The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 131 Li Zhengjun Comes to Visit

Chapter 131 Li Zhengjun Comes to Visit
After the two people retreated and the palace door was closed, Li Zhengjun turned to Zijin and said with a smile, "Sit down!"

Zijin gently came to the chair opposite Li Zhengjun and sat down, he was very puzzled, he was not familiar with this Li Zhengjun, and had never been in contact with the Li family, so he didn't know what he was talking about looking for him, what he just heard was that he wanted to Ask him something, but what is there about him that is worth visiting by Li Zhengjun himself?Could it be that he accidentally offended that unruly and willful Mr. Li again?
"Your name is Zijin, right?" Li Zhengjun looked at the child in front of him. For some reason, he just couldn't get disgusted. He always felt that he had a shadow of himself when he was young. His eyes were clean and clear, as if they could illuminate people's hearts.

"Exactly." Zijin nodded slightly.

"Then how about I call you Zijin?" Li Zhengjun asked with a smile, the name was so familiar too, Zijin, Zijin, had the same pronunciation as Jin'er's name.

"Yeah." Zijin was even more baffled by Li Zhengjun's closeness.

"After Zichen and Zijun returned home, they always praised Mr. Zijin's craftsmanship and extraordinary cooking skills. The cakes they brought back were also very popular with the little granddaughter at home. Today, I took the liberty to come here to ask you for advice." Li Zhengjun Said politely.

"Li Zhengjun, you are being polite. If the young lady in the mansion likes it, you can tell Zijin to do it and send it. How can I afford the advice you said?" There are still some pastries left, and I will take them with him when he leaves later.

"Good boy! It's just... I'm here today, and I have something else to tell you..." Li Zhengjun saw that Zijin was so kind, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth, but if he didn't say anything, he would run away in vain today Once there, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to speak in the future!
"Please tell me!" Zijin couldn't help sticking out her tongue in her heart, it really wasn't as simple as she thought.

"It can be seen that you are also a kind-hearted child, so I will speak directly. I know that the Eighth Emperor's daughter has a heart for you, and she wants to accept you. There is nothing wrong with our Li family, but you have to be clear. My Jin'er is the future Eighth Prince bestowed by the Holy Spirit. This is a fact that cannot be changed. The Eighth Prince cannot cancel her marriage with Jin'er just because she has you. After all, the Eighth Prince is also needed in the court. Accumulate some influence for His Majesty the Empress Dowager, these are not things you can give her!" Li Zhengjun's words were straightforward and ruthless enough, directly from the backyard to the front court, presumably he decided Zijin for Mo Han I will definitely not tell others about my future and future.

Zijin was also surprised by Li Zhengjun's sentence "The eighth emperor's daughter has her heart attached to you". Behind the clinker, Li Zhengjun actually brought up his and Li Zijin's identities so bluntly. He didn't understand why Li Zhengjun wanted to come with him. Speaking of this, he heard from Li Zhengjun's words that Mo Han wanted to withdraw from the marriage, and he also understood that Li Zhengjun misunderstood that the reason for Mo Han's withdrawal was because of himself.

"Li Zhengjun, you are really joking, let's not talk about it, Zijin is just a humble servant, how can he be qualified to be in the eyes of His Highness the Eighth Prince? Just talk about what you mentioned just now, that the Eighth Prince is going to retire. Zijin has been serving by His Highness the Eighth Prince's side all the time, but she has never heard her mention it, even if the Eighth Highness really has to make a decision, it's not something Zijin, a mere servant, can control, Li Zhengjun, you think highly of Zijin!"

 happy weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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