Chapter 143

"Then why do you still listen to Mrs. Hu and do such stupid things? If the eighth princess finds out, how can she forgive you?" Li Zhengjun was devastated when he thought of Mrs. Hu's instigating Li Zijin to do such a thing. The worst thing is that you don't get angry.

"Daddy, Jin'er will never do it again!" Li Zijin was afraid in his heart, he was afraid that Eighth Sister would really find out the truth and that it was related to him, and would blame him.

"Hey!" Li Zhengjun sighed. He knew that once a person has such thoughts, he will inevitably commit the crime again in the future. As long as he cannot be discovered once, there will be a second time.

Now even Li Zhengjun can't guarantee that if Li Zijin really enters the Eight Princes' Mansion in the future, the old things will happen again, and he will start to harm others...

"Jin'er, if you promise not to marry the eighth emperor's daughter, daddy will definitely choose a good family for you, and promise to make your life better!" Li Zhengjun still thinks that Li Zijin is not suitable to marry into the royal family. Be careful, as long as Li Zijin does something wrong, what awaits him will be an abyss of eternal doom!
In order to keep his son's future and the Prime Minister's family from being implicated, Li Zhengjun still decided to persuade Li Zijin to give up the idea of ​​marrying the eighth emperor's daughter. As long as Li Zijin nodded, even if he put aside his old face, he had to seek the consent of the Holy One and the Queen Feng .

"Daddy..." Li Zijin never expected that Li Zhengjun would say such a thing, that his father, who loves him the most, would persuade him to marry someone else?
"Jin'er, daddy is doing this for your own good! You are still young, and you don't know what awaits you when you marry someone who doesn't love you. Your days are still long! How could daddy be willing to let you suffer even a little bit?" Wronged!" Li Zhengjun clasped Li Zijin's hands tightly and explained.

He didn't want to let his son be so obsessed anymore. The so-called long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It's better to cut off his thoughts and save his heartache in the future.

"Father, I don't want to marry anyone else, I only want my eighth sister..." Li Zijin's eyes turned red when she heard Li Zhengjun's words, and she held Li Zhengjun's hand and begged.

"Jin'er! You'd better think about this matter before you talk about it. After all, it is related to your life's happiness!" Li Zhengjun also shed tears when he saw his son like this.

"Daddy, no matter what kind of happiness Jin'er is, Jin'er only wants to be with Eighth Sister, please make Jin'er happy with Daddy! Woohoo..." Li Zijin never thought that the wrong decision she made at the moment, It actually made Dad think like this!
"Jin'er, I'm afraid it's up to daddy to fulfill you now. The eighth emperor is determined not to want you, son!" Li Zhengjun saw Li Zijin crying so hard that his heart ached unbearably. How could he be willing to let his son suffer such grievances!It's just that Jin'er is confused!After doing such a thing, the eighth princess will know about it sooner or later, but why would he ask Jin'er to marry like this after she proposed to withdraw the engagement?He might as well go to the palace to ask for a favor first!
Li Zhengjun had told his wife-lord about this before, and Li Xiang also thought that it would be better for the Li family to take the initiative to propose an end to the engagement. It would be better than an end to the engagement after being found out that his son had done such a thing.In this way, even though the marriage contract with the eighth princess was broken, fortunately, her two daughters were still working under the empress's command, so her status in the court would not be affected.

 Small Theater [-]:

  Mo Han: I have a question for you
  Zijin: You said

  Mo Han: Who did you spend Qixi Festival with?
  Zijin: I don’t know
  Mo Han: How do you know that I don’t know?

  Zijin: (shy)...

  Small Theater [-]:

  Mu Xi: Ruo Zhi, life is helpless, but please don't complain, hug me.

  Bai Ruozhi: (shy)...

  Small Theater Three:

  Lin Shuang: There have been rumors recently that I like you. I want to clarify that it is not a rumor.

  Mu Ci: Who are you talking to?

  Lin Shuang: You!
  Mu Ci: (dumbfounded)...

  I wish everyone a happy Qixi Festival, and lovers will finally get married!

(End of this chapter)

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