The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 142 You May Endure Her Countless Beauties

Chapter 142 You May Endure Her Countless Beauties

"You don't have to worry about this matter anymore. This marriage was decided by the Holy Majesty. Even if the Eighth Emperor's envoy has a small temper and is unwilling in every possible way, with the Holy Majesty and the Queen Feng, it will not be easily dissolved." Li Zhengjun held the bowl. He picked out the thorny fish clip and said to Li Zijin.

"Thank you, dad." Li Zijin felt relieved when he heard Li Zhengjun's words. Seeing that although his dad was angry with him, he still treated him so well, he immediately put on a smile and started to eat.

"Eat slowly, hey! You child!" Li Zhengjun knew that although Li Zijin was self-willed, he was also innocent, and he couldn't stand being fooled by others, but he was angry at him for being too selfish, for ignoring other people's lives for his own love. His temperament is indeed not suitable for being an Eighth Prince. He can neither tolerate people nor have a city mansion. In the future, he must not manage the backyard of the Eighth Prince's Mansion in a mess, making it a miasma?

"Hmm..." Seeing that her father's tone had improved, Li Zijin became happy too.

"Jin'er, you really want to marry the Eighth Prince?" Li Zhengjun thought, if Li Zijin could find an ordinary official family to be the king, this life would definitely be much easier and happier than marrying the Eighth Prince. , How can the royal gate be so easy to enter!
"Daddy, Jin'er knew from birth that she would be the king of her eighth sister in the future. This is also Jin'er's greatest wish in this life." Li Zijin nodded.

"But, have you ever thought that besides you, in the future, the eighth princess will have many side husbands, servants... There are countless beauties, and maybe they can only accompany you for a day or two every month, or even won't see you for a few months. What about you? Can you bear it?" Li Zhengjun tried to persuade.

"I, I never thought about it." Li Zijin only knew that he would marry the eighth princess and be with her forever, so why would he think about anything else?
"Then daddy is going to tell you now that you can't tolerate the presence of a servant around the eighth princess, and you have the intention of harming others. In the future, there will be more men around her, what are you going to do? Do you think women don't care about her?" What happened in the backyard, do they really not know what you did? If you marry in the past and dare to have such vicious thoughts, then what awaits you will be to rest your husband at least, rush back to the prime minister's mansion, or Killing for life, maybe our entire Li family will join in." Li Zhengjun has always taught his children to be kind all his life, and his two daughters are indeed good, but the son he paid the most is the most disgusting. Headache.

"Why is this happening? Can't Eighth Sister marry me alone?" Li Zijin asked sadly.

"No! Don't say that she is the youngest daughter of the emperor. In order to spread the branches and leaves for the royal family, she can't have only one husband. The world will not allow the rules left by the ancestors. Others will only say that the eighth emperor married a jealous wife. Husband, other men are not allowed to appear in the backyard, do you think the Holy One and the Queen Feng can agree?" The most important thing is that the eighth princess may not have that kind of affection for you yet!Li Zhengjun didn't want to hit Li Zijin, so he didn't say the last half sentence.

Which man in this world doesn't want his wife to marry only himself?However, how many women did it?Who can break this secular world!

"But even so, Jin'er still wants to marry Eighth Sister." Hearing what Li Zhengjun said, Li Zijin felt uncomfortable, but compared to losing her, he would rather be by her side like this.

(End of this chapter)

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