The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 118 New Year's Eve

Chapter 118 New Year's Eve
Several people stared at Zijin's purse without blinking, as if there was some treasure in it. No wonder the three of them thought that Mo Han was really too kind to Zijin on weekdays. Unreasonably, she behaved politely.If you say you have no idea about Zijin, then she treats Zijin better. Whose servants have you seen who want to serve Zijin?Can he still be carried off the carriage by the master himself?Can the master pick up the food himself?I'm afraid the side husbands of ordinary people don't get this kind of treatment.

However, to everyone's surprise, Zijin's purse contained the same contents as Sanyue's. Zijin just smiled and said nothing. The hairpin on his head was the most distinctive gift!
"Crackling..." Suddenly, the sound of firecrackers sounded outside, everyone's face was full of smiles, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, they were all one year older.

Several people wrapped their cloaks and walked out the door. Fireworks were flying all over the sky, like little elves, so beautiful!Hold your head up and look at the starry sky, fireworks and stars, you can't tell which is which!
Mo Han raised the corner of his mouth, sighing in his heart the freshness of the ancient air and the great wisdom of human beings, but he didn't know that the eyes of a person next to him fell on him for a long time.

Mo Han, may you be so happy every day, and may I be by your side every day.

Because of New Year's Eve, the entire Eight Princes' Mansion was quiet on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year. Mo Han gave an order that everyone can rest until noon before going to work. This is very happy for the people in the Eight Princes' Mansion, but sad The people queuing up at the door to give gifts.

The guards of the Eight Princes' Mansion were full of food and drink, and when they opened the gate with belches, they were startled by the scene in front of them. The gate was already blocked, and when they saw the gate opened, everyone rushed over with their hands and faces flushed from the cold.

"Elder sister, the younger one is from the House of Minister of the Household Department to pay New Year's greetings to His Highness the Eighth Highness, please inform me."

"Elder sister, the younger one is from the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Industry..."

"Sister, the younger one is from the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Rites..."

"Sister, the younger one is from Ning Bohou's mansion..."


The guard at the door was so dizzy from the noise that he almost squeezed into a human patty.Only three people stopped her, and the remaining one rushed towards the main courtyard. She had to get their master to come forward quickly, otherwise the sisters and sisters would have nothing to do.

"Butler, butler... There are a lot of New Year greetings outside the door, we can't stop it, is the master up?" The guard happened to meet the butler who came out at the gate of the courtyard, and hurriedly stopped him and asked.

"Let's go! Let the accountant bring the account books and set up the tables and chairs. Let's go to receive the presents." The housekeeper said calmly with a calm expression.

"This... this... this is without the master's permission. Let's accept the gift privately. What if someone takes advantage of it and harms the master?" The guard said with some disapproval. Accepting bribes is not a small crime. It would be a disaster if their master was read a book in front of the saint.

"You child, you are still too young. The master has explained something a long time ago. We kept it and went back. Who can say what is wrong with our Highness? It will save us sending people to the mansion one by one!" The butler raised his eyebrows and nodded at the guard's forehead.

"Master is wise!" the guard said with a grin, covering the red forehead that was touched by the housekeeper.

So, on the afternoon of the first day of the Lunar New Year, the carriages of the official residences in central Beijing formed a long queue at the gate of the Eight Princes' Mansion. When they came, they pulled one cart, and when they left, they took another cart away. Everyone was smiling and in a good mood. !
 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for your reward, and thank you book friends for your tickets and red beans.

  Everyone supported me all the way and grew up with me. The author is very happy.

  About tomorrow, "A Lady's Love and Mohan" will be released on the shelves. It is not easy for the author to write a book. Please support the genuine reading!
  The female statue is difficult to write, and the amount of reading is not large. The author codes for three or four hours a day, and has been working hard to improve.The motivation has always been the support of fellow book lovers. If you like it, I hope to continue reading. After all, there are really fewer and fewer authors of female novels, and the income is less than one percent of male novels, just because I like it. Only then did not give up.

  After it's on the shelves, it should only cost five cents to read a chapter, and there will be various benefits. It takes about an hour for the author to write a chapter!
  Finally, I still hope that everyone can support the author's book that reads like dust. A collection of short stories of female statues will be published in the future, and "The Lady's Bar is Never Parting for a Long Time" will also be included in it. I hope you like it.

  The author's other article "My Royal Highness", the patriarchal article, has been completed. Although there are many shortcomings, three chapters have been blocked because of harmony, but it will not affect everyone's reading. Read it!
  Again, thank you all for your support!


(End of this chapter)

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