The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 132 Zijin is Angry

Chapter 132 Zijin is Angry

Zijin was a little angry, and Li Zhengjun came to accuse him for no reason, as if he had ruined the marriage between the Eighth Emperor Daughter and Li Zijin, but he thought so too!If Mo Han really liked him enough to reject other men for him, he would wake up with a smile in his dreams.

He really didn't know about it. Besides, even if the eighth princess didn't want to be with Li Zijin, it was because his son was domineering and domineering, so what did he have to do with him?

"Mr. Zijin, don't be angry. My original intention is not to say whether your status is worthy of being the Eighth Emperor's Daughter, but the facts are there. I think Mr. Zijin is also a good boy who is well-educated and reasonable. He must be able to understand this. The pros and cons of it. Don't worry, if Jin'er enters the gate of the Eighth Prince's Mansion in the future, he will definitely not embarrass you!" Seeing Zijin's bad tone, Li Zhengjun thought he was blaming himself for speaking directly and taking his identity Speaking of things, he hurriedly explained.

"Li Zhengjun, I'm afraid you really misunderstood. Zijin is just a servant next to His Highness. He has to be rescued by His Highness, so he has to take care of him if he doesn't mind. Zijin has no ability to influence His Highness's decision, and His Highness is also clear. Innocent, frank and frank, there is no such relationship as you said." Zijin looked directly at Li Zhengjun and said word by word.

He has thoughts about Mo Han, but Mo Han—I'm afraid she doesn't know anything about emotions, she just treats him as an ordinary friend!

"Master Zijin, don't hide it from me anymore, I'm someone who has come here! The Eighth Emperor's daughter doesn't treat you like an ordinary servant!" Li Zhengjun had a hundred doubts in his heart that he didn't believe Zijin's words, so he relied on The Eighth Emperor's daughter installed a small servant beside him, so she could see that in the Eighth Emperor's daughter's heart, Zijin's status was by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Li Zhengjun, do you mean Sanyue? He was also rescued by His Highness when he went out. Because of my intercession, he was fortunate enough to be left in the palace by the Eighth Emperor. He always felt that I was kind to him, so he called me son. It's like that!" Zijin thought of Sanyue calling him, and thinking that Sanyue called him "Young Master" when he came, and was misunderstood by Li Zhengjun.

"However, Zichen and Zijun told me personally that the eighth emperor's daughter doesn't want to be with my son anymore because she already has someone she likes around her!" Li Zhengjun couldn't help feeling embarrassed when he heard what Zijin said. Could it be that there are other men beside the eighth princess?

"A person she likes?" Zijin was a little confused by this sentence, he might not be the person she likes!It turned out that she already had someone she liked!
"That's right! You are the only man who appears next to the eighth princess. If it's not you, then who is it?" Li Zhengjun believed in the news that the two daughters brought them back. He was sure that the child in front of him must be The person whom the Eighth Emperor said she liked.

If he hadn't snatched Jin'er's future wife, he would have liked him very much. Not only the name, but also the appearance of this child was three points like Jin'er's. He even felt that this child was his own!

However, he couldn't compromise on matters related to Jin'er's life's happiness. If it was useless to discuss with him, he might have to think of other ways!

"Then Li Zhengjun, I'm afraid you really think highly of Zijin. The eighth emperor's daughter has never said that she likes Zijin..." Zijin said a little desolately. He hoped to be by her side all the time, but she never said that. She said she would keep him forever, and she never said she was happy with him.

"Is this hairpin in Mr. Zijin's hair a gift from the Eighth Emperor?" Li Zhengjun saw that Zijin had been denying it all the time, so he stopped asking, but looked at the jasper hairpin in his hair. It was expensive, and such a small waiter should not be able to afford it.

It can be seen that this style does not look like an imperial gift, it can only be given by someone else, and Zijin, as the eighth princess's personal servant, will not accept gifts from women from other families, it can only be the eighth princess. The queen sent it.

Zijin stretched out his hand to lightly caress the hairpin in his upper hair, and suddenly felt a little guilty. He had always denied the relationship between the Eighth Emperor and him, but the hairpin in his hair was really given to him by the Eighth Emperor. The two of them have nothing to do with each other, I am afraid others will not believe it!
After being stunned for a moment, Zijin nodded slightly, yes, he is not good at lying, and he is not willing to deceive others.

Seeing Zijin nodding his head, Li Zhengjun felt a little more displeased. The two of them had reached the point of giving hairpins to each other, so why did they lie to him?His poor Jin'er!If it wasn't because Jin'er wanted to marry the eighth emperor's daughter wholeheartedly, he wouldn't be ashamed to beg such a little servant. His Li family has served the saint for decades, so it is extremely easy to ask for a good marriage for his son. But life is like a play, not everything goes well.

"It's so beautiful! The eighth princess can treat you like this, and I think she values ​​you very much. Seeing that your age should be about the same as my family's Jin'er, you should be able to understand what the eighth princess means to Jin'er. You, we Jin'er will definitely not embarrass you, so you let the eighth emperor accept the idea of ​​retiring the engagement!" Li Zhengjun thought of his son's tears, and his heart ached unbearably, stood up, approached Zijin, tightly She held his hands and cried.

For the sake of his Jin'er, let alone let him put down his figure, even if it takes his life, he is willing!
"Li Zhengjun, don't do this, Zijin can't bear you." Zijin was a little embarrassed by Li Zhengjun's actions, and hurriedly stood up, pulling his hands behind his back, he was not used to being so close to strangers.

"Mr. Zijin, please see that I am a father who loves his son, so please let me go!" Li Zhengjun took two steps forward, but Zijin's body, which was about to step back, was suddenly caught by him. The words stopped in shock.

You love your son so much that you can make things difficult for others?Are you bullying me that I don't have the protection of my parents?Or are you bullying me that I don't have a proud status?When Zijin thought of the difference in identity between himself and Mo Han, his heart ached like a knife. Now, the father of the fiancée of the woman he loves is actually embarrassing himself like this!

"Li Zhengjun, aren't you embarrassing Zijin like this?" Zijin turned to Li Zhengjun without changing his face and said, "Zijin has said many times that I don't have that much ability to influence the decision of the eighth princess. Even if I really What's the difference with the Eighth Prince, then, I love her, and I won't say something embarrassing her just because she treats me differently, and I won't let her change what she does because she favors me. decision. You love your son, so you should find ways to make him happier, instead of forcing others to do things you don’t want to do or can’t do.”

(End of this chapter)

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