Chapter 138
"Daddy..." Li Zijin's voice came from behind him, and Li Zhengjun left without stopping. Although he couldn't bear it, he still didn't look back.

Jin'er, daddy did this for your own good, I hope you don't blame daddy.

But the culprit, Mrs. Hu, is sitting and drinking tea in the warm pavilion in the yard at this time!What puzzled everyone was that Li Zimeng, the most unfavored third lady, was sitting next to Mrs. Hu at this moment. Bring scolding.

"Father, Daddy..." Li Zimeng sat there flattered, looking helplessly at the hot tea that Mrs. Hu personally poured for her in front of her. Ever since she was a child, she had never felt the warmth of being loved by her father. !
Li Zimeng's eyes suddenly became hot. She knew that she was just born in a concubine, and her status was not comparable to that of her elder sister and second sister, and she could not even be compared with Li Zijin in the backyard. However, she also needed someone to love her.She always thought that her father treated her badly, but she cared about Xiao Jin very much, because she was not a man's family. I am afraid that her father wanted a son at the beginning, but gave birth to herself. After all, in this rich family, the life of a concubine It is much more sad than the bastard.

However, Li Zhengjun did not treat Li Zimeng harshly because she was a daughter and would compete with his two daughters for family property in the future. On the contrary, he allowed her to enjoy the treatment of a prostitute in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. On the contrary, it was his biological father Hu Shi, It's always hard to see her.

Because Li Zimeng was cowardly since she was a child, her mother, Li Xiang, was not very close to her and didn't like her very much. Although she didn't scold her every day like Hu, she rarely had a good face.After all, as the prime minister, who would like to see her daughter submissive all day long?

Not to mention the Hu family, who disliked Li Zimeng all day long for being inferior to his two older sisters, saying that she was incapable, and that she might as well treat Li Zijin as well.

Sometimes Li Zimeng wondered if she was born to the Hu family. Whose father would be willing to treat his own daughter like this?
In fact, Li Zimeng has worked very hard on weekdays, but it seems that she is not as talented as her two sisters. Even when she was studying in college, her grades were not as good as Li Zijin's.

"You all go down! I want to talk to Miss San alone about my son." Hu waved at the servants behind him and said. In fact, Hu thought for a long time before deciding to ask Li Zimeng for help. After all, the person he was looking for was still locked up in the General's Mansion, and he didn't dare to be too presumptuous. The only person who could think of helping him was Li Zimeng.

"Yes!" The servants bowed their heads and retreated out of the door, no matter how curious they were, they couldn't allow their master's affairs to interfere.

"Zimeng! Daddy may not have seen you for a long time, what have you been up to lately?" Hu refilled the cup in front of Li Zimeng with some hot water, then asked with a smile.

Although this smile was beautiful, Li Zimeng felt a little scared in his eyes. Daddy was really abnormal today.

"Boy, baby, I still have to go to the academy to study in the morning, and in the afternoon, my elder sister found me a master to practice martial arts..." Li Zimeng clasped the teacup tightly with both hands, and lowered her head in response.

"Well, you should study hard. When you can be as promising as your two sisters in the future, Dad will be relieved!" Hu said with a smile, but he was thinking about how to get Li Zimeng to help him.

"Yes, my son will work hard!" Li Zimeng hurriedly replied, she didn't dare to say anything else, she was afraid that Mrs. Hu would beat her again.

"You! Don't blame daddy for being cruel to you. You should be smarter on weekdays, and get closer to your two sisters. They are all popular people around the empress. In the future, don't you still have to rely on them?" Aren't they?" Hu said, looking at Li Zimeng in front of her with pursed lips, this child is not smart, and also taciturn, and she is not very close to her on weekdays, so it is really a waste of raising her for so many years!
Hu just blindly shifted the responsibility to others, never thinking about how he treats others, who would dare to get close to him?Who can get close to him?
"Yes, Daddy...the child knows." Li Zimeng nodded obediently.

In fact, the two elder sisters treated her very well, and never disliked her because she was a concubine. As long as they had something, she was indispensable.Apart from being beaten by the Hu family all day long, Li Zimeng's life is much easier than that of the other concubines.

"There is only Jin'er in our house, and you don't have to worry about how much your father loves him on weekdays. He will marry the Eighth Emperor in the future. You also know that the Eighth Emperor is the favorite of the Holy One and the Phoenix Queen." My daughter, you, as a sister, treat Jin'er better." Hu finally led the conversation to Li Zijin.

"Yes, Daddy." Li Zijin rubbed her hands on her legs nervously, then slowly took a sip from her teacup, feeling her whole body warm up.

"Jin'er is also a sensible child, and she often speaks nice words for you in front of your mother. It's just... hey!" Hu Shi was talking, and suddenly wiped away tears with a handkerchief. Li Zimeng was terrified.

"Daddy, don't cry! Jin'er——what happened to him?" Li Zimeng asked hurriedly.She saw Jin'er in the back garden yesterday, he is obviously fine, there is no difference!

"Hey! This matter is also the fate of that child, Jin'er. Since he was a child, he has only thought about the Eighth Emperor's Daughter. He only hopes that when he grows up, he can marry and live a good life. He and the Eighth Emperor's Daughter will treat each other like guests. But what— —However, there was a vicious girl next to the Eighth Emperor, who captivated the Eighth Emperor, and now she wants to divorce Jin'er..." Hu wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, and secretly observed Li Zimeng's behavior through the gap Response, I don't know if this useless thing can do something for Jin'er?
"What? There's such a thing?" Although Li Zimeng was curious why the Hu family suddenly said this to her, what was more important was the atmosphere. The eighth princess really didn't take their Li family seriously. How could he cancel his marriage with Jin'er just because of a little servant!Fortunately, I had always regarded her as a role model before, and it really wasted all these years of her admiration.

"That's not right, now Jin'er is crying all day long, depressed, and daddy feels very distressed when he sees him like that." Shi Hu nodded immediately, looking heartbroken again.

"But, there's nothing we can do about the eighth princess!" Li Zimeng was furious, but she could still recognize her identity. What else could they do besides complaining?

(End of this chapter)

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