The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 145 Disappointment

Chapter 145 Disappointment
"Emotional matters really need two people to be happy. If Han'er and Jin'er don't want to be with each other, I am willing to ask the Holy One for a favor for them. It is okay to dissolve the engagement, but if The children have no such intentions, as elders, it is not easy for us to make decisions for the children, isn't it?" Queen Feng was reasonable, and such a watertight answer left Li Xiang and his wife speechless.

"Then let the queen ask the eighth prince herself about this matter! It's just that the child has been sad for many days because of the eighth prince's words. As parents, we really can't bear to see him like this again. For the sake of the loyalty of my Li family, I thank you for allowing my son a future!" Li Zhengjun began to cry again as he spoke, and Li Xiang was very distressed!

"Li Zhengjun, don't cry any more. Since this is the case, I will first ask the situation clearly before talking about it. Just rest assured that our royal family will not wrong you, Jin'er." Queen Feng hurriedly comforted her.

"Mr. Li, you can't go in, hey! Mr. Li..." Jiahe's voice came from outside the hall, and the three people who were already in a stalemate immediately turned back to look at the door, only to see that the hall door was pushed open from the outside. It was Li Zijin who ran in crying.

"Jin'er? Why are you here?" Li Zhengjun looked at his son and asked, but he thought inwardly that it was terrible, he was clearly told to stay in the yard, why did he run out by himself?

"Nonsense, are you able to break into this Fengyi Palace? Why don't you hurry up and apologize to the Queen?" Li Xiang frowned at Li Zijin when he saw the Phoenix Queen, and immediately yelled at Li Zijin. decent.

"Jin'er has seen the queen who is a thousand years old. Jin'er rushed in so recklessly, and asked the queen to forgive me. However, Jin'er was really anxious, so she came here impulsively. I beg the queen to investigate clearly. Jin'er is unwilling to cancel the relationship with you. Eighth Sister's marriage contract, Jin'er only wants to marry Eighth Sister in this life!" Li Zijin knelt down at the feet of Queen Feng, his voice was full of infinite pleas, tactful and sad, and it was unbearable to refuse.

"What does this mean... I wonder what your family is going to do?" Feng Hou looked at Li Xiang and his wife solemnly. Didn't they just say that they would cancel the engagement?Why did their son come to beg to still marry Han'er?I'm afraid this family didn't discuss it!

"Forgive me, empress. Jin'er is young and ignorant, and doesn't understand the benefits of marriage. If he doesn't like the eighth princess in the future, he will be the one who suffers! Besides, queen, you probably don't want the eighth imperial daughter to be unhappy, do you?" ?” Li Zhengjun saw that Feng was not in danger, and immediately went forward to explain.

The appearance of Li Zijin undoubtedly caused Li Xiang and his wife to slap themselves in the face. They were reasonable, but now they may have become an unreasonable party. This Jin'er is indeed disappointing.

Li Zhengjun looked at his son sadly, it was the son he brought up with his own hands!Now, for himself, he smashed the face of their husband and wife, not to mention the face of the entire Li family.

"In my opinion, this matter should be decided after I ask Han'er! You should go back today..." Empress Feng looked at the family of three with mixed feelings in her heart.Parents are all good for their children, just afraid that the children will not appreciate it!Jin'er usually seems to be a well-educated and reasonable child, but she never thought that she would be so unreasonable.

 Thank you book friend Beikui Nuanyang for reading coins!

  Thank you book friends for your votes and red beans!
  Happy Qixi Festival (ω`)

(End of this chapter)

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