Chapter 102
Li Zijun, who has always been thick-skinned, also blushed a little at this time when his sister saw him, and hurriedly stretched out his hands to cover his body.But Li Zichen slapped her down. After glaring at her, he looked at her whole body again. He didn't feel relieved until he didn't find any fatal wounds, and helped her tidy up the clothes she had taken off.

"How did you get hurt so badly? His Royal Highness also knew about this?" Li Zichen frowned and asked Li Zijun.

"En!" Li Zijun responded, then fastened his belt, sat down opposite Li Zichen, and continued, "Speaking of which, it all started because of Mr. Zijin from the Eighth Prince's Mansion!"

When Li Zichen heard Zijin's name, his heart skipped a beat. How could this matter involve that child?Before she could ask, Li Zijun spoke spontaneously.

"I see that Xiao Jin is not very happy these days, and he always looks preoccupied. I wanted to go find Zi Jin for him. I planned to have a good talk with him about His Highness the Eighth Prince, but unexpectedly... ..." Li Zijun gave her elder sister a guilty look.

"How can you, a big woman, bully a weak man, you——it's outrageous!" Li Zichen resented his weakness and gave Li Zijun a gouging look.

"I didn't intend to bully him!" After Li Zijun said this, she felt a little guilty. At the beginning, she really had the idea of ​​bullying others, but then all the plans couldn't keep up with the changes!
"Then what does that have to do with your injury?"

"I waited for a long time, and finally saw Zijin leaving the mansion alone, without the Eighth Highness by his side, so I wanted to follow him and find a suitable opportunity to slap him... No, stop him and have a good time with him Talk." Li Zijun looked up and saw that Li Zichen didn't intend to deal with her, so he swallowed and continued, "Who knows, I saw the carriage he was riding out of the city, so I just thought that's fine. After grabbing him and threatening him to leave His Highness the Eighth Prince, who would have thought that the driver of the Eighth Prince's Mansion was secretly replaced by a black-clothed killer, who took him directly to the dense forest more than ten kilometers away!"

"What? Is Zijin injured?" Li Zichen asked anxiously while holding Li Zijun's arm.

When Li Zijun saw his elder sister's appearance, he seemed to understand something in his heart. When did the elder sister, who was always calm and composed, lose her composure like this?

Li Zijun shook his head lightly, Li Zichen made it clear, presumably it was Li Zijun who saved him, and he got this injury. The Eighth Emperor was afraid that his family would worry, so she kept her in the Eighth Prince's Mansion for a night, and now she is back Only a few scratches can be seen on the face, so my father naturally wouldn't suspect it!
"Is elder sister also doubting Zijin's identity?" Li Zijun finally asked her question, she felt that her elder sister should know more than herself.

Li Zichen looked at his sister in surprise, then nodded silently.

"I've seen the cinnabar mole on his forehead..." Li Zichen said with a sigh. This matter had been buried in her heart for a long time, and now that she could tell it, she felt a lot easier.

"Sister, he also has this on his index finger..." Li Zijun pointed to the little black spot on his index finger.

Li Zichen closed her eyes, leaned her head on the back of the chair, and let out a soft "hmm". After nearly 13 years, it was not easy to find out what happened, but she was still sure——Zijin was the one with her. Li Zijun's younger brother with the same father and mother!

(End of this chapter)

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