Chapter 144

After Li Zhengjun talked with Li Zijin that day, he didn't care whether he agreed or not, and found a day for Li Xiang to rest and take a bath, and the two entered the palace with the token bestowed by their ancestors when they made meritorious service.

"Your Majesty, Li Xiang brought Li Zhengjun to see you." After Jiahe entered the hall, he said to Empress Feng who was sitting there pruning flowers and branches.

"Oh? Why did the husband and wife come together at this moment?" Queen Feng put down the scissors in her hand and said while cleaning her hands, "Let them wait in the main hall, I will come over soon."

"Yes!" After Jiahe withdrew, Empress Feng cleaned her hands and changed her clothes and went out.

"The old minister has seen the queen's thousand years old..."

"My husband has seen the empress a thousand years old..."

As soon as Queen Feng appeared, Li Xiang and his wife immediately went forward to salute.

"Please get up quickly, both of you." Empress Feng sat on top of her hands, and smiled and beckoned them to get up.

"Your Majesty, the old minister's wife and husband have taken the liberty to come here. I really have something important to discuss, and I hope that the Empress can..." Li Xiang stood up and cupped his hands at the Queen Feng, then raised his eyebrows and looked at the servants around him, feeling a little eager. Stop talking.

"You all go down!" Seeing Li Xiang's meaning, Empress Feng understood that the two of them had something to say to her alone, but she didn't even keep her most trusted Jiahe.

"Thank you, Empress Qiansui." After everyone retreated, Li Xiang didn't sit down directly, but immediately knelt down at Queen Feng's feet, and Li Zhengjun immediately got up and knelt beside Li Xiang.

"What are you two doing? Hurry up, please..." Empress Feng looked at the two people kneeling in front of her with some puzzlement and asked, how could she do such a grand ceremony properly?
"Your Majesty, the old ministers and ministers dare not get up..." Li Xiang knelt on the ground and buried his head, his tone full of helplessness.

"If you two have something to say, just say it, there's no need to do that!" Empress Feng stood up, helped the two of them up, and only turned around and sat down after the two of them sat down.

Speaking of which, Empress Feng and Li Zhengjun had known each other since they were young, and the two had studied in the same college for several years, and their relationship had always been good, but when they got older, they seldom saw each other after they got married at home, and their relationship became smoother. Also broke down.

"Your Majesty, now that the old minister's wife and husband are here, they don't hide anything. We are here today because of the marriage between my son and the Eighth Emperor..." After hesitating for a moment, Li Xiang still opened his mouth to express his intentions. Only Jin'er was a son, and he couldn't let the rest of his life be ruined by an eighth emperor who didn't love him, nor could he ruin the entire Li family because of love.

"Jin'er and Han'er's marriage? What's going on between them?" Queen Feng frowned and asked puzzledly. He always had to pay more attention to matters about Mo Han.

"To be honest, you said, the matter has come to such an extent, we never thought..." Li Xiang sighed and said, Li Zhengjun sat aside and began to wipe away tears.

"Aren't the two children well? I haven't heard anything about it? Could it be that Han'er did something that shouldn't be done?" Queen Feng really couldn't guess the reason for the two of them to come.

In Queen Feng's heart, the best child in the world is his Han'er. Although he asked Mo Han what wrong he did, he firmly believed in his heart that his daughter would never do anything stupid. Son, asking this way is just to give the other party a face, it's not easy to say what wrong the other's son has done, right?
"It's hard for us to talk about it. I'm afraid it's the eighth princess who hasn't had time to tell you!" Li Xiang glanced at his husband, then turned to Queen Feng and continued, "The eighth princess has repeatedly proposed to have a relationship with Jin'er. The matter of retiring the engagement is over, old minister... this old minister doesn't want Jin'er to be in trouble with the Eighth Emperor, since that's the case, let her wish come true!"

This time, Li Xiang was really cautious. The two of them rushed to find Queen Feng preemptively. Passive, the most important thing is that if the eighth princess divorces first, it will be difficult for Jin'er to find someone else.

"What? Nonsense! How could this child have such thoughts?" Queen Feng never expected her well-behaved and sensible daughter to say such rebellious words, but he also knew that Li Xiang and his wife would never dare Anyone who joked with him about this kind of thing, what Li Xiang said must be the news from Mo Han.

"Since the eighth princess hasn't mentioned this matter to the queen, the old minister can't say much, but I heard that it was because of a servant..." What Li Xiang said was true, and the news that Mo Han asked Li Zichen to bring it back was true. It was she who wanted to withdraw from Li Zijin because she was infatuated with the little servant around her.

"A little waiter?" Queen Feng frowned and thought about the people who appeared beside Mo Han, and suddenly the child who was holding a food box and sitting on a stone in the snow appeared in front of her eyes.

"Exactly!" Li Zhengjun, who had never spoken, put down the handkerchief in his hand and nodded.

"Han'er is indeed served by a little servant, but I have seen that child before, he is prudent and careful, and he will definitely not confuse the master to do such a treacherous thing." Queen Feng said no matter what. I can't imagine that such a good child can do things that flatter the master!
"The minister is not very clear about the specific situation..." Li Zhengjun felt very sad when he thought of Li Zijin who was looking for death at home.

"Lord Li and Li Zhengjun, don't worry too much. Han'er is still young, and there may be some things that I haven't explained clearly. When I find Han'er to ask you clearly, I will let her explain to you, the Li family and Jin'er." !" Seeing that Li Zhengjun's complexion was not good, Empress Feng thought that this matter really worried him, after all, it was related to his son's future!

"Thank you, Queen, for your kindness. It's just that the old minister and my husband have already discussed it. The eighth princess is not a child anymore. Regarding the matter of feelings, we must have some calculations in our hearts. If we, as elders, force her to marry someone who is not suitable for us My dear husband, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing for her and Jin'er in the future. It's better to cut off their relationship directly!" Li Xiang said with a sigh and sullenly.

If it wasn't for the fact that Li Zijin's temperament was not suitable for marrying into the royal family, she wouldn't have the heart to refuse this impossible marriage!

It's just that for the future of the Li family and their son, the husband and wife have to go all out to be this villain, which is much better than something happening in the future.

"The two of you also know that this marriage was decided by the Holy Father more than ten years ago, and you can't give up easily just because of a few words from the child. Although this palace loves Han'er a little bit, it is not right or wrong. The one who will share." Seeing that the two seem to have made up their minds, Queen Feng couldn't persuade them any further.

Li Xiang and Li Zhengjun are not impulsive people, if they are not prepared, they would not dare to come to see Queen Feng.

 small theater:

  Mo Han: I recently learned a new skill

  Zijin: (curious) What new skills?
  Mo Han: Fortune telling.

  Zijin: Huh?

  Mo Han: Let me do the math, you are missing me in your life!
  Zijin: (happy)...

(End of this chapter)

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