The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 146 The Empress Phoenix Pleases

Chapter 146 The Empress Phoenix Pleases
Fenghou originally had a good impression of Li Zijin, but now that the Li family made such a fuss, he felt a little more resistant to Li Zijin in his heart. It's no wonder that Han'er looks down on such a child who doesn't know how to measure. She doesn't look like a lady in the slightest, so impatient, how can she be a good Eighth Prince in the future?How to take good care of his precious daughter?
It never occurred to Li Zijin that he desperately went to the palace to stop Li Xiang and his wife with the help of the Hu family. Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but it backfired and offended Empress Feng.

After the three members of the Li family went back, Empress Feng called Jiahe in and asked him to wait at the gate of Taiyuan Academy, and pick her up after Mo Han finished school.

"Baby, pay respects to the queen!" Mo Han bowed his hands to Queen Feng who was leaning on the cushion as soon as he came.

Before the first lunar month, it was still extremely cold outside, but there were many heaters lit in Fengyi Palace, and the whole room was as warm as spring. As soon as Mo Han stood up, he took off his cloak, and Jiahe immediately took it and hung it aside. On the screen, and then quietly exited the hall.

"Come on, come and sit here with Empress Father." Seeing her little daughter approaching, Empress Feng calmed down all the grievances just now, and immediately waved to Mo Han.

Mo Han smiled and sat opposite Queen Feng, stretched out his hand to pour a cup of hot tea, took a sip, and the coldness on his body faded away.

"Father's tea here is delicious, sweet and sweet, and smells like flowers..." Mo Han's good words came out as if he didn't want money.

Queen Feng was so happy that she couldn't close the corners of her mouth, she smiled and glanced at her and said: "If you like it, let Jiahe pretend to be more for you when you leave later. When will the things here, Queen Father, be shorter than yours?" of?"

Fenghou's words are true, but if he gets any good things that he is not willing to use, he must first give them to the Eighth Prince's Mansion. After the emperor knew about it, he allocated two copies to Fengyi Palace every time, the Holy Majesty Feeling sorry for her husband and loving her young daughter, this made Empress Feng very happy.

"The child will thank the queen first." Mo Han said and reached out to grab the pastry in front of Queen Feng.

Before Mo Han's hand touched the plate, he was slapped back lightly by Queen Feng.

"Ouch!" Mo Han shouted exaggeratedly shaking his hands.

"Eat without washing your hands, how old are you!" Feng Hou complained and motioned to the waiter behind him to pass the wet cloth towel, and personally grabbed Mo Han's hands and wiped them carefully.

Mo Han looked at Queen Feng's gentle look with a smile. In her heart, having such a father in this life is the happiest thing.Empress Feng dotes on Mo Han, it is sincere, for Mo Han, he is willing to do anything.

"Okay, let's eat!" Queen Feng took back her handkerchief, and pushed all the pastry plates in front of Mo Han. Seeing her eating with gusto, she was very happy.

Empress Feng had something in her heart to ask Mo Han, but she would not bother her to eat. In Empress Feng's heart, Mo Han's affairs would always come first!

Mo Han knew that Empress Feng had asked Jiahe to bring him here at the gate of the Taiyuan Academy. He must have something important to say. After eating two pieces of pastries, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands and mouth, ready to hear what Empress Feng wanted to say. Say something to yourself.

Empress Feng looked at Mo Han's clear eyes, and then thought of the fact that the Holy One had a heart to save, but in order to save the life of his eldest daughter, he had taught her not to covet the throne since she was a child, and she felt owed, and suddenly she didn't know how to speak...

 If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening!
(End of this chapter)

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