Tibetan play style

Chapter 281 The Key to Inheritance

Chapter 281 The Key to Inheritance

treasure? !What's the meaning?No wonder the ancestors left behind some peerless treasures?

Xu Yunhan's eyes lit up, but he didn't want to look too rich, so he cleared his throat and asked lightly, "Oh? What treasure?"

Luo Feng looked at her strangely, "Of course it's the inheritance of the ancestors' skills. The family inheritance of our two families has been broken for nearly a hundred years. Naturally, we must find things that belong to your Xu family and my Luo family. .”

"You mean those who tell fortunes with fengshui?" Xu Yunhan asked in surprise, "Are you interested in fortune-telling and fengshui?" Could it be that this person wants to change careers, stop being a Tufuzi tomb robber, and set up a stall for fortune-telling ? !

Luo Feng glanced at her, "Do you think you can be called a master of metaphysics, a family of aristocratic geologists, whose family background is comparable to those fortune-tellers who set up stalls on the street?! The mysteries of metaphysics are unimaginable to ordinary people. Didn’t you leave some records about the past, if you read it, you won’t be so indifferent.”

Xu Yunhan looked at Luo Feng, who had the expression "Why are you so ignorant" written all over his face, and spread his hands, "My grandfather has been dead for decades, where are there any records? It's not like you don't know the policies of those years, and my grandfather You entered my grandma's house naked, with nothing. I really don't know what attracted you, and I'm not interested in those Fengshui fortune-telling metaphysics."

"Not interested? Impossible." Luo Feng turned his head and looked at her, "As I said just now, I investigated you, so I remember that you were not like this a few months ago, and that Your life didn't seem to be going well at that time. But since you went back to your hometown a few months ago, both your life and your appearance have changed a lot, and they are all developing in a good direction."

Xu Yunhan's heart skipped a beat, and he said coldly, "Yes, you are right, so what, people are not allowed to change their time ~ Luo Feng, what do you mean?"

Luo Feng smiled harmlessly, and spread his hands, "Actually, you don't have to hide anything from me. I've told you so much, so I'll be honest with you naturally. South Luobei Xu has been in love with you for thousands of years. It is an ally who watches and helps each other, so you don't have to be wary of me, you see, before I bought things for you, I always offered you the best price."

"..." Xu Yunhan still didn't say a word, always felt that Luo Feng's expression was like that of a big bad wolf coaxing Little Red Riding Hood, how could he be so uneasy.

Luo Feng paid attention to her expression while talking. Seeing that she hadn't responded, he frowned, "I don't covet your Xu family's inherited skills, so you shouldn't be so strict with me. Although the two of us My family is from a family of metaphysics, but what I learned is different. Don’t lie to me, the reason why you have changed so much in such a short period of time should be because of what power you used..."

Xu Yunhan's heart beat like a drum, her little heart was about to pop out of her throat.

"For example, the Xu family's mind method and so on." Luo Feng added.

"Ah? What kind of mentality?" Xu Yunhan, who thought it was a real person who discovered her secret, was stunned, and asked in confusion and bewilderment.

Luo Feng looked at her with an expression of not pretending that I knew everything, and raised his eyebrows, "Forget it, I won't ask you, it's really boring, there is something between us to hide, it's not like my Luo family doesn't have me I don’t think about your family’s things. Let’s go, let’s eat.”

After speaking, Luo Feng stood up and patted the dust on the pants on the back, took a look at her and walked forward, as if he didn't want to talk to her any more, and said in a secret way that there was nothing interesting.

Xu Yunhan pursed her lips, and sighed in her heart, she really wasn't pretending, she really didn't understand anything he said, mental method? !what is that~
So she followed Luo Feng into a family restaurant in such a daze. Luo Feng ordered the dishes she liked and asked her to order what she wanted.After the food was served, Luo Feng started to eat and ignored her at all.

What does this mean? !Did she piss him off?Xu Yunhan raised her eyes and glanced at him, feeling bad in her heart, tsundere, that's the kind of person you're talking about.

"I'm sorry, you suddenly came to talk to me about this, I can't digest it for a while, and I have never heard of the Guixiluo family in the south you mentioned, so naturally I can't believe you, please think from my point of view. "

As long as you don't know the secret of the jade cicada and spiritual power in her body, everything else is easy to say.Although I don't know what Luo Feng said just now, Luo Feng, North Xu, and family friends and allies are true, but Xu Yunhan is very interested in Luo Feng's mentality just now, and it sounds like it has depth.

If he wanted to continue to inquire about relevant news, he had to establish a good relationship with Comrade Luo Feng, so Xu Yunhan took the initiative to express his kindness and wanted to ease the atmosphere.

