The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 147 Is it because of that waiter

Chapter 147 Is it because of that waiter

My daughter has grown up, and I have a boy I like. I shouldn't say anything, but if it affects the relationship between the royal family and the Li family, then I still have to ask more.

"Father, if you have anything to say, just say it!" Mo Han couldn't help but said with a smile, seeing that Queen Feng was hesitant to speak.

"This morning—someone from the Li family is here..." Queen Feng stared at Mo Han's eyes for a while and looked at her son. After all, she decided to put her daughter's happiness first. With this old face, I have to ask the Holy Lord for an order.

"Oh? Hehe... Does it mean that the baby is going to resign?" Mo Han asked with a nonchalant expression.

She had been thinking about this matter all the time, but she hadn't found a suitable opportunity to talk to her mother and queen, but she never thought that Li Xiang, an old fox, would preemptively come and disturb her father and queen's cleanliness.

"You child, how can you still laugh when such a big event happened?" Queen Feng became anxious when she saw Mo Han's indifferent face. Marriage is an extremely important event in a person's life. This child He still looked as if nothing had happened.

"Father, Hai'er was going to talk to you and the Queen Mother about this!" Mo Han leaned on the cushion behind him, squinted his eyes and said, "Hail and Ajin are not suitable, and Ajin's child is not suitable since he was a child." Right next to Hai'er, Hai'er really has no affection for him, and has always regarded him as a younger brother."

"Brother? You are not yet one year old and your mother gave you this marriage. Over the years, my father has always wanted to make you two closer. You actually said that you only regard him as your younger brother?" Queen Feng couldn't believe it. Looking at Mo Han anxiously, why does this kid cause him more headaches as he grows older, he dares to make up his own mind on such a big matter!
Over the years, Empress Feng has indeed spent some thought on Mo Han and Li Zijin. In addition to sending gifts to Li Zijin in the name of Mo Han every year and festivals, he even carefully selected gifts for Li Zijin's birthday every year. Let Mo Han send it in person.

"Father, marriage is a matter of fate. The child has no fate with Ah Jin." Mo Han's words are pun intended, and everyone will understand when Zijin's identity is exposed in the future.Mo Han has always insisted on retiring, but in fact, a large part of it is for Li Zijin's good. When the truth comes out in the future, Li Zijin will not be caught in the middle.

"Why don't you have a fate with that child from the Li family? When he was still in Li Zhengjun's womb, you kept staring at him. Otherwise, why would your mother give you this gift for no reason? What about the marriage?" Speaking of this, Empress Feng's face softened a lot, thinking that when Mo Han was still a small lump, he would stare at Li Zhengjun's big belly, and couldn't help but feel palpitations.

"Uh..." Mo Han suddenly didn't know how to continue. She just looked at the man because she was curious about how she got pregnant, not what they misunderstood.What's more, even if it is true that there is a relationship with the child in Li Zhengjun's belly, that child is also Zijin, not Li Zijin in the prime minister's mansion today!

"Tell the queen honestly, is it because you have a sweetheart that you betrayed Mr. Li?" Fenghou asked seriously in an instant. Although he loves his daughter, he also understands right and wrong. If Han'er likes it, take it as a side It doesn't matter if you are a husband, but you can't let Mr. Li down.

"Sweetheart? Queen father! The child is only under 14 years old, where will there be a sweetheart?" Mo Han said with a curled lip, and while refilling himself a cup of tea, he reached out to pour the cold water in the teacup in front of Queen Feng He poured it into the bowl on the side and refilled it with hot tea.

"You are already an adult at the age of 14! Your imperial mother married me when she was 14 years old, and your imperial sister married Xue Er when she was 14 years old. Do you still think of yourself as a child?" Empress Feng became anxious when she heard this. He was afraid that Mo Han would be like that kind of dude who just wanted to have fun and was unwilling to take responsibility.

The Xue'er that Empress Feng spoke of was the current Crown Prince, the nephew of his father's family—Lin Xue, the first son of the Lin family, and Lin Shuang's brother.Back then when the princess Mo Fan was as old as Mo Han, she and Lin Xue had already set a date for their marriage, and they got married a year later.

"Isn't the child pampered by the mother, the queen, the queen, and the emperor's sister? I don't want to get married so early. There are so many beautiful flowers in the world. I haven't seen the child in person, so how can I be locked up so early?" What about in that small courtyard?" Mo Han didn't want to get married so early because she understood that as she grew older, her understanding of love and marriage would become deeper and deeper, and she didn't want to wrong herself, nor did she want to marry her. Delay others.

"The rivers, lakes and seas are vast, no matter how beautiful the mountains, rivers and trees are. After all, you still have to have a home of your own. Even the queen mother and father cannot be with you for the rest of your life. Your royal sister has a heavy burden on her shoulders, and you need to be with her." Helping you." Empress Feng stretched her hand across the low table, patted the back of Mo Han's hand lightly and said, "At the beginning, your mother gave you this marriage for the purpose of balancing the court. Withdrawing from this marriage, how can the Li family do their best for Qiguo in the future?"

Empress Feng sighed helplessly, how many things are unavoidable in the royal marriage, how can it be justified in a few words?How could he fail to see that the purpose of Li Xiang bringing Li Zhengjun to find him was nothing more than to force him to let the royal family give the Li family an attitude, fearing that Han'er would betray their son in the future.This marriage will either fail, and everyone will break up, and Mo Han is responsible, because a small waiter broke the heart of his son.Either that, Mo Han will no longer be able to mention the matter of retiring with Li Zijin in the future, and he can only treat him well.

The Li family has a good plan, and Queen Feng can't ignore it, so she can only come to test Mo Han's attitude. Looking at it now, it seems that Mo Han really doesn't like the young master of the Li family, and Queen Feng is also in a dilemma. .

"Father, when the time comes, my son will bring you a wonderful son-in-law back." Mo Han held Queen Feng's soft nipples with his backhand and smiled.

"You child!" Empress Feng gave Mo Han a helpless look, paused for a moment, and then asked, "Han'er, tell Empress Father, you, you, have you taken a liking to the mansion serving you?" The little waiter?"

After enduring it for a long time, Queen Feng still asked hesitantly. Although he believed in Mo Han's self-control, he couldn't believe the vicious tricks of those men outside. He decided to ask clearly, so as not to be led astray by others. own baby girl.

"Little servant? What little servant?" Mo Han looked at Queen Feng suspiciously, and frowned when he saw Queen Feng staring at him without blinking.

 Mo Han: The Qixi Festival is over.

  Zijin: Everyone should visit us when you have time, right?

  Mo Han: Then let's get a vote?
  Zijin: (shy) Come here...

  Mo Han: Dear judges, if you have tickets, let’s hold a ticket hall, if you have beans, let’s hold a bean field, and if there are people, let’s hold a personal field!Mo Han thanked you for this! (clasping fists)...

(End of this chapter)

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