Chapter 282

magic weapon!Isn't this what she saw in the notebook she bought from outside!

The thread-bound book handed down by Xu Yunhan's family is much more detailed, and even talks about how to make a powerful magic weapon.She compared the ancient and modern Chinese dictionaries, and translated the content of that page word by word.

"Put the items containing spiritual energy in the natural spiritual eyes or in the powerful spirit gathering array, and after seventy-seven and 49 days, they can become magic tools. Magic tools can exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters, prolong life, and can protect people from disasters in times of crisis. Wow. , so amazing?! This spiritual energy... I understand, but what are these natural spiritual eyes and this gathering spirit array?"

In the process of reading these books, Xu Yunhan encountered more and more questions. She even felt that the world in these books was not the same as her own. Sometimes she had to wonder if the writers were exaggerating. Are the recorded things all fictional and imaginary?

But when she thought about the jade cicada in her body and the supernatural powers obtained from her spiritual power, she felt that maybe what was recorded in the book was true, but ordinary people didn't understand it.

etc!Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan suddenly had an idea in his mind!
Perhaps the so-called mental method is for cultivating spiritual power, otherwise, why would the words of spiritual energy and spiritual power be frequently mentioned in many books in this box!

So even if she doesn't have that mentality, she can enhance her spiritual power through Yuchan, which is also a way of cultivating spiritual power to a certain extent.Since she has spiritual power, can she learn all the things recorded in the book, and eventually she will have some magical and powerful abilities like the ancestors recorded in the book? !
Thinking of this, Xu Yunhan's breathing became a little short, and now she quite understands why Luo Feng showed such admiration and yearning for his ancestors that day.

With an idea, Xu Yunhan started to act, and once again buried her head in the pile of ancient books and materials piled high on the desk, no one who invited her could ask her out in the next few days.Apart from eating and even sleeping, Xu Yunhan just squatted on the desk for a while, woke up and continued to practice according to the method recorded in the book.

In this way, until the day of the peak jadeite wool auction, Xu Yunhan finally stepped out of the study, went back to the bedroom, took a shower, changed clothes, and went downstairs to have breakfast. Jing Shuo just came to pick her up when breakfast was almost finished.

Dai Xiaobei had something to do today and couldn't join in the excitement of the wool auction, and the girl Ah Mo hadn't come back yet. Xu Yunhan thought she was the only one going there, but when Jing Shuo asked her to visit the antique shop, she He just mentioned something about the wool auction, and he said he wanted to go with her.

So that's how it is today.Jing Shuo got ready early this day, seeing that the time was ahead of time and arrived at the door of Xu Yunhan's house, it was actually more than 20 minutes early, thinking that she might have waited in the car for a quarter of an hour before finishing her meal. Ring the doorbell.

"Miss Xiaohan, someone is looking for~" Chen Xinning took Jing Shuo into the restaurant, relying on Jing Shuo who was walking behind her not to see her expression, she winked at Xu Yunhan while talking, and finally mouthed her Say handsome~
Xu Yunhan glared at her, then turned to Jing Shuo and said with a smile on his face, "Are you here, have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, sit down and eat, and ask Aunt Min to make you an fried egg. Aunt Min's cooking skills are superb." of~"

Jing Shuo looked at her with a smile, "Okay." It's past nine o'clock now, and he had already had breakfast, but seeing her eating so deliciously, he said yes for some reason.

"Xinning, I can't take you back to school today. Aunt Min will send you off later, right? And remember to come and stay at home on weekends or holidays." Xu Yunhan said to Chen Xinning before leaving the house after dinner , The university has started, and she will return to school today.

Chen Xinning grinned, "Okay, remember, Miss Xiaohan, go and get busy with your business, people are still waiting for you." As he spoke, he gestured to Xu Yunhan for Jing Shuo who was standing at the door, and leaned closer to her ear Bian whispered, "The handsome guy who came to your house today and last time is both very high-quality. Sister Xiaohan puts it to the test, chooses carefully, and seizes the opportunity~"

Xu Yunhan gave her a hard look, then glanced awkwardly at Jing Shuo who was standing not far away, hoping he didn't hear, "Don't talk nonsense, they are just ordinary friends."

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at Chen Xinning's mischievous expression, stepped forward and stood next to Jing Shuo, "Let's go."

"En." Jing Shuo nodded with a smile, thinking about what Chen Xinning accidentally heard just now, who was the man who came to the house to look for Xu Yunhan last time?

I was inexplicably depressed, but on the face he was still a handsome gentleman. He helped Xu Yunhan pick up a cloth bag, which was quite heavy. He walked to his car and opened the door for Xu Yunhan, and then put the cloth bag in his hand in the back In the car seat, I went around and sat in the driver's seat to drive.

This Dingsheng Jade Wool Auction was held in a five-star hotel under the Dingsheng Group, and the holding time was one day. Since there are two methods of concealed and open bids, and if you want to go through all the woolen materials in the venue, it takes only one day. Still a little tight.

So when Jing Shuo and Xu Yunhan arrived at the meeting place, they were late arrivals, and many people in the venue had already begun to talk to each other. .

The woolen fabrics in the hidden bid area are at least two hundred yuan at a glance, ranging from large to small. The woolen fabrics for the hidden bid must be selected before [-]:[-] p.m. .As for the five pieces of wool that were put on the open bid (that is, the public bidding auction at night), they are now also displayed for everyone to watch.

"Shall we go to see the wool now?" This is the first time Jing Shuo has come into contact with the stone gambling circle. In the past, he was only interested in antiques and antiques. Although there are people around him who play stone gambling, he has never been together. participated.This time, after learning that Xu Yunhan was very interested in gambling stones, he bought a lot of related books and researched for a while, at least he knew some basic knowledge.

Xu Yunhan looked around the venue, "Wait a minute, I have something to do first. Why don't you go shopping by yourself first?"

"I don't understand anything, and I'm even more confused when I'm walking alone. If possible, I'll go with you." Jing Shuo naturally didn't want to separate from her, and said in a tactful tone.

"That's fine." Xu Yunhan smiled, "It just happened to help me carry the bag, it's quite heavy." She pointed to the bag in his hand that contained the two pieces of jadeite.

 Mango is back. As soon as we parted ways with our distant friends, Mango will come back to codewords. Try to post as many codewords as possible to apologize!
(End of this chapter)

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