Chapter 117

"Hey? Master, you're really hurting your subordinates by teasing them like this!" Nuan Feng pouted aggrievedly.

"Haha... Nuanfeng, Nuanfeng, you have loved money since you were a child, I don't know about your master!" Mo Han smiled and took out four big red purses from his sleeve, each of which was bulging, and put them on the table. The four of them looked straight, it was the first time their Highness was so generous!

"Master, don't laugh at your subordinates. This subordinate is saving money so that he can marry a beautiful husband in the future!" Nuan Feng said with some embarrassment, but his eyes never left the big purse in Mo Han's hand .

It's no wonder that Nuanfeng is so generous. Their highness has never been so generous before. It's hard for her to open a mansion alone. If she has income, she doesn't need more.

"Haha..." Everyone laughed again, and Mo Han casually threw Nuan Feng and Wen Xin one by one, and the two quickly made a move and held on tightly.

"Thank you, master!" Nuan Feng said happily, but her hand never left the purse, after she opened it, she almost blinded her eyes.

What a surprise that a large ingot of gold was added to this heavy bag of silver!
Even Wen Xin, who has always been very self-sufficient, is a little excited, their master is bewitched!

"Don't look like I'm stingy, okay? The reason why I gave you less New Year's money before the New Year is that I don't have it! Now that your master and I have eaten meat, can you not let you try something new?" Mo Han touched his nose in embarrassment and said.

It's no wonder that the two of them made a fuss. In previous years, the New Year's money was given to each person and a small piece of silver. Sometimes when their master was short of money, they had to post some back. They had never seen such a generous amount from the master!
Sometimes when Wen Xin and Nuan Feng were chatting with the personal maid next to them, they would also talk about how much money the master gave for the new year. Every time after others talked about it, the two of them would cover their faces and leave quietly, embarrassed to speak.

Now it's all right, their master has attained the Tao, and they will ascend to heaven with him!This feeling of turned serf singing can really make them happy for a long time, and tomorrow they will go to the two sisters under the empress dowager to show off.

Zijin and Sanyue pursed their lips and snickered. The three master and servant grew up together since they were young, and they were always so out of shape in private.

Mo Han handed the remaining two purses to Zijin and Sanyue, and Sanyue carefully tied them, holding them heavy in his hands. He had never had so much money in his life!Even if he saves his wages on weekdays, he hasn't saved so much in all these years.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" San Yue's red face was full of joy. If the young master hadn't kindly taken him in that day, how could he have such a good life today.

"No, no... Zijin, you two should also open it for us to see if our Highness is biased?" Nuan Feng saw that Zijin and Sanyue didn't intend to see what was inside and was about to put it away. , shouted hastily.

San Yue shyly put the purse on the table and tore open the bag. The contents inside were the same as those of Wen Xin and Wen Xin, except that one ingot of gold was missing and one more bead was added.

"Wow! Master is really generous this year!" Nuan Feng couldn't help sighing, this bead is even worse than their gold ingots!
Then, everyone turned their gazes to Zijin who was at the side. Zijin's ears turned red, and then he slowly opened his purse...

(End of this chapter)

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