Luo Feng, a proud scholar, snorted coldly, and muttered, "Why am I lying to you? I have nothing to do. Since you don't believe what I said, you can go back and investigate whether the Gui Xiluo family I said is true. , and then we'll talk."

So the latter two didn't chat for a few words, and left after eating.

Xu Yunhan immediately called Gong Wen after returning home, and entrusted him with Cha Luofeng and the Gui Xiluo family he was talking about.Then I ran upstairs to the study room and moved out the two big boxes of books and rare books brought from my hometown. Maybe there would be a record of the Xu family in Huaiyang in any book.

Focus on checking the box containing some encyclopedias and secrets of tomb robbery. The ancient and rare books in this box are about tomb robbery. This information was told to her by her grandfather when he was still alive.

I still remember that her grandfather was smoking a cigarette and told her father to move quickly. The deeper the box is buried, the safer it is. He said that it is the treasures in the box that feed their big family.When Xu Yunhan was young, she was not allowed to touch those boxes and books.Later, she was left alone, and when she grew up, she understood what the elders in the family did for a living when they were alive. After thinking about it, she naturally thought that everything in that box was about tomb robbery.

In addition, she did find a book explaining the structure of the ancient tomb in that box later, so she decided in her heart that the contents of that box were all related to tomb robbery.She was not interested in tomb robbery, and her grandfather repeatedly emphasized that she was strictly prohibited from participating in tomb robbery, so Xu Yunhan never touched the books in the box.

For the past few months, in order to learn about antiques, she has been looking through the rare books in another box. Since they are all written by the ancestors of the family, except for the modern ones, they are all stereotyped in ancient Chinese, which is very difficult to read, so it took a few days. In a month, Xu Yunhan only read four books.

It can be said that at least 90.00% of the books in these two boxes have not been read by Xu Yunhan. After spending most of the day, she only went downstairs to have dinner, and she finally browsed through all the books.

Sure enough, she found the records about the Huaiyang Xu family and Gui Xiluo's family in that year. In the box she thought contained tomb robbery materials, almost half of the ancient and rare books mentioned Huaiyang Xu family more or less. Shi.Moreover, several books in this box are summaries of lectures on metaphysical works such as Feng Shui, Book of Changes, Eight Diagrams, Divination, Fortune Formation, etc., but there is no mental method like Luo Feng mentioned.

But after reading some materials that record how mysterious and profound metaphysics is, Xu Yunhan can understand why Luo Feng was so enthusiastic and excited when he mentioned the skills of his ancestors.If the records are true, Huaiyang Xu and

Gui Xiluo's family is not an ordinary family of fortune-telling and feng shui at all. It is impossible to have such ability...Well, if you use more modern terms to rhetorically, the ancestors of Xu Luo's family must have special abilities.

Look at the descriptions on those books and materials, possessing the power of psychic exorcism, punishing evil and promoting good... using magic to suppress ghosts... the practiced skills prolong life...

Is this too exaggerated? The more Xu Yunhan looks at it, the more frightened she becomes... But her grandfather passed away at the age of 98, which is considered a long life, but her grandfather's health is not good all the year round, and he has to drink medicine every three days .

If the information recorded in the book is true, then how could her grandfather's body be like that, and her father passed away in less than forty, but her grandfather's letter mentioned that the inheritance of the Xu family has passed away. broken.

At that time, she didn't understand what the inheritance meant. She originally thought that the inheritance was about explaining how to tell fortunes by pinching fingers or watching Feng Shui, but there were many such books in the big box, so this possibility was naturally ruled out.

Now Xu Yunhan vaguely guessed that this so-called inheritance refers to the mental method, and this mental method should be the core lifeblood of the Xu family in Huaiyang.

After the heart method is lost, the inheritance of the Xu family will naturally be broken. This is the closest to the truth, Xu Yunhan guessed.

In the next few days, except when Xu Da and Ouyang Lie came back, Xu Yunhan went out to have dinner together, and Xu Yunhan spent the rest of the time in the study at home studying those ancient books.

As a descendant of the Xu family, she must at least know something about her ancestors.In fact, the main reason is that the more she reads, the more interested she becomes. Although the books in the box are also somewhat obscure, some of the information is relatively easy to understand, and there are many graphic notes on it.

There are those who talk about crape myrtle astrology, ancient texts and classics, six lines of heavenly stems and earthly branches, Yi learning hexagrams, geomantic geomancy, etc., which can be said to cover most branches of metaphysics.

Of course, at Xu Yunhan's current level, she can only see a lot of things recorded in the box book with only a half-knowledge, but she is still in high spirits.

On this day, Xu Yunhan suddenly found a somewhat familiar word in an ancient thread-bound book, magic weapon!

magic weapon!Isn't this what she saw in the notebook she bought from outside!

 Friends have come these days, it is estimated that the update may not be effective in these few days, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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