The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 139 Premeditated

Chapter 139 Premeditated
As soon as Li Zimeng's words came out of her mouth, Hu almost slapped her again. Why did she find such a dishonest thing back then!
"That's right! Of course we can't do anything to the eighth princess, but we can't just bear with it, can't we? Now, even a lowly little servant has bullied our Prime Minister's mansion. It's only because Dad is a weak man, otherwise I will definitely seek justice for Jin'er and teach that little servant a lesson." This time, Hu's tears flowed even more fiercely, and he couldn't stop it.

"Daddy, don't be sad, don't you still have a daughter!" Li Zimeng thought that he was unhappy that he didn't have the ability to go to the Eighth Emperor's daughter, but he still had the ability to teach a servant a lesson.

"Good boy, at least it didn't take Daddy to raise you in vain. If you do this well, Daddy won't beat and scold you again in the future!" When Mrs. Hu heard Li Zimeng say this, she immediately laughed out of tears. His purpose Once it is achieved, there is no need to pretend to cry anymore, after all, crying is also a matter of hurting the body!

"Daddy, don't worry! My child will get justice for Jin'er." Li Zimeng saw that Hu promised her so much, she just felt that her day had come. My sister is just like Li Zhengjun.

"Hey! It's just that the eighth princess values ​​that little servant, and it's not easy for you to see him!" Hu Shi sighed and frowned.

"Then, what should we do then?" Li Zimeng asked, staring blankly at Mrs. Hu.

"Hey! We can only think of a bad plan-we have to spend money and eliminate disasters..." Mrs. Hu pretended to sigh.

"Destroy wealth and eliminate disasters?" Li Zimeng looked up at her father, not understanding what he meant, isn't she just a servant?How can there be such a big fight!

"Yes, you go out these two days to inquire and find out where there is such a powerful killer organization. At that time, we only need to borrow a knife to kill people." After Hu said, he raised his right hand and chopped it down, his eyes full of pride Look, look at how capable that little hoof is, I still can't believe it, it can make you escape every time!

"Assassin organization? Daddy, didn't we say that we just taught him a lesson? How can he kill someone? If the Eighth Emperor's daughter finds out about this, we... our entire Li family will be implicated!" Li Zimeng said in horror. Looking at Hu with wide eyes, she is timid and afraid of getting into trouble. Letting her kill someone is like killing her.

"Idiot!" Hu yelled directly at Li Zimeng's face angrily, and then felt that he still had to rely on her for help, so he suppressed his anger and said calmly, "Daddy said, since we are looking for someone, naturally we can't stay." Let’s get it under control, as long as others don’t know that we did it, isn’t it all right?”

"But... Daddy..." Li Zimeng folded her hands and frowned, she didn't agree with Hu's idea at all, she still thought it was too risky.

"You just need to get in touch. Daddy will do the rest." Hu knew that Li Zimeng was a weakling, and didn't expect her to be able to do anything. He just needed a connector, and Li Zimeng was the one to do it. Noodles are also the most suitable.

In fact, the reason why Mrs. Hu chose Li Zimeng was after thinking for a long time. Firstly, Mr. Hu believed that she would never betray herself. Secondly, even if she lost her exposure, it would be difficult for others to think that this would be a matter of courage. The little cowardly Li Zimeng is related.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading coins!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  I wish the MMs who read books more and more beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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