

Xu Yunhan looked at him incomprehensibly. Could it be that the descendants of the Kanyu family must inherit their ancestors’ way of making a living, and move a small bench and set up a table to read divination and fortune-telling for people on the street~ The times are different, and the Public Security Bureau is not allowed to engage in feudalism Superstition can get you caught in the trap, high-risk industries, why bother.

"Of course what I do is meaningful. It's not for revitalizing Nanluobeixu, but just hoping to find the treasures left by our ancestors." Luo Feng said seriously, with bright eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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