The most important woman is Mohan

Chapter 148 I want to meet him alone

Chapter 148 I want to meet him alone
"That's—that's the child named Zijin who has been serving you all this time!" Seeing that Mo Han really didn't know who she was talking about, Queen Feng said anxiously.

"You're talking about Zijin! Hehe...he's just a child, where are you going?" Mo Han sneered, shaking his head.

"However, Li Xiang personally said that you didn't want her family's Jin'er because you fell in love with a servant!" Queen Feng pouted a little dissatisfied, and now his daughter is separated from him. Even my sweetheart is unwilling to tell him!
"Father's queen..." Mo Han walked up to Fenghou's side helplessly, gently took his arm and said, "Zijin has a pitiful background, and my son just didn't want him to suffer any more, so he took more care of him. As you think."

"But..." Queen Feng was about to say something, but was stopped by Mo Han.

"Father, Han'er is your daughter. Don't you believe in her? No matter what she does, she will have her own reasons! You will know why she can't marry Xiaojin after a while. Ah! Just enjoy it and don't worry about hurting your body." Mo Han stood up and said with a smile.

Empress Feng looked into her daughter's eyes, still full of innocence. Could it be that this matter is also related to the court?The harem cannot interfere in politics, if so, he really shouldn't meddle too much.Besides, he believed in his daughter. This child knew how to do things properly since she was a child. Presumably, there must be her reasons for what she didn't want to say.

"That's all, you go back!" Queen Feng covered her head and waved at Mo Han. Mo Han knew that her father was blaming her for not telling him the truth!However, things will soon come to light, and she doesn't want to talk too much.

"The child is going back!" Mo Han saluted Queen Feng, then flung the hem of his clothes and opened the door to leave.

"Going away?" Queen Feng raised her eyebrows and asked Jiahe who came in.

"Well, the Eighth Highness said that you are tired, so I want you to rest well, and she will come to greet you tomorrow." Jiahe smiled and took Mo Han's teacup, and then removed the small table so that Queen Feng could lie down comfortably .

"Oh! I forgot to pack the tea leaves for Han'er..." Empress Feng thought of this when she saw Jiahe collecting the tea sets.

"That slave will send someone to His Highness the Eighth Prince to deliver to the mansion!" Jiahe laughed.

"You'd better go there yourself!" Fenghou suddenly sat up, looked at Jiahe and said.

Jiahe looked at Empress Feng in puzzlement, and Empress Feng said softly, "I want to see that child alone!"

"The slave will come for you..." Hearing what Queen Feng said, Jiahe understood what Queen Feng meant. The wife and husband of the Li family came to talk to Queen Feng about the marriage between the eighth princess and Young Master Li. He had already heard what Queen Feng meant. I said it.Empress Feng wanted him to bring the servant who was capable of getting the Eighth Emperor's daughter to retire!
"Then go there tomorrow, and bring Han'er here while Han'er is at the Imperial College. Don't let Han'er know about this." Empress Feng was afraid that Mo Han would have a grudge with him, and she didn't want to let Han'er know about it. She knew about it, and besides, he wouldn't really make things difficult for the child, he just wanted to ask about the specific situation, to see if the child had changed his temperament after not seeing him for such a long time!
It is said that the hearts of parents in the world are pitiful. In this world, no matter what a father does, it is for the good of his own children!

Jiahe nodded, but the movements of his hands stopped because of Queen Feng's words—won't His Highness the Eighth Know?

(End of this chapter)

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