The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 103 Who is the real brother

Chapter 103 Who is the real brother
"Sister, that Zijin..." Li Zijun asked anxiously.

"I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the Hu family. The person I sent out to find the person who knew about it has not returned yet. This matter has not been confirmed yet. Don't mention it to others for the time being, especially my father. He has given all his love to Xiao Jin. If he knows that his own son has suffered so much outside, I’m afraid he won’t be able to accept it!” Li Zichen’s heart ached when she thought that her own brother had been a beggar and now he was just a servant of the Eighth Prince’s Mansion. He should have been the son of the prime minister's mansion held in the palm of everyone's hands!Fortunately, the Eighth Prince is kind-hearted and treats him very well, so she can feel more at ease and have more time to collect evidence from the past.

"The eldest sister thinks that Zijin should be our younger brother?" Li Zijun asked directly, knowing the answer, but still wanted to hear it from his sister.

"En!" Li Zichen nodded slightly.

"But, Xiao Jin... he also has this..." Li Zijun stretched out his index finger again and said, she was really puzzled!

"Don't you forget that mother is not the only husband of father!" Li Zichen sighed and said, all these evil fates are ultimately the fault of her mother for finding Hu's unstable side-husband!
"Eldest sister is saying..." Li Zijun covered his mouth and looked at Li Zichen in disbelief. Could it be that his mother is hiding in the outer golden house?After giving birth to a son outside, the plan exchanged Zijin out?

"What are you thinking about!" Li Zichen reached out and knocked on Li Zijun's head, "I'm afraid Zimeng will gain something from this matter!"

"Ah! I understand, big sister, you mean Zimeng's..." Li Zijun stretched out his index finger and looked at Li Zichen, "No wonder! This Hu family is not close to the two of us, but treats Xiaojin extremely I always thought he was trying to curry favor with the Eighth Highness and pave the way for his daughter in the future! But I never thought that he would dare to be so bold! If this is really what he did, I will never forgive him!"

Li Zijun is smart, and with Li Zichen's light touch, she can figure out the twists and turns. Now it makes sense why the Hu family treats Xiaojin so much, but always fights Li Zimeng!

This is really a vicious and terrifying man!
"Don't be impulsive about this matter. Don't reveal any flaws before the matter is investigated clearly. It's hard to say whether there are other things behind this!" Li Zichen gently broke Li Zijun's clenched fist and said.

"But, big sister, Zijin, he..." He is still suffering outside!
"You don't know how the Eighth Prince treats him. Now, he is the safest staying in the Eighth Prince's Mansion, don't worry." Li Zichen reassured.

"Elder sister, you said that His Highness the Eighth Highness treats Zijin so well, does that mean she already knows the truth?" Li Zijun looked into his sister's eyes and asked.

"This is the news that His Highness the Eighth Highness revealed to me..." Li Zichen curled his lips at the surprised Li Zijun and said, "The scandal in their Li family's family, she actually got it from a little girl who was less than 13 years old." The news I got, alas!It's such a shame to throw it home...

Li Zijun suddenly thought of what Mo Han said to Li Zijin after Zijin almost fell into the water that day in the Eighth Prince's Mansion - "Everything in this world is yours and no one can take it away. If it's not yours, you can't take it away." Come." Come to think of it, what the eighth princess meant at that time was to talk about Xiao Jin's identity!It's just that they didn't hear it...

 small theater:

  Mo Han: Do you know the difference between you and the stars?

  Zijin: What's the difference?

  Mo Han: The stars are in the sky, but you are in my heart.

  Zijin: (happy)... hug...

  Mo Han: (opens arms)

  Zijin: Oh!Some people peeked, but did not vote!

  Mo Han: Don’t miss it when you pass by. If you have a ticket, give it a ticket, and if you don’t have a ticket, give it a bean farm. Mo Han would like to thank you for your rewards!
  Thank you for your support, there is a cute little prince in the end of Wennv Zun's "My Royal Highness"!
  I hope everyone supports genuine reading, starting with me!
(End of this chapter)

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